
Picasa for mac help forum

In picassa one can change the original photo to lots of effectswhich i cud not with the iPhoto. Mayb i am missing something here!!! Only for a PC as mrmacfixit suggested to you. You may be better off posting to the Graphic Forum. PC and Mac on this forum. Also, a lot of help there for you in photo help. Is Picassa a free program? Check it out on the Graphic Forum.

I contacted Google and they said Picasa could not be used with iMac--possibly in the future-a typical reply when you ask about something that doesn't work on Mac. He remarked how similar they were. I,of course, have only used iPhoto. I find it satisfactory for snapshots. I am annoyed that I can only send pictures to Kodak, with a click or two. If I want to get prints from say Shutterfly, I have to go through series of steps to upload them. I'm told that Picasa allows you to chose your own vendor for prints. Yes Picasa is free. I am resisting paying to upgrade the my current version of iPhoto.

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Picasa and Mac. Thanks for the info about Picassa. Not Mac compatible! I have never used iPhoto.

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What do you like about it and is it worth an update cost? I use Photoshop and really are not interested setting up a slide screen show. It is nice to have though if you are interested in that. I also have a Canon software program that will do some of the things that iPhoto will do. I prefer to click and show. If there's anything available, please let me know! I'd like to know if there is a way to install picasa on a Mac, too.

Might try Photoscape X which is pretty quick. Probably too much like Lightroom and the rest to interest.

I use Lightroom but am always looking for alternatives. Affinity seems awful to me. Luminar is not much. Mylio has very little in the editing dimension and it's computer based, not cloud as I understand it. It's OK. Photoshop Elements people like but way too clumsy in the interface dept for my money. I'd like Photos for OS X if the file handling was better and the editing was jumped up.

It's fast. For a while I thought with extensions it would be a winner. Turned out so far the extensions are too much trouble. Besides I wanted to use LR as an extension for editing--no workee. I'd give anything if they'd overhaul Picasa and add some better editing and release again. And if you're running the beta of High Sierra I suggest that any problems you have with any to the photo apps may well stem from the beta.

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  • Alternatives to Picasa (Mac).

I tried it and tons of things didn't work right. I fell back to Sierra not High and all things are back to normal function. Thumbs up from me. I do almost all jpegs now, even though I think the software also does raw, so I was looking for a very simple, easy to use program that can spiff up the already good jpegs my fuji camera produces.

Tried around half a dozen products, this was by far the best for my needs. Most importantly, I found it simple and intuitive to use with not too heavy a footprint.


I've spent a lot of the last week trying various suggestions, and in the end I've surprise, surprise relented and gone for Lightroom. I stand by my comments that you shouldn't have to watch video tutorials to even get started in any meaningful way, but after an hour on YouTube I've learnt a lot. I think that with Picasa throwing in the towel, there's a middle ground that's now missing.

Ultimately, every piece of software had its pros and cons, but the way that Lightroom lets me do what I want with my files as opposed to say "Photos" is really key, even if it does mean spending longer editing. The EF-M 32mm F1. Find out what's new, what it's like to use and how it compares to its peers in our review in progress. The S1 and S1R are Panasonic's first full-frame mirrorless cameras so there's a plenty to talk about.

We've taken a look at the design and features of both cameras and have some initial impressions, as well. Here's the one we recommend Aimed at sports shooters it promises improved AF, including advanced subject recognition, along with the highest-ever rated image stabilization system.

If you're looking for a high-quality camera, you don't need to spend a ton of cash, nor do you need to buy the latest and greatest new product on the market. In our latest buying guide we've selected some cameras that while they're a bit older, still offer a lot of bang for the buck. These entry level cameras should be easy to use, offer good image quality and easily connect with a smartphone for sharing. Whether you've grown tired of what came with your DSLR, or want to start photographing different subjects, a new lens is probably in order. We've selected our favorite lenses for Sony mirrorlses cameras in several categories to make your decisions easier.

Submit a News Tip! Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses All forums Retouching Change forum. Started Jul 29, Questions. Forum Threaded view. Jul 29, Hi All, I've been an avid user of Picasa Mac edition for many years.

Mac OS forum

I've looked at some alternatives, but have so far drawn a blank. My overly critical view of some of the competition are: Apple Photos: Strong dislike, main reason is because it stores all the data in one large repository. This is an issue as for me, JPGs are usually my final output, which can be easily shared, emailed, put on other devices etc Plus it's a single point of failure, and I've spent many hours fixing a relative's broken store Lightroom: I just don't have the time nor the inclination to do so. Plus others in my house who are less experienced in IT use it, and it just seems far to complex.

Picasa/Mac - Home Inspector Pro Users Forum

Plus there's no 'save' button - it's all about exporting, and it's a real pain ACDSee: Similar to Lightroom, the process of having to export, not save Lyn: Doesn't really do much I don't really need lots of artistic features, just file management and basic editing crop, straighten, light, sharpen etc Happy to spend some money, but don't want to break the bank. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. James Noe's gear list: James Noe's gear list.

Should have read your entire post before I jumped on the Save issue. Anthony Morganti has prepared several short tutorials that will help a lot. Just Google: Thanks for that tip. Just downloaded and had a quick play with it.

Thanks again. Glen Barrington's gear list: Glen Barrington's gear list. Thanks for the link though. Cariboou's gear list: Cariboou's gear list. James FastStone -- hide signature Old Greenlander's gear list: Old Greenlander's gear list. Thanks all the same. And check over in the Mac forum; if you search you'll see we're arguing this endlessly. Pentax K-1 II.