
Disable spotlight mac os x 10.5

Jun 7, 3: More Less.

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Ask a question. User profile for user: Photon3 Photon3.

It was suggested to me that it is best to turn off spotlight indexing for the duration of an initial clone backup of your system drive. How can this be done?

Disable Mac OS X Dashboard

Question marked as Solved User profile for user: Your assumption is correct. I would agree with you that that wording is not as well chosen as it might have been!

How To Turn OFF And ON Spotlight In Mac OS X El Capitan

Otherwise it will remain there. View answer in context.

Helpful answers Drop Down menu. There is no need whatsoever to turn Spotlight off even temporarily. Just prior to the cloning you should check that indexing of your boot volume is not occurring - simply because the competition for CPU will slow the cloning down. September 21, at 9: Diane Ross says: September 23, at 8: Corey says: July 4, at 8: Omri says: July 15, at 6: Richard McDonough says: September 24, at 9: Reddddddditor says: September 24, at Bry says: August 11, at BM says: February 8, at 1: February 8, at 2: September 26, at 9: October 5, at 9: October 24, at RigoR says: November 20, at 1: November 27, at November 29, at 9: January 29, at 4: October 28, at 2: December 9, at 6: SwankOne says: August 7, at 2: December 4, at 9: Dd says: December 7, at 4: Vincent says: May 12, at Paulo says: March 7, at 4: September 24, at 7: Thomas says: January 24, at March 4, at 2: Darren says: March 5, at 3: How to: March 28, at 9: April 28, at 6: May 16, at 3: June 2, at 8: August 28, at September 5, at 3: October 27, at 1: CyberMac says: