
Rss feed mac notification center

A little annoying opening a new tab when I ask to create an RSS feed, but that might not be this app. I love the concept of RSS Bot, to handle my most important handful of news feeds.

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But lately, the links fail on the most important one: Apple's own 'newsroom' RSS. The stories show up, but when clicked on, nothing opens. This happens when clicking on the menu bar app or the macOS notification both High Sierra and Mojave, latest version, no change. Worse, the notification then disappears, so you've now lost the story. Some other feeds work as you'd expect, so it's probably some minor technicality.

I'm a little surprised Fiplab doesn't test with Apple's own feed, though. Or maybe I'm not.

RSS Notifier

When the app started up just now, it asked if I wanted to leave feedback. I did want to. It sent me to a error page on Fiplab's website. I hope they aren't planning to abandon this useful little app. I so want it to work. If it doesn't get some love by the time NetNewsWire is revived by its original developer who just got it back , however, RSS Bot will be history here.

This little app has stood the test of time in my fickle world of little Mac utilities.

RSS erklärt

Safari will try to add any RSS feed you click to the reading list. Once these gestures and keyboard shortcuts are ingrained, they make skimming and reading articles lightning-fast.

News Notifications review: Add RSS feeds to OS X's Notification Center | Macworld

In fact, the gestures in particular remind me that Reeder started out on iOS. While that may sound like a problem from an old-school Mac fan, the reality is that the best apps on the Mac should be flexible and powerful while easy to use. While Reeder has been around since , it took the developer some time to re-group after Google shuttered Reader.

However, it lacks a lot of the polish found in our favorite app. Once my account was set up, it was noticeably slower to fetch my test library of 4, unread items and took considerably more CPU to do so. Read Later, RSS News new unread items , and RSS Starred are the three default folders, but creating new ones to act as filters on incoming content is pretty straight-forward for anyone who has set up rules in Mail or smart folders in Finder:. While Reeder can only send items to services like Pocket or Instapaper , ReadKit doubles as a client for these services as well, putting your Instapaper, Pocket, Readability or even Pinboard articles in the same application as incoming RSS content.

This makes ReadKit a bit of a trojan horse — the Greek kind, not the scary computer virus kind. It looks like an RSS client, but in reality, can serve as a local Instapaper or Pinboard client just as easily. In short, Safari can add RSS feeds or social media accounts to its own sidebar. New items come in automatically and can be searched. All of this syncs over iCloud to other Macs and iOS devices, which worked quickly and seamlessly in testing. It syncs with Feedbin or Feedly, or it can just run locally.


It synced quickly with both web services, but right off the bat started advertising to me:. For example, above is the RSS feed for my site. While on the design front, Leaf offers several font and color theme options. The flat design coupled with a little transparency here and there may be trendy, but the app feels a little cluttered. Leaf comes with a good selection of sharing options, support for push notifications, and runs smoothly on my MacBook Pro. However, its limited support for RSS services and odd design choices should be considered when choosing an app.

I have fond memories of running Vienna for several years on my old PowerBook G4.

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Vienna feels dated to most of the other apps tested, but everything renders well enough, and its built-in filtering is pretty handy:. Sadly, under testing on macOS Yosemite, Vienna was prone to freezing and even crashing. However, it was the fastest at syncing my test library of feeds.

That lack of file import sets the bar for RSS Reader: Really simple:. Kevin says: October 16, at 4: DG says: October 16, at Paul says: October 17, at 1: Nilesh parmar says: October 18, at 1: Ice says: Joost Schuttelaar says: October 17, at 2: Magge says: October 17, at 5: October 17, at 6: Luca says: October 17, at 7: Graham K.

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Rogers says: October 17, at 4: SN says: