
Clarity lyrics meaning mac miller

OD AM. I missed having seasons — that was my main thing. Living in LA I missed winter and fall. I love snow, I fuck with snow heavy. OD AM is available now on iTunes. All Rights Reserved.

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In Loving Memory of Mac Miller, Our Artist

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Source s: Add a comment. Clarity Lyrics Mac. It takes actual hard work to retrain your brain.

Mac miller songs like clarity?

But I think that the beauty is in being able to be in both places. The very beginning of my career was completely carefree. I felt invincible, I felt … just, zero sadness. You know? For a moment. But I think being in a place where you can spend time in both and gain perspective on that other side, makes you appreciate what each brings to the table. I want to be able to have good days and bad days.

And then having days where you wake up and you feel on top of the world. And you get to experience both. I just think that makes the most sense to me at this point in life. One of the things making this album, is that I moved into Conway [Studios] for a month and a half and slept at the studio. All I do is work out every day, go to sleep early, all these things. Just to throw that out there.

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A friend wants to know if the Swimming theme is a callback to the turtle from the Watching Movies video component. Oh my God. I wish.

But you know what? This is the shit: I try not to, like … Stuff like that always happens with my music. These themes will just connect because of, maybe, a state of mind I was in. This shit always happens to me. You just have to get out of your own way, and everything will just connect for itself. In my mind, the theme that connects Swimming is drift. Feeling out to sea — I wrote this down so I did not fuck it up — and trying to get back to a place of comfort. I thought of the sonic theme. And then I just tried to write shit that was as real to me as possible.

And I think in that, a theme creates itself. Have you seen the Garry Shandling documentary? Not yet.

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Get better and try to make this shit a reflection of who I am. But the one thing I know for sure that I can do that no one else can do is whatever this is. Whoever I am. My goal is is trying to find some type of comfort. I think the last wish I made was for peace of mind, probably. It frustrates me that people take something and put it into this small window narrative. But I also understand it. How can you expect people to not? I mean, I would love for people to just take the music as just the music. Try and get rid of the outside context.

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Which is impossible to do, but just try. The other thing that makes me curious is, is it less or more impactful to you? Do you not mind if it is a good story? You know people do that. Yeah, I guess. The world happens as it should I guess. I feel like the album is, in some respect, trying to work through anxiety, trying to calm your mind. Do you deal with anxiety at all? Yeah, I am an overthinker and definitely deal with anxiety. There are times when I am super free of it. It is not all the time, but I think … My mom would have a good answer to that.

I think she would say yes. What do you do to calm your brain when it is going too fast, when there are too many thoughts and all that.

Is that anxiety? Mind racing?

Mac Miller - Missed Calls (Prod. By Ritz Reynolds)

It can be. Then I for sure have anxiety problems. How do you quiet that? Playing music really helps. Sitting down and playing the piano is a really good way. I have a tendency to brood about stuff and cook in it. So the Colbert performance [I just did]. Like, replay what you could have done differently? What I could have done better. How I could have gotten more rest.