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Now when you relaunch Photoshop you will be prompted to login and you should see fresh 7 days of trial. Other trial resets are described in these articles: This one is for study purposes and demonstration how easy is to bay-pass trial period. Any modification of any software is not recommended and you do it on your own risk.
Create packages with serial number licenses
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You can navigate there with this command: In Windows, choose bit or bit processor support. You must make separate packages for bit and bit installations. A bit package will not run on a bit machine. Select Serial Number License. This option creates a package with a valid license. Use this workflow to deploy a product or group of products containing updates to client machines in a licensed state.
No further validation is required on the client machine. The settings for package configuration include options such as whether to ignore conflicting processes during installation. Creative Cloud Desktop Application. Adobe Creative Cloud for desktop is the central hub for Creative Cloud activity and allows the users to view applications and updates. Uncheck this option and do not install the Creative Cloud desktop application.
Adobe recommends that you keep this option disabled for serial number license packages. There is a known issue with specific types of account which can cause the license to get removed from the system when the user logs out of Creative Cloud Desktop. It is not a requirement, but there may be unexpected results if users log in and log out again. Show Applications and Updates via the Apps panel. This option is applicable only when Creative Cloud Desktop Application is enabled. When disabled, this option hides the apps panel in Creative Cloud desktop application for end-users.
Deploying packages
Selecting or deselecting this option overrides the updater behavior that you may have changed in the package configurations.. It is recommended that you verify the package configuration updates before proceeding. To install applications or updates from the Apps panel, users must have administrative privileges. You can also retrospectively enable the Apps panel. This option allows users to manage applications and updates even when they do not have Administrator privileges.
Once you have deployed a package with elevated privileges, to revoke the elevated privileges later, you need to create a Creative Cloud desktop app-only package with Elevated Privileges deselected and deploy it.
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In the Package Details screen, click Next. You are prompted to enter the enterprise license key. If you do not have your enterprise license key, you can find it at licensing. Enter the key and then click Next. The Applications and Updates screen appears. Using the drop-down list on the upper-right side, select a language.
When you package an update for the latest version of some of the applications, you can apply the package to a system that does not already have the base version of the application installed. You can identify such apps with the icon. The latest version of Photoshop update can be installed on a machine that may not have the Photoshop base version. So while creating a package, you can choose to package only the update version for the apps that can be deployed without their base versions.
Select the checkboxes appropriately. Core Components is always selected, and you cannot deselect it. This option deploys the common licensing infrastructure to client machines.

By default, only the latest versions of the software are displayed. Enable Show Archived Versions to display a list of archived applications. You can package archived versions of software as well. If the product or update that you selected has already been downloaded to your machine, a Down Arrow appears next to its name.
Ensure that the target devices meet the system requirements of the apps being packaged. Deploying apps on unsupported systems may give unexpected results. The following table details how each of these factors affect the language in which the package is installed.
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When the installer is run, it checks for the locale that is set at the system level and not at the user level. Click Build to start packaging the selected applications and updates. It then builds the package.
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The progress is displayed on the Download Progress and the Build Progress screens. This page displays a summary of the products or components included in the build. The name of the folder in which the package is created is displayed on the screen. Clicking the folder name opens the folder.