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Search As You Type Search as you type on mobile helps you find narratives instantly! Annotate Photos Draw circles, arrows, lines, etc and do text overlays directly on mobile. Working in tandem with the companion app has huge advantages. Review your work from they day on a large screen before sending the report out.
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Automatically saves all work as you go. Digital stationery allows you to brand your report to match your business. Videos are stored and played directly in the report. Pop-up glossary allows clients to get definitions of terms. Summary includes page number and item number of each issue.
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Create a separate Home Energy Score report. Create a real estate reference addendum. There was also a time when the board's etiquette was that the board was here for inspectors to help other inspectors. Now it seems that the board has become a place for vendors to hawk their wares and to disseminate misinformation.
I was developing project management, accounting, and engineering applications for a variety of platforms since long before we started doing applications for MS Office and, for that matter, since before we formed MSI in We did not develop our first MS Office based applications until well into the s. When we started doing Texas reports, the only other company that I am aware of with Texas report software was Whisper Solutions. We sold our first home inspection reports in Florida, California and Texas in February We had already been doing commercial software for many years. Five or six years ago, Nick Gromicko and I were speaking at an event where several other now defunct inspection software publishers had displays and were doing presentations.
Nick, Lorne Steiner, another software fellow whom I don't remember and I were standing around talking. Nick asked Lorne and the other fellow why they didn't have software for Texas. He pointed out to them that I had Texas software. The one fellow was not even aware that Texas had their own format.

Lorne said it was too much trouble to do Texas report software. Contrary to statements made on this board, MS Office is a platform that works with multiple programming languages. We develop applications for the MS Office platform because it is what our customers want.
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Also, It is the standard in the business world, economical, flexible, and powerful. However, we have also been developing inspection report software for other platforms since the beginning. We also develop applications in VB, Access which does not require office , Lotus and others. I am a construction guy, not a programmer but I enjoy writing programs as a hobby. Whenever possible we gave the customers what they wanted. George P. I was not misrepresenting anyone. I post on here to help inspectors with computer and website questions.
I do not "hawk my wares" as any member on here can tell you. I was not stating we were the only Mac program as I know other programs work with Office. I stated we were the only to run on all 3 which you have informed me is inaccurate. I've Google'd Linux and Mac software many times and the only other software that has ever come up was InspectMaster which stopped supporting Linux. Looking at older versions of your site this is the latest Archive.
I have no doubt your software runs on it, I'm just saying I was not aware of it. Also, looking at your software page today: I see you added it to your home page now, but it was not there previously. Feb Location: I am one of the many that "can tell you" it is as Dominic stated above!!!
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Jeffrey R. Jonas Owatonna, Minnesota www. Jonas Visit Jeffrey R. Jonas's Web site Find all posts by Jeffrey R.
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Jan Location: Itasca, IL Posts: Originally Posted by gwells There was a time when this message board was a place where inspectors could go for good reliable accurate information. That may be the case here, in general, but does not apply to Dominic. I would bet if you asked inspectors here, 99 of them would speak highly of Dominic, his service and his business practices. The 1 that wouldn't simply wasn't paying attention. From Dominic's reply, seems he researched first - your own sites didn't even promote your LInux software - before stating what he though to be accurate using the information on your own site.
IMO you owe Dominic a public aplology. Dec Location: Kapowsin, WA Posts: You must have been looking in a mirror when you wrote this. Dominic has been nothing but helpful to the membership of this organization. Whether it was in regards to website SEO, computer problems not related to inspection software or attempting to answer questions about a competitors program when their customer service disappeared, he has stepped up. For you to allude that he is here to "hawk his wares and disseminate misinformation" says volumes about your own company and character, not his.
Well I am not a vendor so let me say this. Quality product and customer service with no need to put up with a jerk.
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Stanczyk Visit Stephen W. Stanczyk's Web site Find all posts by Stephen W. Chicago Posts: I hope you keep that opinion on the good side by redefining what I just read ,as I will assume you are just having a bad day. You should know better than to attack one of the most respected members of this Association.
I see no place where he went after you or belittled your software system. Bob Elliott, Scottsdale, Arizona, Cuenca, Ecuador Posts: Originally Posted by dmaricic George, I've talked to you a few times and I have a lot of respect for you. Phoenix Commercial Building Inspectors, Inc. The time now is Password Mark Forums Read.
Please Note: I'm working on starting a home inspection business and am having trouble finding software compatible with my MAC. Michael Roberson. EZ answer, www. Jeff Knight. Carl, You can also use our software if you want. Wells, CMI. Originally Posted by dmaricic. B est I nspectors. Hi George. George, I've talked to you a few times and I have a lot of respect for you. Rick Maday.