
Mac excel change cursor color

Change the color of the box he needs, or recommend having him replaced, time is money, him wasting his and yours, is wasting company funds. Thanks so much to everyone who responded and I really like the way RAM thinks.

I'm going to point out the row and column highlight to him as noted by shatteredhourglass. One thing you may be absolutely sure of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist! Ctrl-F isn't necessarily the answer either. I have a workbook for a user where, if he clicks on a cell in sheet1, it takes him to a cell in sheet2 that gives him more detail. Sheet1 is a summary sheet, sheet2 is a table with alternating row colors. Having a cellpointer with a distinctly different color would help draw the user's eye to the cell he's looking for.

How do I change the mouse cursor color? - Apple Community

Many responses above assume that the user is looking for a cellpointer in the middle of a sheet that has no data. It happens on Excel sheets with lots of data. The newest versions of Excel has a white outline of the cell selected and it is so easy to miss. It would be great to be able to change the outline color to something that is much more visible. If you look closely, one of the cells is highlighted in white but you can barely see it.

When I click in a cell, then click the tab key, it will move from left to right. This way I can actually see the cell.

Although you cannot change the color or highlight of the cell locator, if you change the Gridlines to another color, I use White, the cell position is easier on the eyes. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.

Excel 2016 Mac Cursor not changing

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How to change cursor color

Eric Dec 10, Was this helpful? See all 4 answers. Popular Topics in Microsoft Office. There is one massive drawback, and that is that this technique will use something called "Event Procedures", which means that the macro will fire every time you move the cursor - and every time a macro fires it will clear your undo stack.

So, yes, it is do-able, but you'll lose your undo facility. Chip Pearson discusses this subject here: Please familiarise yourself with the rules before posting. You can find them here. Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del.

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All times are GMT You must close and then reopen Excel to see the new highlight color. On the Highlight color pop-up menu, click the color that you want. See also Add, change, or remove cell borders.

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Click General. In the Highlight color box, click the color that you want. Under Personal , click Appearance. Expand your Office skills.