
Share files mac to pc over network

If they are, then follow the steps in the article and you're golden. I apologize for my ignorance. No, a direct connection will not work in this instance. You either need to connect to a router or make your Windows PC connect to your Mac wirelessly through an adhoc connection. Read more here: Thanks for all the help here. I am a new Mac Pro convert from Windows 7. Can I perform this process with the above procedure and or do you have another outline?

Migrate your files from a Mac to a PC

Thanks in advance. What are "Wave files"? If you managed to set up the network as shown above, your computers will be linked and will appear in the network. If you have file sharing enabled in Windows, you will be able to transfer files over. I got a problem for once, i can access my laptop, it's got windows 7, but i can access my mac from my laptop. Any help? Hey, my System Preferences window doesn't have nearly as many options as yours, and so there is no "sharing". The closest I've got is "Network". Very helpful post.

Worked perfectly for me. I followed your instructions with my Mac with OS Not much of a computer geek here - this sharing of files doesn't go beyond the computers on my home wireless network, right? My wireless network is secure. How can I share the mac files if the windows OS is installed in the sample laptop. The scenario is I have a mac pro book and I have installed both the mac and windows OS in that. I guess you forgot to mention one important step that is "Select the user account checkbox to On state" after selecting Share files and folders with SMB before clicking Done.

I'm not able to login until this checkbox is selected. Also is it possible to use Sharing Only account to access a folder from windows? Since the user accounts shown below share files and folders with SMB contains only NON sharing accounts, it may not be possible. But is there any other solution please? Hi all, I'm sorry that I haven't responded to the comments quicker. To those who are having problems, I suggest that you re-check to see if you are within the same network as your Windows counterparts and also, fix the access privileges.

But, i can't make the mac visible to the windows machines. Excellent and easy way to share files, went through a few other tutorials before reaching this one and by far the best. Thanks Jackson!!! When i get back out of town to my ancient quicksilver g4 with tiger on it i will let you know if it works. I don't have Tiger to mess around with. You could easily turn on Windows Sharing in Tiger but you'll need to enable Windows Access on an account on your Mac running Tiger, meaning that you'll need to log in from the Windows box.

Hope that wasn't too confusing. Top Deals. Email Facebook Whatsapp Pinterest Twitter. Enjoyed this article? Stay informed by joining our newsletter! Enter your Email. Read our privacy policy. At last an easy option! PeeCees really don't want to share, and Win help is not. This worked great for me. Really appreciate it; I was pulling my hair out over this. Followed the directions, and it worked!

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Can you please clarify your question again? This tutorial was written for Leopard.

What OS X are you running? Thanks again.

How to Share Files Between Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs on a Network

And no, definitely not. Shared files are only accessible within your network.

Very helpful. I'm up and running. The scenario is I have a mac pro book and I have installed both the mac and windows OS in that Please help! This post is really helpful.

Share a Folder on Windows

Thanks, Jackson. Make your selection using the pulldown menu and click on OK. To find out the short version of a user name on the Mac, open up the System Preferences window from the Apple menu and select Accounts, then make sure the Password tab is selected. The short version of the user name will be listed on that tab. To enable Windows sharing, choose System Preferences from the Apple menu, then Sharing and make sure a check mark appears next to Windows Sharing.

If Windows Sharing is not already started, click on the Start button to enable it.


You will then see the address you need to connect to the Mac from a Windows computer at the bottom of the Sharing window. To connect to the Mac, you can open up an Explorer window on the Windows computer and type in the address for the Mac share the address is in the format: You will be asked to enter a password for the account you are using to connect to the Mac before you can connect.

The home folder for the user name you used will then be displayed in the Explorer window. Tech-Ease is your source for just-in-time answers for classroom technology questions. Funding for Tech-Ease content development has been provided by by various grants from the University of South Florida and the Florida Department of Education. Tech Ease for all your classroom technology needs. How do I share files between Macs and PCs over a network?