
Download python for mac 10.8

Have you tried the instructions at lxml. Possible duplicate of Cannot install Lxml on Mac os x Just FYI, you can download the command line tools separately from connect. Also, the first thing I install is homebrew which makes this stuff easier.

Install Python on Mac OSX

Sorry, just saw your post after already finding it and editing my post, cheers for the info though. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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Uninstall Python on Mac

Linked Related The mkdir part means 'make directory'. A directory is analogous to what Finder calls folders. If you make a directory through your command line, it will show up as a folder in Finder.

Install Python on Mac OSX

The Code part is an argument for this command. Unlike cd , mkdir will give us an error if we don't also provide a name.

Science, code and stuff…

As shown below, the error message second line tells us that we used mkdir wrong and gives us some guidance on how to use it. Anything in brackets is optional, but the directory name is not! Homebrew is a package manager for OS X. A package is a collection of code files that work together. Installing them usually means running a script a bit of code that puts certain files in the various directories. A lot of the packages you will want are going to have dependencies. That means they require you to have other packages already installed on your computer.

Homebrew will find and install dependencies for you AND it will keep them organized in one location AND it can tell you when updates are available for them. On top of all of that it gives super helpful instructions when everything doesn't go smoothly. You can read more about it at Homebrew's website. For now, install Homebrew using the following line of code:.

So what's going on here? The last bit is obviously a URL. If you were to open this URL in your browser, you would just see code. This is a Ruby script that tells your computer what to do to install Homebrew. The curl part is a command line tool that transfers files using URLs. The -fsSL part is a combination of four option flags for curl that specify how to handle the file at the url. If you want to know more about what these flags do, type man curl at your command prompt.

You can use man in front of most commands to open up a manual page for that command. We also need to actually execute this Ruby script, so we used the command ruby at the beginning. You may need to follow a few more instructions to finish the install, but Homebrew will help you do so. Python comes with OS X, so you can probably don't need to do this step. You can check this by typing python --version into Terminal.

If you get an error message, you need to install Python. If Terminal prints something like Python 2. If for some reason you don't have Python or if you want to get the current version, you can now do this easily with Homebrew! Anytime you use Homebrew, you will start your command with brew followed by the Homebrew command you want to use. To install the latest version of python 2, simply type:.

If you'd rather install the latest version of python 3, replace python with python3. There are a few package managers that are specific to Python, and pip is the preferred one. The name pip stands for "pip installs packages". Luckily, both distribute and pip can be easily installed with python scripts that are available on the web. We can use curl , just like we did to get Homebrew.

This time we are getting and executing each script in two commands, where we did it all in one command before. It's possible that you will run into a permission issue here. Every file on your computer stores information about who can access and modify it. The get-pip. You can get around that though. If you get an error for one of these Python commands about permissions, type sudo before the rest of the command. Sudo stands for "superuser do". The superuser does have permission to modify system files and when you say sudo, you are acting as the superuser.

You will need the admin password to do this.

For more information about using pip, you can go here.