
Word mac 2011 update all fields

How do i solve this? Please help. I reviewed and research on this topic and watched some video tutorials too and found them very helpful.

Create or update a cross-reference - Word for Mac

Thanks guys for all your help. It actually is possible to do that from within Word.

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It requires the use of Macros and Fields, and its a little tough to summarize on here. So here are a few sites that you can check out. It will always depend on what you are trying to do, and Word may or may not be the software of choice. James Carroll.

FYI, It requires visual basic programming:. Work with ms word files by using of word recovery. Kelly D. Select a Language: Help Translate iFixit. Back Answers Index.

Word 2011 for Mac: Add Fields to a Document

Software Machine-readable instructions that direct computer processors to download and render images of cats from the internet. Larry Rep: Answer this question I have this problem too Subscribed to new answers. Is this a good question? Yes No. The Keystrokes only update the "Text Story" you happen to be in.

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  6. In other words, it won't do the headers and footers in each section, like you would hope it would. This will: Fields FieldID. All it does is loop through all the text stories in the document updating fields.

    Your Answer

    It wills top at the first field that won't update due to an error and select it, so you can see where the little urchin is! This was coded for Word originally.

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    In Word , a field can potentially return "-1" if the document is corrupt. There's nothing wrong with the field in that case, it's the document that's bad. You can deal with this one of two ways: This will enable you to ignore the error and get the document out the door. If the corruption gets bad enough, Word will crash so you will know to fix it when that happens 2 Change the macro to throw up an error message and stop, such as "The Document is Corrupt".

    Fields In MacWord

    Then you have to Maggie de-corrupt the document. Hope this helps. John McGhie, Jul 1, Hmm, I must remember to recommend that one, Bob, even though it's more difficult to do in the southern hemisphere It avoids having to tell people about Apple's charming hijacking of the F9 set of commands. Clive Huggan, Jul 1, CyberTaz, Jul 1, Clive Huggan, Jul 2, Show Ignored Content.