
Cant find project or library mac

Can't find project or library Yes, this works correctly for me. The image is from their excel.

Re: chr(65) => can't find project or library

Mine is identical. Can't find project or library Is there a difference is Excel versions between your and theirs? Can't find project or library We are both on Excel I have excel installed as well , they tried on both 32 and 64 bit and both had the same error. Can't find project or library Hey, where did your post go where you suggested trying to compile the project? Can't find project or library I am out of suggestions beyond what you have already looked at.

Everything I find says to look at the References to see if any are missing, which you have already done.

How to Repair Excel File Can't find project or library Error

If you comment out the error handler, does that tell you anything different? Sent the file again to the supplier and the earlier issue went away. Thank you Scott for that suggestion, even though I cant find your comment on that any more Then the supplier ended up at the issue "Method or data member not found". This pointed to an activex control on the form. I already have a worksheet which has instructions for enabling macros.


But enabling macros gives errors if activex settings are turned off. Does anyone know how to detect trust center activex settings?

I'm not sure if this needs to be posted as a separate question? Can't find project or library Good to hear. And, yes, you may need to start a new post. I don't have any suggestions for the ActiveX setting.

Your Answer

Help Contact Us Go to top. Below is an example dialog box with an incorrect pointer to Solver.

[RESOLVED] Can't find project or library-VBForums

Note the last checked entry indicates that Solver. Note that the lower box indicates that the system tried to find Solver. If a subsequent Excel file is opened that has a reference pointer to the correct location of Solver. Solver will run properly for the remainder of the Excel work session. However, to avoid future confusion is best to save workbooks with the correct location of Solver. See the section below Pointing to the Correct Solver. When a macro is executed that has an incorrect pointer to Solver.

Re: Can't find project or library

The macro is suspended, but not yet stopped. Stop the macro by either: The dialog box shown in Figure 2 will be displayed.

  1. How To Repair Excel Compile Error Can’t Find Project Or Library!
  2. More stuff?
  3. You receive a "Can't find project or library" error message when you run a VBA project!
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  5. Compile Error: Can't find project or library. Windows vs MAC issue?.
  6. Macro fails with "Cannot find project or library".
  7. chr(65) => can't find project or library.

Proceed with the steps for 'Pointing to the Correct Solver. Pointing to the Correct Solver. XLA and assure that it is checked.

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  • The following error may be observed when executing a VBA macro: For example, if the project references Microsoft Excel and it's not installed on the machine running the macro. If anything is marked as missing: No matter which line of code the error occurred on, the item s marked as "Missing: Side note: For example you could have two references that each have a function called "Foo", or to be awkward and clash with the built-in function "Trim".

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    • Get Tips, Tricks and Fixes of MS Excel Issues.
    • Compile Error: Can't find project or library. Windows vs MAC issue? [SOLVED].
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    • How do I resolve the error "Compile Error: Can't find project or library?".
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    • To do that: Open VB again leaving your current project open, as you will need to see it in the next steps. Create a new project of the same kind eg: