
Tort de lamaie cu mac

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and poppy seeds in a bowl. Combine the eggs with sugar in the bowl of your mixer and mix well until creamy and fluffy, at least 5 minutes. Stir in the vegetable oil, followed by the melted butter and sour cream. Add the vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest as well. Fold in the flour mixture then spoon the batter into your prepared pan.

Bake in the oven for minutes or until it passes the toothpick test. When done, remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 minutes then transfer on a wire rack. Lemon butter glaze: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Drizzle the glaze over the chilled cake and decorate with lemon peel. Serve the cake chilled. Wordpress Recipe Plugin by EasyRecipe 3. Combinatia asta de lamaie si mac mi se pare incantatoare tocmai prin contrastul pe care lamaia aromata dar acrisoara si macul crocant si usor amarui il creeaza.

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Prajitura cu mac si glazura de zahar - Farfuria vesela

E un tort usor dens, evident mai dens decat un pandispan, asta-i clar, caci si ingredientele sunt de asa natura si diferenta intre cele doua e uriasa, insa nu e uscat asa ca merge si cu si fara o cana de ceai ori lapte. In plus, rezista bine cateva zile la loc racoros, dar nu in frigider. You can never go wrong with the classic combination of lemon and poppyseeds.. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

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Learn how your comment data is processed. Thank you for stopping by! You will use a half as inserts into the mango mousse and the other half for the lemon mousse. Place aside to cool down completely. Mango Mousse The secret to the perfect mango mousse is finding a ripe mango that has plenty of flavor and color. Combine the gelatin and cold water in a small bowl and let it bloom for at least 10 minutes.

Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook the syrup until it begins to thicken, about 5 minutes. While the syrup cooks, whip the egg whites until stiff. Mix for around minutes until stiff and glossy. Fold in the whipped cream then pour the mousse into the cake ring, over the poppy seed sponge. Place the cake in the fridge to allow the mousse to set. When the mousse is set, using a teaspoon, remove bits of mousse, leaving some small indentations.

Fill those indentations with the lemon curd you made earlier. Place the cake back in the fridge until the next layer is done. Bring the heavy cream to the boiling point in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in the lime zest. Let the mixture infuse until it is completely chilled. Strain through a fine sieve then bring the cream back to the boiling point. Remove from heat and stir in the white chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth then stir in the butter.

When the ganache is at room temperature, pour it over the mango mousse and place back in the fridge to set. When the ganache is set, place the second poppy seed sponge over the ganache and put the cake back in the fridge. Lemon Mousse From all the layers, this has to be my favorite.

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Mix the gelatin and water in a small bowl and allow it to bloom at least 10 minutes. Combine the lemon juice and lemon zest in a small saucepan and bring to the boiling point. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool, then strain through a fine sieve. Warm up the lemon curd in the microwave for a few seconds and combine it with the lemon juice.

Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt Cake

Set aside. Mix the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for 5 minutes until it begins to thicken. Whip the egg whites until stiff then gradually add the hot sugar syrup, mixing well with an electric mixer until the egg whites are stiff and glossy. Stir in the melted gelatin then add the lemon curd. Allow the mixture to come to room temperature then fold in the whipped cream. Pour the mousse into the cake ring and refrigerate at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

White Chocolate Glaze g white chocolate, chopped ml heavy cream 3g gelatin plus 15ml cold water Directions: Combine the gelatin with water and let it bloom for at least 10 minutes. Pour the cream in a saucepan and bring it to the boiling point. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate.

Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes then mix until melted and smooth. Add the gelatin and mix well. Allow the glaze to come to room temperature then pour it over the cake. I recommend freezing the cake 2 hours before glazing if you want an even, thick layer of glaze. Straturile sunt: Amestecati macul, nuca de cocos, faina si praful de copt intr-un bol.

Mixati albusurile cu un praf de sare pana obtineti o bezea ferma. Adaugati treptat zaharul si mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa. Adaugati vanilia apoi incorporati treptat amestecul de faina. Turnati aluatul intr-o forma de tort rotunda 28cm diametru tapetata cu hartie de copt. Coaceti la C pana blatul e auriu si usor crescut. Scoateti tava din cuptor si lasati sa se raceasca apoi taiati blatul in jumatate, obtinand doua foi egale.

Montati una dintre foi intr-un inel de tort si dati deoparte. Curd de lamaie 5 galbenusuri g zahar g unt 15g coaja de lamaie 90ml suc de lamaie Mod de preparare: Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un bol rezistent la temperaturi inalte. Asezati bolul pe o baie de aburi si gatiti curdul pana incepe sa se ingroase, amestecand des. Dureaza in jur de 20 de minute. Alternativ, puteti sa puneti bolul in cuptorul cu microunde si sa gatiti cate 30 de secunde o data, amestecand bine intre timpii de stat in cuptor. E gata cand se ingroasa si devine cremos. Luati de pe foc si treceti curdul printr-o sita fina.

Impartiti curdul in doua parti egale si dati deoparte. Mousse de mango g puree de mango g zahar 45ml apa 2 albusuri 6g gelatina plus 30ml apa rece ml frisca batuta Mod de preparare: Combinati gelatina cu apa rece si lasati sa se hidrateze cel putin 10 minute. Amestecati apa si zaharul intr-un vas si puneti pe foc. Fierbeti siropul 5 minute pana incepe sa se ingroase. Cat fierbe siropul, mixati albusurile spuma.

Adaugati treptat siropul fierbinte si mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma, lucioasa. Topiti gelatina si amestecati-o cu piureul de mango. Amestecati piureul de mango cu bezeaua iar cand aceasta compozitie e la temperatura camerei, incorporati frisca batuta.

Turnati mousse-ul peste blat in inelul de tort si dati la rece. Cand mousse-ul e suficient de gelifiat, folosind o lingurita, realizati cateva gauri in mousse, formand mixi buzunarele pe care apoi umpleti-le cu jumatate din cantitatea de curd de lamaie. Dati tortul din nou la rece.

Ganache de ciocolata alba aromat cu lime g ciocolata alba g frisca lichida 20g unt Coaja de la 1 lime Mod de preparare: Incalziti frisca pana la punctul de fierbere. Luati de pe foc si adaugati coaja de lime. Lasati amestecul sa se infuzeze pana se raceste. Strecurati frisca si incalziti-o din nou apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata alba. Amestecati pana ciocolata e complet topita apoi adaugati untul. Lasati compozitia sa se raceasca si turnati-o peste mousse-ul de mango.

Dati la rece 20 de minute apoi acoperiti cu cealalta foaie de blat. Mousse de lamaie 80ml zeama de lamaie Coaja de la 1 lamaie Jumatate din cantitatea de curd de lamaie 7g gelatina plus 35ml apa rece 2 albusuri g zahar 45ml apa g frisca batuta Mod de preparare: Combinati zeama de lamaie si coaja de lamaie intr-un vas si aduceti la punctul de fierbere. Luati de pe foc si lasati sa se infuzeze pana se raceste.

Strecurati compozitia printr-o sita fina. Amestecati gelatina cu apa si lasati sa se hidrateze cel putin 10 minute. Incalziti curdul de lamaie la microunde apoi amestecati-l cu zeama de lamaie. Dati deoparte. Combinati apa si zaharul intr-un vas si puneti pe foc. Cat fierbe siropul, mixati albusurile spuma apoi adaugati treptata siropul fierbinte, mixand bine pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa. Topiti gelatina la microunde sau pe o baie de apa fierbinte si combinati-o cu bezeaua.

Adaugati curdul de lamaie si lasati compozitia sa se racoreasca. Incorproati frisca batuta si turnati mousse-ul in inelul de tort.

Reader Interactions

Dati tortul la rece cateva ore, preferabil peste noapte. Glazura de ciocolata alba g ciocolata alba, bucati ml frisca lichida 3g gelatina plus 15ml apa rece Mod de preparare: Incalziti frisca pana la punctul de fierbere apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata alba. Amestecati pana se topeste ciocolata apoi adaugati gelatina topita.

Lasati glazura sa se racoreasca apoi turnati-o peste tort. Pentru a acoperi tortul perfect, va recomand sa-l congelati 2 ore inainte de a-l glazura. Pofta buna!

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Share this: Comments Nici nu iti poti imagina ce pofta mi-ai facut! Multumesc, Cristina! Thank you! This is one of the most amazing cakes I have ever seen!

{Mango Bliss – Mango and Lemon Entremet} – Entremet cu mango si lamaie

So many wonderful flavors. What a masterpiece! Each layer is exquisite…as is your garnishing!