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As a Slavic language, its most similar languages are Czech , Slovak and Ukrainian. The last two are actually more easily understood by a speaker of Polish even though they have somewhat different interpretations of the Latin alphabet.

Polish is the only major language that still has the nasal sounds lost in other Slavic languages. It has a unique diacritic mark, an ogonek a "little tail" attached to a and e to express nasal sounds. Also notable in Poliish are its consonant clusters, with similar-sounding affricates and fricatives, some of which can cause some serious pronunciation difficulties. On the other hand, there are only eight vowels in Polish, compared to the about 20 in English.
Also, the spelling is much more regular than that of English.
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Like other Slavic languages, Polish is highly inflected and allows much discretion in its word order. For example, Ania kocha Jacka , Jacka kocha Ania , Ania Jacka kocha , all translate to Annie loves Jack , a sentence that cannot be further reordered without changing the meaning. This may cause some confusion for speakers of less inflected languages like English. Polish has seven cases, three grammatical genders masculine, feminine and neuter in the singular and two in the plural. There are also three tenses and eighteen verb conjugation patterns. Q q and V v are used in foreign words only.
X x is used in some historical names too. Unfortunately, there is no single Polish word that could replace a very useful English "emergency". PLN The hour clock is used in informal speech only, the hour clock being used in all other situations. Time is written with a dot or a colon as a separator Sometimes, there is no separator and minutes are in superscript or raised.
A midnight is sometimes written as In other cases, it is 0: Polish lang.
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Ode To San Lorenzo. Marcello, Of Course. Blue Umbrellas. What American Women Say. Patti Arrives. Mud Slide. Edd managed to move it away from Ed's head, but ended up dropping it onto his own foot. It then landed behind Ed's chair He clutched his foot and started hopping back to the camera shouting. Darn it!
After about 5 minutes, Edd walked on stage, dragging along a big shoe full of ice on his left foot. At that point, Ed's hear was surprisingly clean and his hair was back to normal. WAY better than Georgia, though. Afterwards, it's the final. Or, in our case, we cover the Big Five plus the host nation. And hopefully I'll be out of this damn ch-' At that point, the chair legs finally snapped and it collapsed in on itself.
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Eddy landed on the floor, still wedged in his seat. That's the semi-finals done. As I've probably said, the next chapter might be a little bit shorter due to there being less songs, but hopefully it'll turn out alright in the end. Also, I would like to apologise to any Georgians Georgia the country and not Georgia the state , especially The Shin and Mariko, who were this year's entrants; I know you were trying to mix plenty of styles and that into a [less than] 3-minute song, but it just ended up sounding all over the place, which was probably why it came last.
Lyrically, it wasn't bad I'll give you that , and the singing was alright I guess, but apart from that Normally, I'd be into avant-garde, but it just didn't really work here. Still, there's always next time, so don't get too down-hearted. Just In All Stories: New Stories: Updated Crossovers: New Crossovers: Story Story Writer Forum Community. Cartoons Ed, Edd n Eddy. After a long hiatus, Ed and Eddy return to their show to cover this year's Eurovision Song Contest, much to the dismay of their long-suffering cameraman Edd.
Rated T for violence and the odd swear word both in English and in a foreign language.
Ed and Eddy Do: Eurovision Chapter 2: Except that was funnier.