
Kies not connecting to s4 on mac

May 9, 1, Male Yorkshire. Don't forget you can always use the Thanks!

I did forget but seeing this post re-surface reminded me to Thank Manning's post. I'm very grateful for this.

Fix Android File Transfer Not Working on Mac (Samsung Devices)

It all works perfectly as set out - on my new Note 3. Files to and fro of all types. Reminds me of an ancient System 7 or thereabouts application called "Apple File exchange" you used to have to use to deal with loading fonts into the system. The Mac certainly can't read that card in a card reader. So now how do I back up the entire phone - everything - to a Mac drive? Oct 20, 1 0 5. My Android File Transfer was working just fine yesterday, but now it only recognizes files on my "phone" but not on my "card".

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When I click on the "card" tab a window pops up with a message similar to "if your device is locked, unlock and reconnect USB". My phone is unlocked and I even tried in the "debugging" mode.

I have also restarted my device MacBook Pro several times. I am using a Galaxy S4.

Your Answer

Jan 22, 4 2 Wholearmour Lurker. Jan 27, 1 0 5. Thanks guys. I had the same problem, first time I just clicked on move to trash to delete Kies, but it didn't work. Only after reading this post and following it did I succeed!! I use Android File Transfer maybe daily or more.

Quite often the connection falls over for no apparent reason. Horrible way to do things. Jan 30, 4 0 5.

How to fix connection issues between Kies and Samsung Smartphone

I never have downloaded Kies. What else could be the problem? You can go for the connection troubleshooter by the following steps. This will help you to handle the issue if your Galaxy S4 is not connecting to Samsung kies. If you have recently updated your phone, then nothing can fix the issue until you uninstall and reinstall the kies.

how can i connect samsung galaxy s4 to ma… - Apple Community

However, if the problem occurs due to the broken data cable or defective phone, computer then get a new data cable and contact with the technicians for phone and computer hardware problem. Samsung is the sole strong competitor who does groundbreaking innovation that Share Tweet. The next thing you should do is find another USB cable you could use to bridge a connection between the phone and the computer. You can borrow from your friends who have the same phone as you or you could buy one. So far, this is the most sensible solution you can do for your device.

Defective Phone. It would take a lot of troubleshooting and diagnosing before you can actually say your phone has a defect. Perhaps, the only person who could declare whether the device is in good condition or not is an authorized technician. If none of the procedures mentioned above works for you, then you should bring your phone to a tech so it would be diagnosed properly.

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Defective Computer. There is also a possibility that a computer is defective, or at least, its USB ports.