
Mac mail link to file

Sharing pages on the web from Safari is easy, and you can pick the format, too: You can also click the Share button in the Safari toolbar and select Email this Page from the menu that comes up or. Pick the desired format for sending under Send Web Content As: Make sure the email is sent using rich text formatting if you use Web Page ; select Format Make Rich Text from the menu if available.

Any PDF viewer will show the formatting as you see it, and rendering does not depend on the recipient's email program—say, on a mobile device; note that the recipient must have a device that is capable of showing PDF files for them to see the fully formatted page they can still follow the link to the page on the web. Note that web pages with advertising depend on their sites being visited by people with whom their content is shared.

Link Only: Nearly every email server has a file size limit, typically ranging between 10MB and 40MB, and any file attached to an email larger than that will typically bounce or not send.

Mac Monday: Working with Attachments

Apple has come up with an interesting solution to this problem, calling it Mail Drop. When you approve of the MailDrop request, the file is uploaded to an iCloud server where the recipient will receive a download link to the file attachment, rather than a direct email attachment. The recipient does not need to be running OS X Yosemite, however, as the file download link is available to any user on any platform. Sending a large file or document with Mail Drop is quite simple and the process is almost entirely automated:. The download links generated from Mail Drop will remain active for 30 days and then automatically clear themselves.

You can send up to 5GB this way, though keep in mind that uploading and downloading a 5GB file will take quit a while. Being on the receiving end of a Mail Drop file is simple, and works on any email app or client in any OS. In OS X Mail app, receiving a Mail Drop file either looks like a standard file attachment with an embedded file in the latest version of OS X , or, if received in prior versions of the Mac Mail app, it will show as a download link instead:.

On the iPhone Mail app or iPad , you receive a Mail Drop file as a download link, expiration date, and file size:. Note that if you use the remove attachment ability in Mail app for OS X, the pre-downloaded file will be removed, but the download link to Mail Drop will not be removed until it expires, anyway. Similarly, downloading the file is basically the same as downloading any other file from anywhere else online, and is limited only by the speed of your internet connection.

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I really doubt it is ever deleted. It is probably stored forever, passed around to every interested party in the world and then unencrypted if it even was in the first place , copied, dissected, anything use full pulled out, copied and passed around some more, copyrighted then used to sue the original sender, after spamming them with ads for months first.

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  • Include photos and other files in emails!
  • How to Use Mail Drop to Send Large Files Over Email from Mac OS X.

I could not get this to work in any way and it has several drawbacks anyways, if it in sometimes happens to work. Many people have still a limit of 10MB or even less. Try to send a 25MB file and see what happens. The problem is how to trigger it for smaller files.

Which Office program are you using?

I tried to send an 85MB file to a client with a Gmail address. It did not trigger Mail Drop and then Google rejected it for being too large. Thanks for this! For example, I do a lot of helping older people with their Macs, and they love to attach several pics to send in an email. I always have to advise them to keep it lean, for courtesy and space sakes. Does Maildrop automatically bundle up all attachments in an email into one link, or would the files need to be zipped into one file and then sent? Hope that helps someone: I just received an email from a client containing a link to files sent using Apple Mail drop.

Your Answer

Finally, manually type "file: Can you create an alias to your desktop, then send that alias? Yes, you can. I expect things will get complicated quickly if this isn't the case. I also run static IP addresses on all my servers, further simplifying things. So while this has always worked properly for me, it probably doesn't work in many situations I expect we wouldn't see this hint here if the "just make an alias" method worked for everyone. But for those looking for a simple solution, you can certainly try this method. Simply make an alias to the folder or file you wish.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Mac Mail

Then distribute that alias. Some software won't directly distribute an alias following the alias instead. In such cases simply zip up the alias and send the zipped copy. Your post must be mistakenly placed as an answer to my applescript. Reading the description of this software, I can't see anthing related to what the script does: If it can helps, I then give the new version of the two scripts create. Spartacus on Mar 23, '09 Save it as an application and drag it to the top of a Finder window.

How to Create a Hyperlink in Mac Mail | agfox.com

Sea Prompt on Mar 23, '09 Not sure if I was able to drag directly onto TextMate. TextEdit just embeds the file. You can also drag a file onto the spotlight window in the finder. That will enter the file path, that you can copy to your clipboard. I tried many of these suggestions, and while it give a url, what it gave me was one based on a local file system, e. JPG this only works if the shared volume is already mounted.

I would like a way to do it like "the other guys" where it actually tries to mount the volume if necessary. A to get the filepath like: B or better: C or best: I'm sure there is someone who can build an AppleScript -- maybe with a dialogue -- to make this even easier. For the manual creation of. Another solution is to drag to a Finder window the content of the Firefox's adress bar after the drag of a file or folder.

The Applescript I wrote above may be an easier solution, though ;-. I don't know a way to obtain the afp server given a mount point, to avoid the dialog. I liked the idea to use Spotlight. Nice - but doesn't work for me. I'm not a big fan of Firefox anymore anyway - and will stick with the easiest way I know of doing this: Bingo - very little overhead. But Terminal will escape spaces I'd tried CopyPath plugin, with a service created by a friend to open UNC paths, but neither of them worked as i wanted -- the serivce opened UNC paths sporadically, and CopyPath only gave the path as mounted on my machine instead of the full UNC path.

I installed Winshortcutter, changed the prefs to use backslashes, and this works perfectly for me on Here is a script I created for a client. If you'd rather download a precompiled script you can get it on my website the cobbler has no shoes. Lost your password? Powered by the Parse. More Mac Sites: