
Good multiplayer games for mac and pc

There are even a few Australian made games in there. Be sure to consult this list before heading away for your next family trip or orchestrating your next games night. A fun twist on the classic Tetris formula, Tricky Towers mixes up the old school style with real-world physics and magical wizard abilities.

Although these additions sound simple, they make each of the three main modes a joy to play and worth returning to over and over with friends. Since launch, the game has been updated to feature several unique new modes, including ice hockey and basketball.

Gang Beasts is a game as silly as it looks. You and friends take control of odd coloured people wearing strange costumes trying to throw one another out of whatever arena you find yourself in. Can be dozens, or even hundreds taking part. The 2D style and physics may seem simplistic at first, but there is a lot of skill required to sink your ball, even more-so when your friends are trying to get in the way! Killing your friends in this beautiful pixel-art archery platformer requires you to be on your toes and think your way towards creative strategies.

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A more-intermittent affair for just two players, Nidhogg 1 and 2 are games about long, intense sword fights. VIDEOBALL is a party game for players who love thinking up tight strategies and clever moves to outwit their opponents - and then mashing buttons when all that collapses in on itself and you need to defend your goal at all costs.

Octodad involves helping a loving father, who also happens to be an Octopus, get through the rigors of everyday human life one tentacle at a time.

Success here is as hard as it sounds, but the inherent hilarity makes it a joyful romp regardless. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. Local Multiplayer Faves. Sort by. View all tags.

Mac/PC Cross platform COOP/Multiplayer games : gaming

Last Man Standing. A fun local multiplayer and physics based game. Play in browser. Local multiplayer stabbing game for PC, Mac, Linux.

Crossover platformer with characters true to their origins. Giraffes Volleyball Championship Tanks of Freedom. Single-screen multiplayer battle arena where everyone's invisible!

Can your Mac run it?

Sombr Studio. Cuckoo Curling. Freestyle curling meets connect four. Now Online! Don't Bite Me Bro! Explore, Build, Upgrade, and Defend from constant waves of Zombies.

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Local Multiplayer Brawler about hitting frogs with baseball bats. Laundry Bear Games. Streets of Rogue. Normal Human Face Simulator. Local 2-player face-biting simulation. Lingdong Huang. Niemi Bros Entertainment. Launch your spider drone at walls, ceilings, and enemy heads in this shooter where "move" and "attack" are synonymous.

Evan Todd. Dreamon Studios.