
Windows server 2012 dhcp mac address filtering

Looks like it's not possible.

The proper way to do what you are asking would be use to Policy filtering at the scope level. Phelom Phelom 11 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Scope-level Link layer filtering using DHCP Policies in Windows Server 2012

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Reservations are often created for servers with specific purposes that lie outside the general IP address settings that you would assign to other machines on the network. For example, you might want to configure specific routes or name servers or default gateways to machines that have a DHCP reservation. You can do this by navigating to the Reservations folder in the left pane of the console and then expanding that node and clicking on the name of the machine with the reservation to which you want to assign specific DHCP options, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 8.

Right click the name of the machine and then click Configure Options. This brings up the Reservation Options dialog box, as seen in the figure below. Select and configure your DHCP options and they will be applied only to this machine. Nice huh? Figure 9. NAP uses three methods that you can choose from to allow you to control who can connect to your network:. On this tab, you have these options:. Figure You can see an example of that log in the figure below. For more information on this tool, check out this link. We have done this manually in the past, and sometimes it can be a challenge to set it up and get it working just the way you want it to, because the machines participating in the split scope configuration have no implicit knowledge of each other.

However, if you want to play with this now, you can find the Split Scope Wizard by right clicking on the scope you want to split, and then pointing to Advanced and clicking Split Scope. Using DHCP reservations along with link-layer filtering allows a DHCP administrator to quickly identify new or unidentified machines and quickly block their access.

For example, identified machines can be granted leases, and then all of those leases can be converted to reservations and added to Allow filter lists, and finally, an IP address exclusion list can be created for all IP addresses not currently defined in the reservation list, essentially stopping all new leases from occurring. The only issue with this scenario is that when a new valid machine joins the network the DHCP scope changes need adjustments to allow this new system to connect.

In addition, when machines have both wireless and wired network cards, each card requires a different reservation. You can create DHCP reservations using two different processes.

How to Enable and Configure MAC address Filtering in DHCP Server R2

The first and most common process is to manually create a reservation; the second much easier process is to convert a DHCP lease into a reservation. To manually create a DHCP reservation, follow these steps:. Collect the desired MAC address from the system that will be associated with this reservation.

Expand the desired scope, select and right-click the Reservations node, and select New Reservation. When that reservation is completed, the window clears to allow for another reservation to be created. To create a reservation from an existing lease, simply open the IPv4 scope and select the Address Leases node in the tree pane, locate the lease in the center pane, right-click the desired lease or multiple leases, and select Add to Reservation.

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Sometimes devices are on the same network but require different DHCP scope options. One example could be a kiosk machine that should not have a default gateway or an IP phone that requires additional scope options that are not desired on all DHCP clients.


This can be accomplished with reservation-specific DHCP scope options. To create a reservation-specific scope option, create a reservation in the tree pane, expand the Reservations node, and specifically select the desired reservation and select Configure Options. Proceed to select and configure the desired options and save the changes by clicking OK when completed.