
Colm mac con iomaire album

This led to other composing offers, and soon scoring for film and television became a major outlet for his creativity and allowed him experimentation outside of his work with the Frames. Mac Con Iomaire made his solo debut in with the critically acclaimed instrumental album The Hare's Corner.

Harmony with the Irish Feminine: An Interview with Colm Mac Con Iomaire - PopMatters

His graceful blend of traditional, jazz, and classical styles evoked a cinematic nature influenced by his soundtrack work. A follow-up album, And Now the Weather was released in early Apple Music Preview. Sign Out. Sign In. Try It Now. Latest Release. Jun 22, Dare to Be Wild Soundtrack feat. Top Songs See All. Emer's Dream Aisling Eimear. The Hares Corner The Finnish Line. And Now the Weather All of our rivers, bar two, are female. You could say that it's encoded in our DNA. Gotta ask, was there any thought towards including a female musical performer s?

Ultimately that was Maureen's call. On paper it would certainly seem counter-intuitive to have three male musicians expressing the sound of the Divine Feminine, no? Perhaps whether or not that was the correct decision will be better parsed and measured after one sees the show.

The power and deep forces that Maureen channels in her movement is humbling to witness and to participate musically in. Since another theme of the performance is immortality, what are your thoughts on immortality or that of an afterlife? As for afterlife, I am as interested in where we're from as I am in where we're going. While I am quite sceptical of most organised religions -- I see them as 'God-franchises' -- reincarnation makes a lot of sense to me. I think that we all live many lives.

  • Colm Mac Con Iomaire - The Hare's Corner (CD)?
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  • Harmony with the Irish Feminine: An Interview with Colm Mac Con Iomaire?
  • This Album Changed My Life.

The wheel of life turns round and round again and we strive to share and to raise the vibration each time that we're here. Turning to the Dare to Be Wild soundtrack. How did your collaboration with Mulatu Astatke come about? I wouldn't have naturally connected both your music. Which I think saved me being star-struck! It was such a musical delight to spend two whole days in the studio together.

Colm Mac Con Iomaire: And Now The Weather/Agus Anois An Aimsir | Album Review

It was fascinating to work with such a master! This is your first film score to see release it is from Are you involved in more film work? I'm currently working on my third movie score at the moment which is set in Northern Ireland - the movie is called A Bend in the River. Listening to the soundtrack, is the track "Let it Go", as it has been released, complete? Marketa Irglova's [half of the Swell Season with Hansard] voice seems to fade out too soon. Is it a film edit that is on the album? That is what one would call a "rookie mistake".

We only recorded as much as was needed in the film without a thought to a potential soundtrack release. Unfortunately the personal and geographic calendars didn't align subsequently to facilitate a revisiting and completion of the song. Last month, The Frames had a gig.

“And Now The Weather (Agus Anois An Aimsir)”

Given that the Frames aren't regularly touring, what general sense do you have when you hear that the band is getting back together? It's always a pleasure to spend time with my friends! While that only happens once every two years or so these days. It's always a deep and concentrated reconnection. To be honest, though, the Frames is something that I associate more with my past rather than with my present or future.

Have there been any discussions to have the Frames tour outside Ireland at least the US again? While I wouldn't rule it out, most of the rest of the Frames still play together as Glen's touring band. They all tour enough as a group I reckon, for a Frames-tour not to be as unique a proposition for them as might otherwise be the case. Who knows what might happen in the future. Where are you going in the future? Are you collaborating with other artists?

I think I saw you posted on social media about an artist Susie Q? Susie Q is great. I recorded some strings on her debut album. There's a great Irish band called Basciville , two very talented brothers, Lorcan and Cillian Byrne, who've been recording with me on my forthcoming album.

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Hedge Schools released a beautiful record a few months ago. I am not that knowledgeable on what's "hot".

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Mostly I spend my time in my music, and occasionally other music and musicians come and find me. Jason Williamson of the Sleaford Mods says what he thinks about punk, hip-hop, politics, and modern life, and if you don't like it, fuck off. Joe Lovano's debut for the meditative ECM label both conforms to the meditative, gorgeous standard and transcends it through a sense of constant motion and surprise. Two recent books on screenwriter, illustrator and author Edward Gorey, Born to Be Posthumous and Gorey's Worlds , are engaging works that show that Gorey's mystique remains safely impenetrable.

Bjarki's Happy Earthday can be understood as a reflection of the artist who made it, as a representation of the power and majesty of nature, or simply as a brilliant, intricate electronic album. Smart songwriting and gorgeous harmonies dominate on the Way Down Wanderers' illusions.

The primary songwriters discuss their place in the musical and landscape and reveal just who a certain love song its about. Electronic duo Joyfultalk partner with Montreal-based artist and animator Brandon Blommaert for a mesmerizing video of their song "Peace Fight". Veteran British singer-songwriter Joe Jackson performed songs from his catalog and new album Fool. Had Stephen King and Bryan Smith "met" on that same street on 19 June -- 20 years after the Accident -- the physical consequences would have probably been complicated by media drones, TMZ helicopters, Instagram and Twitter posts, and Facebook livestream coverage.

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Matthew Shipp and his jazz trio continue to make innovation look all too easy on Signature. Ahead of the release of his new album, Phases , Brad Byrd's latest single effortlessly captures the feeling of life's euphoric, fleeting highs.