
F a 18 hornet mac

Thank you very much for this awesome game! It is excellent to see that the developers are still working on this app which is by the way my favorite one of all time. There are still a few things that I would absolutely love to see in the future though. One of these things is better more realistic sound effects. I will not lie the sound effects in this game are not the best but I have full faith that the team can and WILL correct it.

The next thing I will mention is the biggest and by far the most important aspect for the Simulator, Missiles and countermeasures. I would love to see physics close to Falcon 4 which is the most realistic simulator in the world. If possible do some research into it and consider putting it into the sim. I know it's an awful lot to ask but I think it would make the sim really good. Being a pilot myself and having a father pilot I'm accustomed to appreciating realism.

Being a combat pilot is much more than just simply flying an aircraft.

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A large part of it is becoming efficient with your aircrafts systems and learning how to deploy them. A lot of realism and I'm sure more to come. I know they're still working on updates and improvements. I realize. The market is not huge for realistic combat flight sims. Most of them feel to arcade like. But I personally like the mental challenge of the realism of having to multitask with the aircraft systems, manage a team and dogfighting at the same time. I like the fuel realism as well.

F/A Hornet Download ( Simulation Game)

Most sims don't really go that far. I really hope this sim sticks around because they have a good thing going. They found a good niche. They're bringing back realism and allowing it to be fun.

Trying to get F/A-18 Hornet working

That's a real sim! Good job guys!!! App Store Preview. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.

Downloadable Content

Screenshots iPhone iPad. Option to store game progress on iCloud - NEW! Reworked external views - NEW! User manual is now online rather than local - Bug fixes. Head Swivel view mode - NEW!

More realistic autopilot - NEW! Ordnance "? In-flight wingmen weapon status display - NEW! Touch Joypad steering option - NEW! Stick Assist option - NEW! Free Look view option - ECM functional changes. Keep sending your comments and suggestions to support graphsim.

  1. Re: Trying to get F/A-18 Hornet working!
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  4. By popular request, this version introduces a new way to fly: This update also features a new Horizontal Situation Display with moving map and support for device-compatible game controllers. Please send your comments and suggestions to support graphsim. Thank you for your continued feedback and support! Support for game controllers. HSD with moving map. I cannot ever remember playing another sim where I was waved off on a landing because of traffic on the flight deck. Most all features that are routinely expected in a flight sim are present in this one: HARMs make an appearance in this sim as well as a few tactical nukes, all assigned on a very well designed ordnance screen.

    Though a great deal of attention was spent on details there some general areas that are lacking. First and most important are the number of missions; there [are] only 28, playable as a single campaign or individually. Mission briefings are also short and non-descriptive, with no detailed maps or information given out. Debriefing consist of only a dot-matrix print-out to the screen showing number of kills; very life-like but not that useful, especially when compared to other sims. Missions tend to be very difficult with plenty of SAMs to make life difficult and an enemy pilot AI that can be very challenging in a dogfight.

    Though a little short on missions and slightly dated graphically, it is fun, interesting, and full of surprises. GSC has made a solid entrance into the world of PC simulators. Search a Classic Game: Download Games: Simulation Games: