Como instalar windows en una mac sin bootcamp
Your number and letter could be different. The next command selects this volume. The next sequence of commands mark the volume active bootable and then quit diskpart. Press Escape or click the X button to close the Windows installer, then wait for your Mac to reboot. You need to finish the installation of Windows Hold down the option key immediately after your Mac turns on.
Select the icon labeled "Windows". Next, hold down the control key while choosing the circular arrow below the "Windows" label. In this example, I will assume the letter is D. Your letter could be different. The next command quits diskpart. Enter the command below to start the Windows installation. When asked: Next, click on the "Format" button. Finally, click on the "Next" button. Proceed until you reach the screen where you are prompted for your region. For the version OS build For other versions of Windows 10, the screen could appear different. As an example, the screen, for the version OS build of Windows 10, would appear as shown below.
At this point, prohibiting your Mac access to the internet is generally a good idea. For example, unplug any ethernet cables or disable Wi-Fi access that does not require encryption. When desktop shown below appears, the Windows Support Software installer should automatically launch. After the installer application completes, allow the computer to restart. You will return to the Administrator's desktop. If the "System Preparation Tool" window is not displayed, then open the sysprep application found in the C: In this window, select "Shutdown" under the "Shutdown options", as shown below.
Next, select "OK" to shutdown the Mac.
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At this point, you have completed the installation of Windows If you prohibited your Mac access to the internet in an earlier step, you may now want to allow access before turning your Mac back on. In other words, plug in the ethernet cable or turn the Wi-Fi back on.
This is basically the way a newly purchased PC starts up, when Windows 10 is already installed. Thank you for your interest in this question.
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Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Ask Question. The following Mac models support bit versions of Windows 10 when installed using Boot Camp.
The Boot Camp Assistant software has to be hacked in order to create the Windows installer. The resulting flash drive installer defaults to a Windows installation that uses the EFI boot method. Apple did not officially start supporting this method of booting Windows until the model year.
Here is what I wish to accomplish. Install Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. Install Windows 10 into a newly formatted volume. I do not want to first install an earlier version of Windows and then upgrade to Window Use only one partition on the first internal drive disk0 for the Windows files. The single internal disk in my Mac uses a byte sector size. Install Windows using the latest version of macOS. Currently, this would be High Sierra macOS David Anderson.
David Anderson David Anderson But why though? Something against third-party tools? Are you in need of a hat? What's wrong with third party tools though? It seems like at least creating the bootable installer could be made significantly easier using something like Unetbootin. I'm also curious if, with modifications, this could be applied to computers with a bit bootloader. Sure, just curious then why you specified in your question that it was a requirement to not use 3rd party tools. Also, I'm wondering if it might be possible to use a 32 bit bootloader; from what I've found , Windows isn't too happy about that, but it'd still be cool if possible.
Would installing an earlier bit version of Windows and then update it to Windows 10 be an option? You still need the boot camp drivers at the end. DavidAnderson Didn't say otherwise.
Would that be an option? Such cases include when the optical drive has been removed or is broken. Also, when a Windows iso file is available and the Mac has a working optical drive, but no blank DVD can be obtained. Windows 10 needs to be installed to boot using the legacy BIOS method. This generally includes Mac models that where shipped with an optical drive.
The Windows specifications are given below. Windows 10 Pro Processor: I have made the following assumptions.
Bootcamp without Optical disc drive - Apple Community
Windows will be installed on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th partition of the drive. Below are the installation steps. This command will take a while to complete. Be patient! Step 4: Select the newly created partition, enter a name for your new partition remember the name as you can easily select the newly created partition later while installing Windows , select the size at least 20 GB , and then select the format as DOS FAT or ExFAT.
Click Apply button to create a new partition to install Windows. Click on the Partition button when you see the warning message. Once the new partition is ready, close Disk Utility. Step 5: Next, you need to prepare bootable Windows 8.
- How To Install Windows On Mac Without Boot Camp.
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We advise you follow our how to create bootable Windows 8. And if you already have the bootable media, you can proceed to the next step. Step 6: Step 7: Follow the simple on-screen instructions, and when you see the partition selection screen, select the newly created partition be sure to select the right partition , click Format to format the partition with NTFS, select the formatted partition, and then click Install button to continue installing Windows on your Mac.
Note that during the installation, your system will be rebooted a couple of times. Every time your system reboots, hold down the Alt Option key, and then select Windows to continue the installation.
How To Install Windows 8.1 On Mac Without Boot Camp
Step 9: Once Windows is installed on your Mac, Boot Camp setup will automatically launch. Click Next button, accept license agreement, and then click Next button again to begin installing support drivers. Enjoy Windows 8. If you plan to use Windows as your default operating system, we suggest you set Windows as default OS in boot selection screen to avoid pressing the Alt key every time you turn on your Mac.
How to quickly reboot into Mac from Windows guide might also interest you. If you created the partition and formatted it, go on and start windows setup as said in procedure. Search for windows 10 media creation tool or search for windows 10 download and look for the link that contains Microsoft. Make sure to cooy that usb drive first as it will wipe all data from it! When done reboot imac as told in above procedure and choose the efi boot on the usb drive. Running the setup choose custom installation, select the partition you just created and choose format.
After formatting the new partition just select it and go further with the next step of the installation wizard. I installed win 10 on a fully formatted imac after a complete wipe of all partitions and i just selected the unpartitioned disk. Windows setup did the rest for me automatically. The Intel HD display crashes the imac so I disabled it completely.

No problem as the AMD display adapter is being used. Further there seem to be no drivers for the facetime camera, the Bluetooth hub but mouse is working properly and the sound card. Can anyone tell me where i can download the sound and camera drivers without bootcamp or without having to reinstall the Mac OS again? All i see are my OS X partition and the recovery hd.
Listen, I really want windows on my mac.
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One with windows 10 and one with 7. What do I do? The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only…. So I followed the steps detailed here: