
How to set line spacing in word for mac

Change the line spacing in a portion of the document To change the line spacing for only part of a document: Select the paragraphs you want to change.

Line spacing Spacing between paragraphs Change the spacing between lines Select the text in which you want to change line spacing. Change the spacing between paragraphs Select the paragraphs for which you want to change paragraph spacing. Click in the paragraph whose lines you want to keep together.

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How to Adjust Spacing in Word 2011 for Mac

Word offers some handy preset values to use, but you can also take full control by specifying exact spacing. Changing the line or paragraph spacing in a document is not something you might need to do very often. Outside of college, you still might be faced with line spacing guidelines by employers, clients, or publishers. They are both pretty much what they sound like.

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Line spacing is the amount of white space between two lines of text. Paragraph spacing is the amount of white space between two paragraphs. And like using the right font or proper margins, controlling spacing is an important part of document formatting. And weird as it might sound at first, both line and paragraph spacing are applied at the paragraph level.

Change the default line spacing in Word for Mac

Line spacing controls how all lines of a paragraph are spaced. Paragraph spacing controls how much space comes before and after the paragraph. In Word, line spacing is most commonly measured in multiples of whatever font size the paragraph is using. If you choose single line spacing, the space between lines will be 12 points. If you choose double spacing, that space between lines will be 24 points.

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However, if you want to fine tune things, you can also specify an exact point size to use. You can change the default setting for spacing after paragraphs in the Normal template. Expand your Office skills.

Change the line spacing in Word for Mac - Word for Mac

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