Steps to download skype for mac
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- How to Backup Chat History on Skype on PC or Mac: 14 Steps.
- How to download Skype | Digital Unite.
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When searching the App Store, use the search term Skype for Business to locate the correct app. The regular Skype app will not work with your Skype for Business account. You will need to update your password in both steps 3 and 5 when you change your campus password during the campus password campaign. Contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk fullerton. For assistance with Enterprise Voice, including finding out if you are eligible, please contact telecom fullerton.
Installing Skype on older Mac - Microsoft Community
For additional resources view the Skype for Business Help and Resources article. View in admin portal Edit content on web Edit in desktop. Search term. Your Apple device must be on OS 8.
Installing Skype on older Mac
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Related Articles. Beneath Your app settings , select Office On the Software page, select Skype for Business on the left-hand side.

Select Install to download the software. Fig 2.
Downloading the Skype for Business installer from the Software page. Open the installation file and follow the wizard to install Skype for Business. Open Skype for Business from your Applications list. Log in with the following credentials: