Turn old mac into web server
Your Mac will need to be running OS X If your old Mac is running either OS X This will open the Mac App Store and show you the correct version of Server for your system 2. Things are a bit easier if your old Mac is running Yosemite.

First, we strongly recommend you connect the server to your router using an Ethernet cable; while you can use Wi-Fi, Ethernet offers faster performance and a more stable connection. Second, assign the server a static IP address on your network, so that it has a permanent identity that makes it easier for other Macs to locate and connect to it. Next, give the Mac a static IP address; check the range from which your router allocates addresses — often of the form Server works best when you limit access to specific users and groups. Open the app and click Continue to set it up.
1. Sort Out Your Hardware
Streaming large media files that are stored locally tends to be much faster than trying to stream the same content directly from the Internet — so you can finally enjoy your favourite HD movies without them constantly stopping to buffer! Macs are far from the only devices you can use as a server.
- Enable Web Sharing on Your Mac.
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- How to Turn Your Mac Into a Web Server!
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- Turn Your Old Mac into a Website Server with Free Open Source Software!
- Why should I use my Mac as a file server?.
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However, there are a number of benefits to using your old Mac as a file server. The most obvious benefit is cost — why bother shelling out on a dedicated file server, when you already have an old Mac that can fulfil the same purpose? Chances are that even an old, second-hand Mac purchased at a reasonable price is going to be more expensive than a NAS with similar specifications. You should also be aware that although most MacBooks will function perfectly fine as a file server, desktops do tend to have larger hard drives and more USB ports that you can attach external storage devices to, which tend to make them more effective as file servers.
Your Mac is now setup to function as a file server. If this happens, then you can help your Mac recognize your new server, by completing the following steps:. If not, try clicking "Other Mac" and entering its host name, in the form name.
How to turn an old Mac into a server with macOS Server | TechRadar
So if you named your server MyServer, you would enter MyServer. You'll use the same user name and password that was already set up on that Mac to authenticate. When the Server app opens, you'll see an Overview screen, along with a lot of options in the sidebar. I won't look at all of them; you can find out more about the available services on Apple's OS X Server Tutorials page. I'm going to look at three services in this article:. This service lets your server keep copies of updates and apps you download to your Macs and iOS devices.
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These devices don't need to be configured; they automatically discover the server, and downloads go through the server, are stored there, then get passed on to the devices. If you have more than one Mac or iOS device, any apps or updates you download will be cached , or stored on the server, so the other devices don't need to download them.
Turn Your Old Mac into a Web Server with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
This saves you time and bandwidth. However, for iOS devices, this only works with updates for the exact same model of a device; a cached update to iOS for your iPad won't work on your iPhone, and an iPhone 6s update won't work on an iPhone SE. All you need to do to turn this on is click "Caching" in the sidebar, and toggle the switch to On. You can also choose to cache iCloud Data, if you wish. At the bottom of the Caching pane, you choose how much space you want the cache to use.
As you can see in the below image, my server is currently using So you could set, say, 50 GB for caching, and be more than comfortable. You may not need to use the File Sharing service, but if you want a centralized storage location for files on your network, you can activate this service. Click "File Sharing" in the sidebar, toggle the switch to On, and then add folders in the Shared Folders section. You can connect one or more external drives to your server, so you can have virtually unlimited storage for your files. I use it, among other things, for my video collection, using Plex.
This software runs on my server, and allows me to view videos on my Apple TV, my Macs, my iOS devices, and even remotely. OS X Server lets you back up your Macs over your network to the server. So if you have one or more laptops in your household, you can set them to back up automatically to Time Machine on the server, rather than worrying about connecting external hard drives to them for backups. Click "Time Machine" in the sidebar, toggle the switch to On, and then choose a destination.