
Why is my mac volume locked

Did you loose the sound after using the headphone socket? Does the speaker Icon show up on the screen and have the maximum waves shown? Any sound coming out of the speakers when you do this? See Apple Tech Note: I just ran into the mute stuck problem with my mid MBP.

What's funny is that the power comes back on and there IS sound, unles there is a different speaker for the start up chime. But anyway, my issue Muted spound problem; No red light.

Mac sound not working? Here’s how to fix it

Hope this alternative works for those that still had the isue or it comes back again. Although for some people it could also be dust build up in your audio port hole. Use compressed air but in the upright position of course to not freeze the inside of port damaging something. I followed your modified procedure and the sound is back! LoveArt-this is repetitive but true: You Are A Genius. I was inspired by your comment to tried it again for "four cycles. I did reboot and erase my entire system beforehand.

I hope that isn't necessary for all of you people. I tried everything I wish Apple Assistance would have provided that solution instead of "visit your nearest Apple Repair" blah blah blah. My problem is slightly different. My volume works fine. But when i close the flap, and reopen it, then the volume goes mute. The volume button is right there up active. I can even move the scroll to increase and decrease the volume, but no sound comes. My only option is to re-start the computer, which restores the sound.

But this becomes annoying and I was looking for a permanent solution.

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Any advice is appreciated. This happened to me.

mac volume keys not working (solution)

The mute was staying grey. I tried zapping the PRAM and got it to work once. Then I bought a new audio cable here on ifixit. But the instructions were super clear and I did it in less than an hour.

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Isabel - Please read through the dialog here as the answer for this problem was replacing the headphone socket. If you feel your problem is different then you need to create your own problem entry and then see what others can do to help you. Don't forget to supply as much info as possible for your problem when you do. Robert Burke. Put it back in, re-seated all connections, sound is back! Dallin Bowen dkww. Headphones will not play audio either unless they are bluetooth. Kamron Parkur hotspicymoyo. Good luck! I had to try a couple of different times, paused the music, then unplugged the headphones, but it did finally work!

Thanks so much! I followed the rules and it didn't work. I did a slight variation in that whilst the song was playing in i-tunes i pulled the headphones out and it then started to play through my internal speakers again! I am happy camper once again! Thank you SO much. So helpful. I spent 10 minutes sticking toothpicks in my headphone jack. This worked for me, eventually, but had two do it twice. Failing for you? Try it thrice. Thanks you very much, i had been trying to fix this problem two months ago, now it is fixed You're awesome. I was just about to give up and schedule an appointment at an Apple Store.

You just saved me a like 4hrs. Had no idea where to start trying to fix this problem! Thanks again bro'! Thank you! Why is this working to everyone but me? I did exactly what you said.. I tried, I failed, I tried again, repeated those steps a few times, and boom! Just to say thank you! People if this solution isn't working on its own, please try it again and then restart your comp, restart hadn't worked before but after this, magic!!!! Your a star, ta!!

This trick didn't work from me. On another web forum though I found a trick were you use a tooth pick and it didn't work either.

If you can’t adjust volume, here is how you can fix:

I decided to try with the end of a bobby pin and I put both chunks at the end of the bobby pin in. It worked after turning it counter clockwise a few times. I got scared because it wasnt working.. LOL thanks:. Had to do this a few times for it to work but it is back on - Thank you!! Mine had a bit of dust over the optical sensor so this didn't work. You'll be happy to note that I didn't even need a proper jack.. I was stuck on mute with the red light, put the inside of an old biro in since it was sitting near..

Hi, sorry to see so many people have this problem - the problem two fold - cheap parts and bad engineering. At least some of the jack detection is hardware based, so although everybody wants to believe clicking and unclicking will fix it, if you really have the problem, it won't. I have an actual proven fix that doesn't require replacing the jack or the logic board - although it disables the digital out, so this may not be for you. Its a permanent fix, and is reversible. Email me for more details. I solved this on macbook pro by plugging in a usb headset.

Then volume in system bar was not greyed out and everything worked. Also I did not have red light issue described above. Not sure what caused this but i was using iTunes and Toast Titanium 11 to convert flac to apple lossless and importing to itunes before this glitch appeared. You're a genius! I was so frustrated and Apple wanted me to pay to ask a question.

So glad I found your page. Thanks again! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise! This worked perfectly for me. Thankyou, I was using my boyfriends macbook and thought I had broken it! This worked like a charm and he never has to know, phew! I just kept doing what you said and it worked after a couple tries!!!! I had to try it a few times, but it worked eventually. Thanks for sharing these instructions.

I tried everything.

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The original post and everything in the comments. Eventually the toothpick broke off inside. After I fished it out, it worked perfectly. No more AKG headphones for me. Thank You!! You rock. Saved me a trip to the genius bar. I didn't have the red light in the headphone jack, but did have all the other symptoms and this worked like a charm. A big thank you for the post, and too Michele who helped clarify the instructions further: I am adding this to my knowledge base of Mac fixes and I thought I'd share it with you.

Recently, my MacBook Pro got "confused" and I could not turn the speakers on. This will work on Macs as far back as Here is the procedure: Shut down the computer. If done correctly, the computer does not power on at this time and stays dark. Then release the keys. The system should be back to normal now. I really didn't want to stick a toothpick into my mac! Worked like a charm. Solved it, but the instruction didn't work for me so I tried the following: I was struggling for soooooo long going through every perference..

Why i can't I try it four 5 times,and I still can't make to internal speaker. Dude I was trying to fix this problem for months! I finally fixed it using this method! Not Worked for me. But I can confirm that it has nothing to do with round audio port. This is because my mac book pro is intel based and i windows 7 on it as well. Thanks so much, tried a few times and got it right.

My Volume stuck on mute

Using Itunes seemed to work. Ok here's what worked for me I followed Greg's advice of just plugging and unplugging. It only took about 5 times, with the Sound window open, and it reset to internal speakers. Fixed and everything running perfectly. Thanks a lot for this man!!! I've been fighting with this problem for days!!!! God bless you!!!

Bernard Senegal, West Africa. Sweet cheers man, if does not work first time, just wiggle headphone cable in and out a few times then it works: I tried but when you said it will say headphones i can't click on the choices it's like grey ish so it won't change. This is the first problem on my computer that I have ever fixed. I was just going to bring it to the store tomorrow, but I really wanted to watch Colbert.

All my troubleshooting is done with the mouse or keyboard. It didn't occur to me to just unplug the headphones. The original procedure did not work for me. I noticed that I got a Bluethooth error. So, I shut of the BT and the speakers started to work. I did not see a BT device that may be causing a problem.

Hope it helps. I have been a Mac owner for 25 years and have never experienced this issue. Thanks for the excellent advice and well constructed answer. Thank you soo much! That was very well explained and now my problem is solved! FYI, on my brand new MAcBook Pro, this did not work to fix it, but starting garage band and then playing some music from an opened project finally turn the music back on. If I did not play music from the project, it would not work yet You rock dude!..

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