Format hard drive mac failed
Did you delete the partition before formatting the drive? If not, you may be attempting to format on top of a Windows partition.
My Passport Won't Format - External Drives for Mac - WD Community
Thanks for attempting to help. Otherwise you may have a failed drive in some way. I was actually following the instructions in that same article and getting nowhere. I have a number of cables, but none that match the one that came with the drive.
High sierra won't format new drives
This happened to me, too. The screenshot shows that you should delete one level lower in the hierarchy than actually works. Hi, someone could already solve this problem?. I bought two WD Elements discs and the same thing happened to me.
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- Fix “Erase Process has Failed” While Erasing Partition for Mac OS on Disk Utility.
I already tried to format it in an PC with Windows, but it does not see it. You should see it succeed now. Thank you. That was exactly it. Would you recommend some solution for data recovery? Yes, we have solution for unmounted data recovery on MacOS. You can watch the tutorial video and then download Stellar Mac Data Recovery to recover your files. Recently i bought it from my friend. Then i upgraded it to Mac OS high sierra successfully.
3 Ways to Fix ‘Couldn’t Unmount Disk’ Error
I installed it and tried many times to upgrade to Mac OS high Sierra. But failed to installed. After 5 hours of download, the installation requires the system to restart but the restart is failed. I am very depressed and stuck with the mountain lion. Did you try erasing the Apple hard drive via recovery mode? Once in Recovery Mode, you can go to Disk Utility and erase the complete hard drive to a single partitioned drive. Just the solution I was looking for..
This worked for me — easy and no separated USB drives required.
- High sierra won't format new drives | MacRumors Forums?
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- Cannot format external hard drive on Mac OS 10.5!.
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- Fix "Erase Process has Failed" While Erasing Partition for Mac OS on Disk Utility - wikigain.
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Solve/Fix “Erase Process has Failed” While Erasing Partition for Mac OS on Disk Utility
Stellar Phoenix is now Stellar. MENU Close.
Summary The user often experiences a problem, while handling some of the Macs, when they are not allowed to repair permissions or directory in Disk Utility. Causes The reason for this error is the modification of the boot drive, or it is being used by some other process or application. Solution There are many solutions when the user faces these problems. These are: The following steps can do the fixing: Problems such as these keep occurring in a digital environment. If you too have found your hard drive in unmounted condition on Mac and urgently need to recover the data then watch the below video.
The video show data recovery on an unmounted external drive with Stellar Data Recovery Professional for Mac. Once you have activated the Mac recovery tool you can recover as many numbers of files from any given external drive or SSD. Kay Frazier January 24, Vishal January 25, Hello Kay, Unfortunately, currently, we are not providing any bootable drive. It worked! Screen Shot at 6. The pictures stated otherwise. It was a confusing mess in my head, and I suppose I should have tried that before coming here. Thanks for the help!

I signed in here just to vent about exactly this. So, my seagate falls off my table tonight- toast. I buy this my passport -seems tougher. Of course -Cant get it to format. Highly laughable from not having the drives pre-formatted for Apple to horrible instructions on how to do it. Should have stayed with Lacie. I have a My Passport Ultra.
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I am using a Macbook running El Capitan. My conclusion is the drive is bad. I wonder if the cable is bad.