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Im a bit late, but might aid other's? There is an easy way to do this. Stand in front of the bell facing the direction the ferry comes from. There you will notice cable brackets, you can get on them and crouch. Nade the groups, quad shotty the one's who get close. When the times right run to the ferry!! I noticed this and did it on my second ring, was cracking up the whole time!! NP, Cheers and GL with the rest of the game!! Per page: Date Posted: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Chapter 21 - Khan: When meeting with Khan and he is looking up in a curved chamber, search for a locker near a corpse to find a diary page.
Chapter 22 - The Chase: After boarding the train car, look to the right to find a box with a diary page on it. Chapter 23 - The Crossing: After hearing a small fragment of dialogue about wearing clothes past the ad sign, you will be directed up a flight of stairs. Check the alcove to the right of the stairs to find some dead bodies and a diary page among the corpses. While on the ice, you will find a sunken boat sticking halfway out of the ice floor. Look at the top of it to find a diary page.
Chapter 24 - Bridge: Before going up the escalators, look for an office on the left to find a diary page on a desk inside. Chapter 25 - Depot: After a mysterious figure appears behind bars, a door will open allowing you to continue. Continue through the newly opened passage, and enter the first door leading left. Look in the back corner of the room with the bars to find a diary page. Chapter 26 - The Dead City: Early in the chapter, look for a table with a phone to find a diary page next to it.
After being attacked by the mutant, just as you step off the ladder onto the building roof, look by its nest to find a diary page. Chapter 27 - Red Square: At the beginning of the chapter, look to the left, and search the skeletons in the catacomb to find a diary page. After going down into a flooded room, an enemy will run by you.
Investigate the enemy's location to find a tunnel entrance. Keep exploring down the tunnel to find a corpse, with a diary page right next to the body. Chapter 28 - The Garden: After a brief encounter with the Mother, it will leave before the final confrontation. Look to the left to find a diary page near a dead body. Near the end of the chapter, you will need to go up a set of stairs. Look left after going up the stairs to find a diary page. Chapter 29 - Polis: Before entering the double doors and stepping into the area full of people, look to the left to find an old couch with a diary page.
Chapter 30 - D6: After the speech, check the radio next to the weapon merchant before continuing to find a diary page near it. After destroying the tanks and jumping onto the final platform, look to the right to find the final diary page near an ammo cache. Search the indicated locations to find and play all 17 musical instruments and get the "Musician" achievement. There are only four types of instruments: Accordion, Balalaika, Guitar, and Piano. There is no progress tracker for the instruments -- so make sure you do not forget any of them.
Additionally, finding and playing them through chapter select will not work even if you play the chapter until the end. You must find and play all instruments in the correct order during one playthrough. The visions make the world around you feel more alive for a few seconds. Everything will get brightly colored, and the environment will change to what it once was.
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Four of the visions are triggered automatically, and there is no way to miss them. So only three of them need to actually be found. The first one can be found after the playground vision, once you come out of the underground area, in a house to your right before the car accident vision. The second one is a woman in the shower in a house on the left, after the car accident vision. The third one can be found when taking the stairs down the roof, in a small side room. You will get the achievement after seeing the seventh vision inside the old Metro.
After the Boss fight with the bear in "The Garden" chapter, you will see some Watchmen attacking the back of the bear. Kill all three Watchmen to get the "Forest Guardian" achievement.
After going through the prison in the "Pavel" chapter, you will have to use an elevator. You will then be in an office area with a lot of guards. After eliminating the guards, you will need to open a gate with your comrade.
Files for Metro: Last Light
Before opening the gate, check the control panel on the right. There is a red switch. Activate it to free the prisoners and get the "Freedom! During the "Bolshoi" chapter, you will go through a theater. In the front row, on the right side, is an open seat.
Metro 2033/Last Light questions
Sit down, and wait approximately 10 minutes until the show is over. Do not go anywhere near the exit door. Shortly after the announcer says "Thank you and please come again", you will get the "Patron Of The Arts" achievement. During the entire "Bridge" chapter, you cannot kill any enemies to get the "Rain Man" achievement. The chapter is close to the end of the game. You can basically do two things to avoid killing any enemies: Running is easier and you will not run out of air your gas mask consumes air over time, and you will die if it is empty.

Search the indicated locations to find and play all 17 musical instruments and get the "Musician" achievement. There are only four types of instruments: Accordion, Balalaika, Guitar, and Piano. There is no progress tracker for the instruments -- so make sure you do not forget any of them. Additionally, finding and playing them through chapter select will not work even if you play the chapter until the end. You must find and play all instruments in the correct order during one playthrough. Shortly after the "Facility" chapter begins, you will reach an area with some guards. Sneak past them until you come to two guards who are blocking your way.
Let them finish talking, which takes approximately a minute. They will then split up, and one of them will go back to where you came from. Follow him to his locker. When he opens the locker, a gun will fall out. Eliminate the guard, and take the gun to get the "A Present" achievement.
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The visions make the world around you feel more alive for a few seconds. Everything will get brightly colored, and the environment will change to what it once was.
Four of the visions are triggered automatically, and there is no way to miss them. So only three of them need to actually be found. The first one can be found after the playground vision, once you come out of the underground area, in a house to your right before the car accident vision. The second one is a woman in the shower in a house on the left, after the car accident vision. The third one can be found when taking the stairs down the roof, in a small side room.
You will get the achievement after seeing the seventh vision inside the old Metro. During "The Chase" chapter, you must kill all enemies to get the "Bloodlust" achievement. The only tricky part is at the very beginning of the chapter, before getting on the train.
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There will be three waves of enemies. In the first two waves, you must kill the eight enemies on the railcars. In the third wave, you must kill the five enemies on the train one on the back of the train, four standing at the railing. It is recommended to use military rounds instead of the normal ammo, as it does a lot more damage and will make completing this task much easier. Once you are on the train, kill all the remaining enemies to get the "Bloodlust" achievement once you reach the end of the train.
There are a total of 16 equipment stashes scattered across two chapters in the game: Sundown 9 stashes and Nightfall 7 stashes. After finding all stashes in Sundown, you must complete the chapter. Otherwise, the progress will be lost. Some of the stashes are actual crates, while others have a weapon or ammo on the ground. There are a lot of other crates and ammo locations in the swamps, but only the 16 shown in the video below count towards getting the "Equipped" achievement. After the Boss fight with the bear in "The Garden" chapter, you will see some Watchmen attacking the back of the bear.
Kill all three Watchmen to get the "Forest Guardian" achievement. Shortly after the "Quarantine" chapter begins, you will go past a crowd of people. In the next room are four ammo stashes. Find all four ammo stashes to get the "Forgotten" achievement. The first one is behind the entry door go down the stairs so the door closes and you can reach the ammo. The second is down the stairs, and behind a window. The third is on the far left side of the corridor. The fourth is in the same corridor, but on the right side just a few steps away from the previous ammo stash. After going through the prison in the "Pavel" chapter, you will have to use an elevator.
You will then be in an office area with a lot of guards. After eliminating the guards, you will need to open a gate with your comrade. Before opening the gate, check the control panel on the right. There is a red switch. Activate it to free the prisoners and get the "Freedom! During the "Khan" chapter, you will reach a flooded underground area after burning the spider webs and breaking a barrier.
Then, a phone will start ringing. Just ignore the phone and keep walking to get the "Nobody's Home" achievement.
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During the "Bolshoi" chapter, you will go through a theater. In the front row, on the right side, is an open seat. Sit down, and wait approximately 10 minutes until the show is over. Do not go anywhere near the exit door. Shortly after the announcer says "Thank you and please come again", you will get the "Patron Of The Arts" achievement. During the entire "Bridge" chapter, you cannot kill any enemies to get the "Rain Man" achievement. The chapter is close to the end of the game. You can basically do two things to avoid killing any enemies: Running is easier and you will not run out of air your gas mask consumes air over time, and you will die if it is empty.
Just do not attack any of the enemies, and try not to get hit -- and use med packs, if necessary. Shortly after the "Venice" chapter begins, you will have to go to a strip club. Instead of going inside the strip club, go left to find a man offering a mini-game for 10 coins. The goal is to simply kill all the mice within the time limit. Win the mini-game three times, and the man will give you a teddy bear. Give the teddy bear to the child with his mother in the same room to get the "Reunion" achievement.
During the "Red Square" chapter, you will hunt down Pavel. After wounding him, he will be attacked by demon hands. You can either walk towards him to save his life, or stand back and watch him dying.