
Why is my mac running slow yahoo

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Yahoo Mail is Slow? Some Tips to Fix Slow Yahoo Load Times - The World As Perpetual Beta

This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Privacy Policy. E-mail was also a problem synchronizing with Apple mail because Apple mail is defaulted to keep the mail on their server until you specifically delete it - that meant that it had to synchronize to the deleted folder before you could erase all deleted e-mails. Mar 14, 7: How do I reset Safari?

It seems that I remember a place to "Reset Safari", but I cannot locate it. If you mean "resetting" is the same as clearing cookies, cache, and history; I always do that along with restarts before I call anyone or consider anything an "issue". Mine started to work properly the other day as well. I think that Apple knew about the problem, contacted Yahoo, and they did a fix with out letting anyone know.

I have been using apple computers since , and this is the first time I have considered selling it, and going back to windows. I have a friend with a windows laptop with the same specs as this one, and it is lightning fast.

Why Is Yahoo So Slow And Taking Forever To Load?

I am totally unimpressed with this laptop. I agree with you. I was torn between Apple and Windows for some time after Until then, I had only used Windows products, but their changes kept limiting choices especially in Microsoft Office. I was told that Apple didn't have the same problems, but I was concerned about software compatibility.

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  4. Reason 1: Mac hard drive is nearly full;

I went with Apple in and immediately had to install Parallels with Windows to be able to work with some websites and software. It's been a constant learning curve, but overall I have found there are things Apple does that are far superior to Windows and vice versa things Windows does that are far superior to Apple.

Since most of the websites and software I need to use are only compatible with Windows, I'm pretty sure my next computer will be Windows based but I will still keep my Apple. I still wasn't sure until this last upgrade to Yosemite. At that point, Apple lost all of its appeal for me. This computer used to boot up in seconds. After Yosemite, it takes a couple minutes.

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When I called Apple, they said to go get a cup of coffee while it boots up. Yosemite seems to only work properly on computers with solid state hard drives. Other than that, Apple should not have released it. Mar 14, 1: I had been having problems with Yahoo mail for the last 2 weeks until last night. Coincidence or does Yahoo use flash player with their email? Had buttons delete, spam, trash, files, link, upload images, etc that were extremely slow but all has returned to full functionality.

Had to wait 30 sec to 1 min for most of the buttons to engage since March 1. Very frustrating and glad it is back to normal. Mar 14, 2: Just wondering, were you using Safari for your browser? When I had problems, I noticed that Yahoo Mail was sluggish to the point of not working if Safari was my browser. It worked at regular speed with Firefox. It seemed to work fine.

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It appeared to only have issues with Safari. However, It had worked fine with Safari for several years "fine" is a relative term, since Yahoo has done some strange things with its email interface over the years. Anyway, thanks to everyone for posting.

I will try to make it a habit in the future, as well, so everyone can stay informed.

Why is my Mac computer so slow: 6 tips to speed up a Mac

Mar 14, 3: Yes, I was using Safari 8. I really had no problems with Safari and Yahoo prior to March 1. After 3 days of wondering what was wrong with my email I stumbled across the thread.