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I can access the internet fine though? If your server is named Galaxy on the bar. Or access by IP of the server.

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Does your server have a dns name? If you nslookup the ip address, does your DNS server return a name? That's the FQDN. If i nslookup the ip address, I get the following returned: It's normal.

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If you still can't, did you install MS on your server? Your only alternative is to uninstall that patch from the server, or use Kerberos auth to connect to the server. Some googling may help. I don't have a functioning Mac here to try it. Your Mac isn't resolving the "name" hostname to that IP address.

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When you are typing in the hostname, your Mac is trying to find out what IP address that hostname belongs to. It can't do that, so it can't connect to the server. All are usually IT issues. You could technically add the File share name to your hosts file to resolve to Who needs DNS?!?

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    Setting up VPN on a Mac

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