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If they are using the boinc structure to run a commercial project shouldn't there be some royalties paid somewhere? Caveat crunchor. Email from SETI home? Message Posted 17 Dec by Odysseus Post: My WAG at the cause is some kind of syntax error in the code or perhaps a nonstandard or newish feature , which each client deals with as best it can. Any signal we could detect is very unlikely to come from beyond our Galaxy, so the cosmological redshift won't apply. To be seen from e.
This subthread really belongs in the S h Science forum. Well, if it was I In charge, I'd give these guys a call or a similar vendor http: Please speak Chinese living together harmoniously to teach me. This project is unable to run is because of them in the replacement data server. The old device has many problems. The volunteers capital endowment has been used to purchase two new servers.
At present hardware in laboratory, but is installing to be ready and prepares to accept the client to them still to need for one week or for a long time. Please patiently wait for and pays attention to the main page news. I believe when all recovers to run, certainly will release the bulletin. There is probably nothing wrong with your network settings.
The project is not giving out work because they are replacing the data servers. There were many problems with the old equipment. Volunteers donated funds for the purchase of two new servers. The hardware is now in the lab, but it will take a week or more before it is installed and ready to accept clients. Please be patient and look for news on the home page.
I'm sure there will be an announcement when everything is running again. How about Sirius? Isn't that the binary system that the Dogon tribe predicted some years ago? They claim it's where their gods came from. Kind of fitting for the SAH project, no? Alpha Canis Majoris is the brightest star in our skies aside from the Sun, of course , being one of our nearest neighbours; the primary, Sirius A, is slightly larger and more luminous than Sol. The "waiting for validation" number is the number of WU's that have been returned by one cruncher and are waiting for a wingman's result Things are a bit different at Beta.
I agree: Time in Berkeley What the heck are they doing now? Message Posted 10 Oct by Odysseus Post: Why is this thread sticky, old and irrelevant as it is? Cant make contact! Message Posted 9 Oct by Odysseus Post: The thread-starting postings also appear in Technical News , linked from the About menu above. And below! Message Posted 8 Oct by Odysseus Post: Grats to everyone that didn't lose their original account and the 3 years that went with it.
I have tasks ready to upload that will expire in 6 days! As long as a given result is found when the parent WU goes up for validation, having been reported late makes no difference. Managing two projects? Message Posted 29 Sep by Odysseus Post: But in the meantime setting it to 1 or some other small but non-zero number will have pretty much the same effect. I thought validation error meant that the task did not match the rest.
What did I do wrong? Message Posted 19 Sep by Odysseus Post: Not a beep, not a sound, not a tweet. Absolutely nothing. So does that mean that there is no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Or have we just been looking in the wrong places, using the wrong tools, and making some bad assumptions about alien intelligence?
Those are the questions that Dr. Paul Davies poses in his new book, The Eerie Silence: Renewing our Search for Alien Intelligence. SETI beta coming back up? Message Posted 30 Aug by Odysseus Post: My G5 has been getting some Beta work: I'm not sure these are good examples of round off or truncation error, are they Only intended to be general illustrations of how error propagation can be strongly nonlinear, even without iteration to compound it.
Reclaiming Classic account doesn't work. Message Posted 28 Aug by Odysseus Post: I find it interesting that a 32b number, having an uncertainty in the 10e-9 digit and an 80b number, having an uncertainty in the 10e digit if I am remember the formatting correctly can lead to differences of 0. That is a whole lot of flops to accumulate that size of difference, isn't it? I'm not disputing the observation, I'm just impressed. A lot of calculations respond non-linearly to errors.
Consider the inverse sine of a number near 1: Moreover, where thresholds are involved small discrepancies can be greatly magnified. Rating range Number. If the measuring device reads 0. Message Posted 24 Aug by Odysseus Post: Or are those cuda's defecating on my poor quad [ Mine was a Mhz intel. Some projects aren't as good at cleaning up after themselves as they might be, but I've never noticed old S h stuff accumulating—and at any rate this project uses much less disk space than some of the others. Eleven years and four days! Also good to note that there are very few stars out to light years.
Even to about one-tenth that distance—10 parsecs or Extrapolating from either of these samples will yield figures in the hundreds of thousands for a LY radius. And in the UK at least, it's a gloriously hot, sunny first weekend of summer. Do you still celebrate Victoria Day over there? Part of the reason is that projects vary widely in deadline policy: Playing with optimized code and got burned Message Posted 14 Apr by Odysseus Post: I am the creator of the installer app as there is the issue when installing optimized apps you had to reinstall BOINC to fix the permissions error, this installs the files with the proper permissions.
Upon what assumption?

I forget. Although this is the NC forum, not S h Science , I found a couple of the answers here rather disappointing. Because this line would be of interest to astronomers of any species who were studying the galaxy, this frequency is one of the most likely locations for deliberate extraterrestrial transmissions. The Classic explanatory pages at the link Jord provided go into considerable technical detail about the nature of potential signals and what the crunching is for, but say nothing at all about the motivation for choosing the 1. OK, criticism aside, and claiming no particular expertise, I think Winterknight touched on a couple of the most important factors.
Not only are the main sources of background noise relatively quiet in this band, but nearby are frequencies that are especially useful for mapping the structure of the Milky Way cf. Outside the Milky Way we are looking at a 20, year wait for an answer to any question sent to the next nearest galaxy!!! Much, much longer: Is it really over? Message Posted 17 Mar by Odysseus Post: And how come, that other projects Rosetta, Einstein, Milkyway have such long uptimes?
Why got account key invalid or lost? How to reattach? Why can't you deattach and keep your points, maintaining the gathered point and adding them again to your account is just a very simply software issue. Are you sure you hit the Update button on the preference page after editing the settings? Merely filling in the form doesn't do anything—until it's submitted. It also has a nice screen-saver. They seem to fall between the above two packages. I too miss the screensaver; I have it set to go black after a minute, so its effect on processing time is minimal anyway.
I see your tables very good aligned on Opera Remaining processing time increases??? Message Posted 12 Feb by Odysseus Post: Is that normal? But on my 2. Do you have other applications that are taking up your spare CPU cycles? Another possibility is inadvertent CPU throttling: Early SETI contributors - who's still around? Message Posted 31 Jan by Odysseus Post: I'm not brilliant at interrogating databases but it's fun to see your own data following my signup 10 years ago.
Not at all—thank the BOINCstats team among the developers of all the statistical websites for making these data so easily accessible. FWIW my sign-up class of has about the same retention as yours: I want to gift my credits to a friend, is that possible? Message Posted 27 Jan by Odysseus Post: No one knows if pi is or isn't infinite and that's the fun and crux of the problem. Lambert known today mainly for his map projections , in the mid-eighteenth century.
Actually was a milestone year: Are the properties of Copper better than Aluminum for filtering alien waves? Silver is good—very conductive—but Electrum Magicum is best. Is it possiable once the sytem recovers too download extra workunits to ride through the next outage? Three answers for the price of one! Of the users who signed up that day, it appears that about a hundred are still contributing.
I don't get it?? Is it just me? Message Posted 21 Dec by Odysseus Post: Nobody has reported such a problem.
Posts by Odysseus
In the past several days I have had many teachers inform me that SETI home works quite when on machines that also control electronic whiteboards. I think this could fall into the next category of "Bad Reporting. All flags of the world near the nick in forum? Message Posted 18 Nov by Odysseus Post: Also some other countries are not available. Antarctica is not a nation, but comprises a number of territories with provisional or disputed boundaries belonging to various countries: If you know of one, let me know.
Mundayweb has them, lots of project-selection and formatting options, too. Unlike some of the stats-sites, though, you have to register there to get a sig. Message Posted 13 Nov by Odysseus Post: The other side of shorter deadlines is more work being done in "priority mode" and if you've read the forums much at all, people get very upset over "priority mode" because they think it's some sort of failure. Some remember the earlier name "panic mode" and think that means that they need to panic. It doesn't crunch, and it also draws very little power.
It's perfect for her. Small search here in the forum or with google.. Neither seems the least bit relevant. Fri Oct 30 Unrecoverable error for result 11se09ab. Same on the WU page. Completed WU called Inconclusive? Message Posted 30 Oct by Odysseus Post: Please note that the version you are using, 5. On certain types of task the old BOINC clients overclaim but, unfortunately for their quorum partners, in a large majority of cases they lower the amount granted.
Except for those who get up at 5: So I don't think it saves any energy in our home. Here the sunrise gets as late as 8: There is nothing listed in the status column of the projects tab. That would seem to rule out NNT. What are the resource shares for the three or more projects running on that host? Which OSX Version? Message Posted 1 Sep by Odysseus Post: My MBP does not seem to have that option Leopard That would explain it! Even with a heatsink pad underneath the laptop. Even at that temperature, I'm still worried about it running 24 hours a day for the 5 days of the week I'm at work.
Laptops being generally much more fragile WICT cooling, throttling them back probably pays off in peace of mind, at least …. No such problem on my G5 with v It never affected the OS or any other program, and it stopped happening when I disabled the screensaver. Is your home machine a desktop system? How to start another war In my experience anybody can be taught to read a map, but they have to want to be taught as with most things. So far it is working, but we have only been at it for 36 years. Those with good spatial imaging abilities the ability to picture objects and their relationships in 3D, and from various angles take quickly to map reading, 3D CAD design, wire harness and pipe routing, and navigation in general.
Using a star-chart is no problem when observing naked-eye or with binoculars, but I almost always start off in the wrong direction when moving a telescope. I doubt I could even recognize Dolly Parton—in an audio-only medium, that is. I reach the ten-year mark tonight, so I thought I should check in. Happy crunching, all!
Three million for all projects. I would assume that an easy fix would be a popup being sent to all "old" clients. I don't think this would be an easy fix, because to send anything to a client would require a new client Of course users who are still running v4. Message Posted 14 Sep by Odysseus Post: Crunch this Back when HP made good stuff. PostScript is stack-based, so its syntax is rather like RPN: Wow did not even realize it went by. It is known that as an object accelerates, its relative mass increases, so that brings up a question.
At any rate, according to general relativity the mass-equivalent of energy, whatever it may be called, gravitates. An object passing you at 0. I agree that other sorting options would be nice to have, but they might put excessive load on the servers that manage the working database. Remove OS 9?? Message Posted 31 May by Odysseus Post: I have had my Mac tower since fall of , a G3.
I've been running OS X since I purchased it that year. Can it be removed?? You may want to burn them to CD first, just in case: Also discussed the Google Sky map stuff - they get their images from many different sources, so it's still unclear what epoch the coordinates are in. No simple official statements like, "Google Sky coordinates are entirely in J In any case, this is hardly a scientific issue as in doesn't affect our analysis - just what's in that neat little Google window. One more note: Projects vary in their disk-space requirements, quite independently of the amount of processing required by their tasks.
You will need to Detach your hosts from the project, then Attach them again using the e-mail and password belonging to the original account. Same for website access: Suppose a host with an RAC of suddenly quits crunching, and that the project does a recalculation every week thereafter. You forgot to factor in outstanding units still stuck in the pending tray. Not quite: Extrapolating backward from the current RAC of 0. I think on a weekly basis After three months 12 weeks the score will be 0. With the new "sandbox" technology you will have to reinstall to set permissions quite often if you make changes within the BOINC directories.
Is this an error? Should somebody correct it? Although RAC can in principle be updated periodically, it usually only happens on the occasion of a credit grant. So inactive hosts tend to show an RAC as of the date their last results were validated. A spacecraft orbiting a planet or moon with no atmosphere would tend to stay in orbit almost "forever". Likewise for any of the satellites in high Earth orbit, all the geosynchronous ones for example.
Pick any three points in a plane, and they are guarenteed to lie either on an arc or a straight line. This implies that the slope at which one segment ends must equal that at the beginning of the next. For a pair of circular arcs, in consequence both their centres must lie on a straight line that passes through the transition point. I started noticing that the fans on my Powerbook G4, 1. However, most users find that letting BOINC apps run while their system is in use has no discernible effect on their other activities.
Currently, a 'team' is a group of individual BOINC accounts joined together for a particular purpose. And it would be quite off-putting to institutional system admins if they were required to set up a separate, distinct account for every machine or user in their classroom or lab! Third-party stats sites offer comparisons of accounts with a given number of hosts. No polynomial or other parametric curves? I will probably leave SETI eventually because on a recent TV show they said and I'm paraphrasing here that Seti Home probably won't ever be successful because once radio signals get about a lightyear out they dissipate into the ether.
I hesitate to contradict such an authoritative source of scientific information as the TV ; but somebody was apparently confused: The range of EM radiation in vacuo is believed to be essentially unlimited. Was muss ich tun, damit die Grafik-Anzeige nicht wippt, sondern feststeht? I just got a mac powerbook G4 and when I tried to transfer my bonic program from my old and broken down iBook it would not let me.
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It should recognize the existing folder, picking up your account information from there and resuming from the point that the old host left off. Dantz Retrospect 6. The question I have is, while Retrospect is backing up my Mac, does SAH stop processing, so Retrospect can have the most access to the hard disk and the processor? Or do these two applications have to "share" resources, which will cause both a delay in the back-up and mess with the verification step of Retrospect?
Some projects have a long cleanup process to go through before the results can be uploaded. I looked at the work unit header, but I didn't see anything. I did a search to find my profile and I'm not listed anywhere. What's up with that? Have you tried clicking on the silhouetted head icon beside your user name? I thought ID numbers would be associated with starting date, but just noticed on this post that there not. Not quite. Have I had any impact yet Well, according to boincstats: So I'd guess that counts as helping.
In order to determine his true cumulative contribution to the team we have to subtract his score at the time he joined and do the arithmetic ourselves: USA on April 14, which day shows a total of 11,, It seems like that in the last ,, years the continents would have shifted so much as to have obliterated big meteor craters. Seti needs more crunchers I guess the number refers to a section in the American criminal code. There are a few websites giving the back-and-forth as someone strings one of these scammers along; I even recall seeing one that included videos: To Screen-save or not to screen-save?
Message Posted 15 Apr by Odysseus Post: Another thing: Let's discuss this in the Cafe instead of here Please post your question again there, and you will get the help you require Can some one help me please? Message Posted 10 Apr by Odysseus Post: Well, excuse me for suggesting a workaround, then: Message Posted 9 Apr by Odysseus Post: Can you provide a link? Where is all my credit???? Message Posted 7 Apr by Odysseus Post: Therefore, all of my credits from the other account is who knows where.
How can I recover my old credits? Wondering is all on this claimed vs. You can track the releases from v6 June onward in the New Optimized Apps Links sticky thread in this forum. I think it's just Eric, plus a few volunteers and contributions from those doing the separate optimized apps. Turpan is just about miles from their version of our National Test Site. Farm auction has closed USA wins Becuase of the "country limitation" I cannot join If I wanted to My little team, for example, was originally registered as Canadian; I changed it to international after a couple of Americans had joined.
He leaves the computer. SETI home it the reveille,!!!! First WU! I fear horror! But it would really be great if the FAQ or the wiki could be translated into each of the languages used by the participants as well. In , what would distributed computing projects be like? Message Posted 3 Apr by Odysseus Post: The first PowerPC-based systems appeared in One Million S h cobblestones today.
Overheating a stock, Dell, dual-core desktop. Message Posted 29 Mar by Odysseus Post: How do I make one task use all cpu's? Message Posted 28 Mar by Odysseus Post: Which brings up a question. Is beta running the same server as the production? How old is your Oldest Pending Unit?
WU's What a sad story! Around the end of January your host and a Mac crunched the WU and returned it promptly. My oldest pending is from January 3. Unless one used a third-party caching program, only one WU could be downloaded at a time. There was no assignment of tasks to specific hosts, and no validation process at the back end. What exactly does credits do for you? That has just got to be a FAQ Computation is suspended???? Message Posted 27 Mar by Odysseus Post: Hmm, I cant seem to get it working BOINC is actually the command line version, because I have it running in the background as a service, and installing the optimized client dosent seem to work.
I even changed the permissions to make sure the program was runnable Anyone else run into this? What actually happens: My wish - a view of the sky in live time. Message Posted 22 Mar by Odysseus Post: There are Internet-connected telescopes you can rent or just book time on. Most planetarium applications Stellarium for example have a real-time or sped-up display mode, intended to simulate the sky, from moment to moment, as seen from a given location.
Account-Email-Adresse vergessen! Was kann ich tun? Message Posted 21 Mar by Odysseus Post: Do you still have a computer attached to the project under that account? Once you have logged in, you can update the information in the account. Haben Sie jedoch einen Computer, der zum Projekt unter diesem Konto angebracht wird? Wenn Sie gebeten werden, innen zu protokollieren, kopieren Sie die Taste zum niedrigsten auffangen in der Form, anstatt, das E-mail u.
Kennwortteil zu benutzen. Where are the aliens? If we were fortunate enough that their planet transited its star, then perhaps we could determine its size and use spectrometry to determine the makeup of their atmosphere, but I'm almost certain we would not be so fortunate as to be able to do that. Yellow pages still here! Message Posted 19 Mar by Odysseus Post: I see that once in a while, my own posting seeming to prompt a yellow tag to show.
I've got this strange thought that some of this has to do with some odd "resonance" that causes BOINC to ask for work during the outage like clockwork, causing some really odd work-fetch on a few projects. Not that strange IMO. A host that went to the maximum communication deferral after repeated attempts to connect during an outage would retry exactly one week s later, with a fair chance of catching the next outage or the ensuing busy recovery period.
Let it roll? Message Posted 15 Mar by Odysseus Post: Odysseus, this is off topic but I saw Darwin as your preferred OS. It looks like you know so, please, is there a free version to download? And has it been clipped of it's GUI - just the 'toolbox' as it were? Where can I read more about Darwin? It seems quite elusive on the net so any pointers would be nice, thanks. Account manager error: Or click one of the other host IDs on a work-unit page.
Message Posted 13 Mar by Odysseus Post: Boinc 6.
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I think part of the problem is that users have become used to managing their queues with the CI setting, which is something of an illogical kluge to start with. What if? Message Posted 11 Mar by Odysseus Post: I agree with you except for it will never be able to take a few weeks or months to reach a planet 20 light years away. Traveling the speed of light it would take 20 years to reach this planet. As measured back on Earth, yes. But travelling at nearly the speed of light, the astronauts would experience a much shorter trip.
At a constant speed of 0. My G5 Mac has gotten a few errors from the 13fe08ac batch, but the problem is a little worse than bad headers: Macintosh OS Stack frame backtrace: There has been a great deal of discussion here about old clients; try searching the forum for some of these terms or the BOINC version number above. Meanwhile some 45 or 50 years would pass on Earth. Your SETI farm power consumption? The Enemy No idea what type of Bird It is though.
Looks rather like a Pine Grosbeak. Heat travels Up, Right? However, there are a few liquid phases with the opposite property, with the result that that the warmer portions will sink in circumstances that allow gravity convection. That is a beautiful picture. It almost looks 3D. I wonder how many meters in size it is. Caught in Action. This cloud is about meters feet across and extends about meters feet from the base of the steep cliff. Shadows to the lower left of each cloud illustrate further that these are three dimensional features hanging in the air in front of the cliff face, and not markings on the ground.
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Sunlight is from the upper right. UK citizens can sign a petition. SETI Farms, just a hobby? Message Posted 7 Mar by Odysseus Post: I just called the accountant to verify that last statement. If your car is purely for your job, you can claim maintenance and mileage on your taxes, but as "unpaid business expense", not as "volunteer" work. Doing things for your company is a completely different ballgame and would fit in the former category, not the latter. Ready to run???? Message Posted 6 Mar by Odysseus Post: My seti file is ready to run,but I cant get it to. How do i get it to run??? The first thing to look at would be the Activity menu: And welcome to the project!
Regardless, it looks like one sick puppy. Well maybe my 2 can be counted as a farmlet ; In that case I have a mini-farm: Mine comprises two computers at home and five at work. Orbit home http: If you had an account before, you need to sign up again- it's a 'fresh start'. Currently there are no Work Units, but expect to see something in the next few days Linux only, apparently. Ovder the past couple of days I have noticed that my pending credit keeps going up, but my total credit is staying the same.
I have almost 2, pending credit points. Is this slow or am I just impatient? How many computers do you have running on seti. I see you have been on since and yet I have 3 times your numbers. If you are not running 2 or more computers with multiple cpus why are you answering this question? And this setting certainly applies on a per-host basis: How can I transfer work units to another mac at home? Message Posted 3 Mar by Odysseus Post: Is it possible to transfer work units from the iBook to another machine at home to be worked, and then back onto the iBook for uploading?
If so, how? Thumb-drives would be fine for copying to and from, but to run from them would raise a couple of problems: Anyone know their maths? Even something as straightforward as pressure, for example: If you can picture what a kilogram per metre per second per second is, more power to you! Continuation of the V8 app thread.. I always set the Sort top right of the page to "Newest post first".
Saves an awful lot of scrolling. Maybe we're all looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it's the timer function that's "improved. Mac Pro CPU time vs. Angle Range plots? In the meantime, while Fred polishes up his script, it might not be too hard for someone more competent than I, that is to adapt one of the scripts that have been posted there. What is the Reason for Short WU's? In other words: If you are here for the science, we all win. No argument here. UPdate to 5. Message Posted 1 Mar by Odysseus Post: Isn't S H Beta testing v6.
X wich is a performance killer like Vista is for windows Where oh where did the slow processor software go Message Posted 29 Feb by Odysseus Post: The current recommended processor is a MHz, but is that realistic? I remember a few weeks ago that there was an article listing that Seti home project needs a 2.
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New strange video uploaded to video. Message Posted 28 Feb by Odysseus Post: They look like birds to me, possibly kites, jaegers, or something of the kind, with pale wing-tips. At times their wing-flapping motions are quite easily discernable. I'm saving mine up for a free toaster! But be careful Not necessarily. International Dark-Sky Association Why?
Because things go bump in the night, The Boogeyman might get me - oh, and I'm a lot more likely to get burgled if it is dark sadly. How do I down load a unit to a disk so I can run the unit on a different computer that is not on my network? Message Posted 20 Feb by Odysseus Post: I have become accostomed to using the IE browser "back" button. It used to clear the yellow pages as I read the threads.
Now it does not. Started happening last weekend and is happening on all 6 of my boxes. As requested, here are some messages logged by my G5 Mac on the weekend times in MST , presumably relating to the batch of validate errors it got: To fetch work To report completed tasks HTTP service unavailable Server error: It spent most of the night on other projects. A little clump of validate errors from tasks my G5 Mac submitted on Sunday: The latter: Prefixed to any other command, sudo gives it the same privileges that it would have if you were logged in as root the terminal will ask for an administrator password before executing it.
All-project total: Can anyone tell me, what kind of donation Sun Microsystems makes, finacial or hardware? Servers at least, and parts thereof. I'll look for that info!! Lost WU due a client error, do get credit for the work? Message Posted 18 Feb by Odysseus Post: The only 'error' you do get a minute bit of credit for here at Seti is a -9 overflow error if they still exist. I recently created an account with Neil Munday's site. I have been all over that website and, for the life of me, can't seem to figure out how to get the stat graphic to show up in my profile or message posts like it should.
Remember to save the changes. In spanish, thousand separator is '. One million and one cent is 1. What app is running? Message Posted 17 Feb by Odysseus Post: I just installed the optimized application but I cannot see if it is running. Here is a copy of the log after I restarted: Computation errors or invalid outcomes, yes.
Validate errors, no: It is down to about 9, now. I know we would like to have all of our credit immediately but until the NTPCKR is up an running which will pretty much validate WUs in real time, things need to be done verified comparatively to ensure validity of the completed work. At a distance of 8. I passed it a just a few days ago.
Did you see the light? When your computer is doing the work, there is a little line that says credit and has a number value affixed to it. What is that? Probably the same number you see under your name beside your message, right? Welcome to the project; feel free to ask any questions you may still have after reading those articles.
How far is it to Pluto? The ship's engine is an "Ion Drive" but don't ask me how it works because I pretty much went with standard sci-fi where an Ion Drive is standard. Lousy acceleration but economical for long hauls. Unless ion-drive technology vastly improves beyond what is currently envisioned, of course.
I kept the exact year vague for the purposes of the story, but I would say between and years from now. A little over a hundred years from now Pluto will be at aphelion, which means that it will approach us again over the following century. I figure the distance will become less than 3,,, mi. Ubuntu does this automatically, most other versions it must be done manually.
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Sorry I do not have the exact information needed for this change. Most likely a similar fix would work on the macs as well. Is your nameless host running linux? Message Posted 11 Feb by Odysseus Post: Pluto is 5,,, km See below. Right now Pluto is Giving a result to the 0. I am not sure if this is on Pluto's closet approach to Earth or not, but I would say that it probably comes closer at times making it fall within a three billion mile trip. Vadakin, if you tell us in what year the story takes place, we may be able to estimate how far away Pluto is expected to be at that time.
As the Joker said, no ill effects: Apologies - cancel my last - you can do it in Google Sky!! There are many astronomical charting programs that are much better than Google Sky, quite a few of them available for free. What is going on!???
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Message Posted 9 Feb by Odysseus Post: See the Preview of skymaps thread in the S h Science forum. The effect which you've so clearly described is definitely real, and works just as you describe. But the problem is our old friend 'Garbage in, Garbage out'. The algorithm works surprisingly well, but it relies on being given accurate data: Those estimates aren't very good! They will have been based on figures reported in Beta testing, but there are far fewer Beta testers than there are SETI crunchers, so we don't get through as many tasks and, crucially, as wide a collection of Angle Ranges as would be ideal.
Has the O. Message Posted 7 Feb by Odysseus Post: Eric's Out of Adjectives Post That makes it a benefit for an application to be open source, and I personally think that's a plus, although projects with closed source apps might find it to be a minus. On the minus side, being open source will also drive some people crunching for credits to find the project with the most poorly optimized stock application, since that's where they would get the most credit. IOW, an optimized app can run 10X the speed of a poorly optimized stock app and generate 10X the credits, whereas if the stock app is well optimized, a processor specific app might only be able to go 2X as fast and generate 2X the credits.
I really don't know how to fix this problem, and that's part of the reason why we're having this discussion. To the extent that BOINC developers form a community, collaboration has the potential to help with the application-performance aspects of interproject parity.