
Mac os x sdk 10.8

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No, I need to test against the actual SDK for methods that aren't supported in them and other general behavior. I have the deployment target set to Brendan Shanks Brendan Shanks 2, 9 Where can I find these other SDKs for download? I only have MacOSX You need to get them out of old Xcode versions, the XcodeLegacy script will download and extract them. Or download old Xcode versions from developer.

A collection of those pesky SDK folders: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. To your point: Yes, when we build this product with the So for some debugging tasks, unfortunately I need to push changes, then use xcodebuild on an old Mac which is running Xcode 3. And, of course, I do this for release builds. But the ability to edit, and usually build and debug this old project in Xcode 8. I hope that Apple appreciates this and would never do anything on purpose to make this any more difficult. I download https: For me the solution was a reboot of the system my MacBook bat, went low and therefore I think the reboot did the trick.

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Thanks, that did it. I had the same problem. However, I have found a workaround solution. Install Xcode and runs.

Elements for Cocoa — SDK Downloads

Quit Xcode. Now Xcode. Now you can install the SDK as usual. Oh, thanks for sharing the finding!

How to install Java JDK on Mac OS X ( with JAVA_HOME )

So its not a bug - its just intended annoyance. Dear jerrykrinock, it was just a fluke. This is to avoid storing identical SDK, and to see what has changed. In other words, we should always work with the latest SDK. The future, not the past.

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Supporting software for pre-Carbon 68k Macs is a little more difficult