
Registrare file audio con mac

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Call the record or recordblocking method, where:. Specify the length of the recording in seconds, or end the recording with the stop method. Optionally, call the pause and resume methods.

The recording is performed asynchronously. Specify the length of the recording in seconds. The recording is performed synchronously. Create a numeric array corresponding to the signal data using the getaudiodata method.

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The following examples show how to use the recordblocking and record methods. This example shows how to record microphone input, play back the recording, and store the recorded audio signal in a numeric array. You must first connect a microphone to your system.


Create an audiorecorder object named recObj for recording audio input. To record audio independently from two different sound cards, with a microphone connected to each:. Call audiodevinfo to list the available sounds cards.

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For example, this code returns a structure array containing all input and output audio devices on your system: Create two audiorecorder objects. For example, this code creates the audiorecorder object, recorder1 , for recording a single channel from device 3 at The audiorecorder object, recorder2 , is for recording a single channel from device 4 at 48 kHz: Record each audio channel separately.

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Stop the recordings. By default, an audiorecorder object uses a sample rate of hertz, a depth of 8 bits 8 bits per sample , and a single audio channel. These settings minimize the required amount of data storage. For higher quality recordings, increase the sample rate or bit depth. For example, typical compact disks use a sample rate of 44, hertz and a bit depth. Create an audiorecorder object to record in stereo two channels with those settings:. For more information on the available properties and values, see the audiorecorder reference page.

For simple playback using a single function call, use sound or soundsc. For example, load a sample MAT-file that contains signal and sample rate data, and listen to the audio:.

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For more flexibility during playback, including the ability to pause, resume, or define callbacks, use the audioplayer function. Create an audioplayer object, then call methods to play the audio. For example, listen to the gong sample file:. Kodi Affascinante media center per il tuo Mac.

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