
Mac os x utilities screen at startup

If you can't start up from macOS Recovery

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If I can't install the osx on the IMac does that mean the internal hard drive has to be replaced? Your best bet would be to bring it in for repair. If it is the drive, they'll replace it. You'll lose your data but fortunately you have that backed up. Posted on Mar 22, Mar 22, 9: Mar 22, Yes, that sounds like a bricked hard drive.

If you're handy you can replace it, you could also run off an external drive until you do.

When good Macs go bad: Steps to take when your Mac won't start up | Macworld

If you have a bootable clone, that's great. If not you can install onto an external drive from your install disks and upgrade to ML. Then when you replace the drive, you can just clone over the external. Page content loaded. Mar 22, 7: It's possible your internal hard drive is bad since you're unable to see it to repair it.

If you still have the disks for the OS that it came with try restarting from that disk and using Disk Utility from there to repair your internal drive. You may still not be able to see your drive but it's worth a try. Sorry, I cannot get startup Manager it just goes to the osx utilities screen again.

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Thanks for trying sending this by iPad. Bit nervous about doing this. If I insert the osx install disk does it erase everything and restore snow leopard? Thank you or your advice.

OS X - Boot to the Recovery Partition in Lion/Mountain Lion

I restarted from the disk and went to disk utility but the drive was not there. I also again tried the restore from Time Machine back up but no success.

Step 2: Safe Boot

I expect the next action is to reinstall the OS. Thank you for your help. I have a seagate HB external hard drive which I back up everything. Being female I would not mess with the inside of he computer! I will try to install using on the iMac using the disk and then hopefully restore using time machine.

I am always interested to learn when things go wrong.

About macOS Recovery

Mar 29, 2: Just thought I would let you know that it was the hard drive that needed replacing. Only three and half years old and I am a light user but that's life.

The next problem was that the fan was running very fast and loud but the repairman fixed that for me with a fan control. Many thanks for your advice.