
Certificate error league of legends mac

It's been fixed? I've been getting this for about a month now since the last last patch, and I'm still getting it, is there any fix? Forgive me if you've already done this, but have you tried reinstalling? I've not actually, it doesn't bother me too much, if there's an easy fix, great, if there isn't, not a big deal.

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Though I did do a huge computer clean up couple days earlier before this had appeared, I always thought that I deleted something that had the certificate. I know this isnt the place to ask you this, but i recently updated my Win 7 to win 7 ultimate 64 bit and since then i get a maestro error, is it becasue of the new win 64 bit? Windows 7 Ultimate 64 shouldn't cause it.

I'd just try a reinstall or repair and if it doesn't work file a ticket and a PS Tech rep will assist you. My friend had that problem. It was caused by his Firewall. Try to change it for a new one and see if it works. Since this is Heartbleed related, you should not be telling users they don't need to change passwords. This news essentially means that we have all been vulnerable to the effects of Heartbleed until yesterday.

There should actually be a popup telling users that you recommend the password change but not make it mandatory like the one done a while back. Exploits are used all the time long before they're discovered to have been actively exploited, and when you find a bug that affected a full fifth of the internet for multiple years, making the assumption that things are fine is a bad business practice.

I wasn't telling people not to change their password due to heartbleed. You should definitely change your password often, the context of that, "Yes" and this entire thread is about the certificate issue. The certificate issue does not warrant a password reset. His point is that changing passwords prior to today would have been meaningless because there was no way to be certain that league's ssl certificates hadn't been compromised by heartbleed.

No, the change in certificates is not an indication that a new security hole has appeared, but it is an indication that an old potential security hole has been fixed and that users can now change their passwords securely. So yes, users concerned about heartbleed should be changing their passwords now in response to the certificate change. The certificate issue is a direct result of Heartbleed, though. I didn't even know that Riot was affected by Heartbleed until this post if there's an announcement by Riot, I apologize, but I haven't seen it absolutely anywhere.

In addition, besides "notify users", this was caused by the very last server-side step of patching Heartbleed. Heartbleed has been around for 2 years. Not to mention once you actually log into the game and try to play you'd realize something was up and change your password. Because league of legends is based in a client, and not a web page, its much more difficult to perform the man in the middle attack heartbleed promotes. Do you really think logging on to http: They might not even be separate authentication scripts, and they're definitely linked to the same database on the backend.

It means that the servers were vulnerable which was already known. This new message doesnt add anything new, except for the fact that they actually FIXED the vulnerability, causing this error for now. Also as far as i understood it, the vulnerability was not some kind of free pass, it required activity which could still be monitored like certain queries needed to be sent or certain APIs needed to be accessed. So if any passwords were actually obtained, they should be aware of it. Since they arent requiring a password reset and we know they have the code to do it , they probably werent compromised.

It's a much more low level exploit. A client can send a heartbeat request to the server and get back arbitrary data - basically the client would ask the server to send back "cat", and the server is supposed to send back "cat". That arbitrary data could include the server's private master key. The private master key can be used on encrypted data, captured over time or currently being sent, to decrypt the communication.

As for knowledge about it, it seriously depends on the audit trail at the individual companies. Many may not ever be able to know if they were attacked. There are articles that suggest it may have been actively exploited for 5 months.

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In addition, there's unnamed sources from the NSA who claim to have known about it since "shortly after it was introduced" i. If the NSA was doing it as a part of their standard operations, there's a really good chance someone else was doing it as well. This is a great explanation. I was getting this before HeartBleed was discovered. Long before. I haven't seen it much lately though. I normally got it when going to the in-game store. Store certificates are different than login queue certificates. There was an incident a while ago with store certificates again not malicious that we resolved.

Oh I had determined as much. That's why I didn't send in a ticket about it. Thanks for the hard work though: It's supposed to go away, but CF didn't configure it correctly which is why we're reaching out! Hold tight. I usually have that pop up when I visit the store, but it pops up in the background and I don't pay attention to it until I close league. Then I just close the window asking me to approve the cert. Dodged like a Jax. If I tether my internet through my phone, I will always get this when accessing the store, even before today.

It will also just randomly pop up when not browsing the store. Any idea why this is? I play on Linux, and with most configurations the store won't work. Looking at Wireshark a while back I saw that the cert being given by the store was expired. Not sure if this is still the case. This actually haven't happen to me for quite a few months, but it did way before the whole heartbleed fiasco.

Didnt think much of it though. The cert for your website didn't seem to have changed yet. Does it mean they are about to change them or is it never going to happen? It might be a good idea to change it asap in case someone got the cert through the Heartbleed vulnerability. Also it could be malicious if someone is running a MitM attack against that user. Blindly accepting these windows is not always a good idea. Triggs when i had this problem it was because when i changed my time i accidently changed my date aswel which caused this problem.

But im not sure if this helped you. We're looking into this right now with our Security Team. We do use Cloudflare services for several purposes, so they are a trusted company. This is now fixed! I had this issue previously and I want to outline what I have found. Therefore if you click "View Certificate" it will say that the company responsible for this is a company called 'Akamai'. Looking into this company you will see that it is mainly a service provider distributor for large companies, such as an intermediary on providing data. For most people the new certificate might have a varying name associated with who is providing support in their area.

I have been finding that most people in Europe will be receiving this certificate from "CloudFlare" or "CloudFare", where the latter seems very suspicious. From what I read it mainly has to do with the recent "HeartBleed" exploit that had been going on and CloudFlare has removed all previous affected Certificates. CloudFlare HeartBleed Aftermath.

Your Answer

They have now issued new Certificates that are unaffected, BUT wait until more information is released. But for those who still don't trust the Certificate, there is a way to get rid of the pop-up message without Accepting it. It only takes three steps to remove it and they are as follows:. This should work for most of you, just be sure to Run as Administrator because otherwise it will not work.

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Through searching the League of Legends Forums I have found that a riot Member has commented on the situation. Here is the link: LeagueofLegends It is located at the bottom of the page. Did not work me, I looked at the certificate though and it's for ssl Was a typo, it's ssl Interesting, the only difference I could see is based on geographical location and specific service providers for such.

More information on myself is that I live in Ontario, Canada. I'll try to find a solution for cloudfare on how to not accept it. I just want to confirm that it said cloudfare and not CloudFlare. I've got the same issue, and I'm from Norway so I doubt this certificate issue has anything to do with which country you're connecting from. As OriginialCivilian said, the certificate says 'cloudflare' instead of 'CloudFlare', which is slightly suspicious.

Therefore, I wouldn't trust the certificate until we hear more from Riot employees. Just pay attention to the reddit mainpage for the next hour, my guess is that there will be information regarding the issue any minute now. The certificate says ssl So, what exactly is it having trouble decrypting? The padding seems correct, as if add or subtract 1 to the byte I get an invalid MAC error.

If I corrupt the client-iv in the message from what I used to encrypt just put a bad byte in the transmitted version , doing so also gives me Bad Record MAC. I'd expect that to wreck the decryption also.

Does anyone with relevant experience have a theory of how TLS 1. Perhaps someone who's done a similar updating to a codebase, and had to change more than the two things I've changed to get it working? Am I missing another crucial technical change? What recourse do I have to find out what is making the server unhappy?

There's actually not anything wrong with the ChangeCipherSpec message. It's actually the Finished message that has the problem. But what's confusing in the Wireshark log is that the Finished message shows up on the same log line, but under the name " EncryptedHandshakeMessage " This makes it look like some kind of tag or label describing ChangeCipherSpec, but it's not. That message actually isn't encrypted at all.

The Finished handshake message is encrypted since it occurs after the Change Cipher Spec message. Signed elements now include a field that explicitly specifies the hash algorithm used. The second applies to certificates, and if you haven't gotten to certificate checking you wouldn't be at that point yet. However, this point is also a change from TLS 1. But it's the plain hash. So SHA, unless the cipher suite's spec says otherwise.


Then I added breakpoints and instrumentation to see what it was upset about. GDB wasn't letting me step into the shared library, for some reason. Compile against the static library with:. I followed the instructions for generating certificates here, but changed the AAs to localhost. Then I changed the cert. I was able to do:. And successfully get back test as a response.

So then it was just a matter of seeing where my client caused a failure. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

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So I'm puzzled on what could be the problem: The server demonstrates discernment of valid MAC vs. How's it getting the right MAC -and- having a decrypt error? HostileFork HostileFork Afshin Did the padding change between 1. As I say, I've really only changed two things so far I know cert validation needs a couple of things but I'm not attacking that just yet I changed the initialization vector and the PRF.

Just checked myself, padding mode itself is not changed.