
How to get scrollbar to appear on mac

When the System Preferences window opens, select the General preference pane. The middle section of the General preference pane controls when scrollbars appear and what happens when you click on a scrollbar. To return the scroll bars to their pre-Lion functionality, and turn their visibility back on, select Always from the Show Scroll Bars options. The scroll bars will now always be visible, even when you're not scrolling.

If you would rather have the scrollbars only show up when you actually start scrolling, select When Scrolling. If you would rather have the scroll bars appear when the cursor is in the area of a scroll bar, or when you start scrolling, select Automatically based on mouse or trackpad. The last two options provide a choice for what happens when you click on the scroll bars. You can select one of the following:.

Once you've made your selection, you can quit System Preferences. Remember, you can come back to the System Preferences to modify your choices at any time.

How to change scrolling on the Mac

Share Pin Email. Tom Nelson has written hundreds of articles, tutorials, and reviews for Other World Computing and About. He is the president of Coyote Moon, Inc. Updated September 17, You can select one of the following: Jump to the next page will move the contents of the window a page at a time, either up or down, depending on where you click on the scrollbar.

If you click near the bottom, you'll go to the end of the document. If you click near the top, you'll go to the top of the window.

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And if you click somewhere in-between, you'll be moved to a spot in the document that matches up to where you clicked. Continue Reading. I have an older MacBook Pro , upgraded to X, lost my scroll bar and was quite irritated. This quick fix made me like my notebook again.

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Come on Apple … Listen to the folks who buy your updates. Return the scroll bar arrows to OSX Lion and above.

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We are creatures of habit. Some of us depend on a few things remaining consistent. Thanks for this help! Hiding the scrollbars really slowed down scrolling as hiding elements almost always does so this was very helpful. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for this!

Always Show Scroll Bars in Mac OS X

I was going crazy trying to get those scrollbars to appear! I just want to add the comment for the Apple stupid design. What is the point to hide the scroll bar on the screen? It is silly to make the simple things complicated. OK idea botched by poor design and execution. I am using a Mac Powerbook with OS x version I can get the scroll bars back by restarting, but have yet to find a way to get them back while using a site on which they do not appear.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Show or hide scroll bars in Office for Mac - Office Support

Thanks for the tip. I love having the scroll bar always present. You are a god among men. Thank you thank you thank you. I still miss those old windowshades Mac used to have, When you clicked on the document, it would roll up like a windowshade. Much easier to located closed documents than the dock.

But I love my Mac. Thank you!! I thought in my app CSS in not applying. But finally i fount your solution and i fixed…. Decency exists in Apple for putting such option available! All these days I was fiddling around with the scroll bar when it keeps on disappearing. Name required. Mail will not be published required. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited.

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