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Page x. Online PDF Converter: Convert any file to PDF online, no setup. Color reproduction is both art AND science. The expression of color in the physical world is about adding or subtracting light. In the digital world it involves pixel composition. Each pixel in a digital image is described by the amount of Red, Green, and Blue light that makes up its color. This is known as additive color since the total amount of RGB equals white. Most print devices use CMYK to mix and manage colors.

The opposite of RGB. Printing is a subtractive color space because the color we see is reflected light, not the direct light seen when looking at a digital image.

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This conversion will produce unexpected color if not done in a controlled and predictable manner. Printing is an art form that requires highly technical human expertise. Paper has attributes of its own—surface texture, density, size, color—that interact with ink, changing the way the ink behaves. All of this interaction—between ink and paper, between colors, between ink and machine, in the tiniest surface area—has an effect on the final look and feel of your physical, printed project. Not all pixels are created equal. Print pixels or dots and digital pixels are different things.

In the digital space, pixels indicates size; the print space, density. This means that each dot will have within it multiple pixels of color. Each dot is created with an even smaller pattern of colored pixels. This is especially important for gradients and is why images require more DPI than PPI to depict the same level of detail. Printing is a technical, physical, multi-step process. Digital printing is still a mechanical process, and each machine is different. With ink jet printing, digital signals drive jets of ink droplets directly on to the paper.

Offset printing transfers the image to a plate which then plate transfers the image to the paper. The process and the machines determine which types of ink are used, which determines color capabilities. No matter how industrial the printer, it still faces fatigue and there are saturation constraints. Offset machines can incorporate Pantone spot colors, but this is outside the usual workflow and fairly expensive. Printing technology has come a long way in the last 15 years.

But screens are still more capable of rendering precision detail and a wider range of colors.

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With all of these conversions from one color space to another, from one device to another, the color of an image would naturally appear differently on each. What a color profile does is describe what the colors will look like on a particular device whether it be a computer monitor, an ink-jet printer, or an HP Indigo printer. The color profile contains a Look-Up Table it uses when fed the data that describes a certain color on your monitor and converts it to the same color on a digital press.

Our entire print network adheres to this standard for the most consistent results possible with print on demand.