Zip files on mac terminal
Using the zip command in the Terminal, we can easily compress multiple files and folders into one. First, you will need to navigate to the directory containing the folder you wish to zip. All of the files to be zipped should be in a single folder.
Create a password-protected ZIP file on Mac OSX
In the above command, replace x with the name that you wish the zipped file to be called, and replace y with the name of the folder that you wish to zip. When you press Return, the folder contents will be zipped, creating a new zip file in the same location you navigated to in the Terminal. As files and folders are added during the compression process, you will see notifications in the Terminal window. Unzipping your files through the Terminal is an easy process that begins with navigating to the folder where the zip file is stored.
In this Article: If you have a lot of old documents and files taking up space on your computer, you can compress them into an archive to save space. Mac OS X allows you to compress files directly from the operating system. You can also download third-party compression software that may be more effective. Follow this guide to compress your old files. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.
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Compressing a file or folder
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Open Finder. You can open Finder by clicking the Finder icon on the Dock. It looks like a square blue face. Once the Finder opens, navigate to the files that you want to compress. To easily compress multiple files from various locations into one.
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Copy all of the files that you want to compress into this folder. Select your files. You can select individual files out of a list by holding the Command button and clicking on each file. Once you have the files you want selected, right-click one of the selected files.
Compress files & folder in the Terminal Command Line in macOS Sierra
If your mouse only has one button, hold Ctrl and click the file. If you want to compress a folder containing multiple files, right-click the folder. Compress the files. Select Compress from the right-click menu. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. How can I compress a folder into multiple zip files? Ask Question. I'm on mac osx. Is there any tool to compress a folder into multiple zip files?
Use the -s switch on the zip command in terminal. So if your folder was called FolderName zip -r -s 64 archive. Use -s to set the split size and create a split archive. RobZolkos I've done what you suggest and I have a small archive. However, I cannot unzip the content, I'm running unzip unix archive.