Mac keychain change multiple passwords
Find lehigh in the list and select it. This is the name of the wireless network and will be listed as kind: Lehigh University provides a leading-edge library and technology environment that enables flexibility, innovation, and effectiveness in all areas of the academic enterprise, including learning and the student experience, research, administration, community-building and outreach.
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If you need to update your keychain password on Mac
I've not tested this but the script should go something like that. Once your script is in the JSS you can then create a policy to make available in Self Service so the user can simply click the on the button, delete their keychains and reboot the computer to let the user's login keychains recreate.
Like I said, I know that this is super old but figured it might help someone if they are looking for help on this issue as well. I'm honestly in disbelief at how many people fight against keychains rather than trying to tame them - in our organization and outside.
How to use iCloud Keychain to sync passwords across Apple devices
It absolutely isn't clear to a non-technical person when you're being prompted - but we try very hard to train clients and support staff to focus on the difference between a "current access password" and a "current login keychain". The single best document for doing this is; https: Up until literally yesterday the troubleshooting process somewhere in our organization involved I've narrowed this information down to a single mis-informed support staff member Dialog with your fellow IT professionals, gain insight about Apple device deployments, share best practices and bounce ideas off each other.
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Some things we have tried: Like Comment. Order by: Most Likes Oldest Newest. Here are the commands I used to disable for my own account: To disable: For more information on this setting, see this post: Now, mind you, this is a bit of a "shotgun" approach but you could do the following by using Self Service: I've not tested this but the script should go something like that Once your script is in the JSS you can then create a policy to make available in Self Service so the user can simply click the on the button, delete their keychains and reboot the computer to let the user's login keychains recreate.
As always, your mileage may vary in your environment - happy wrangling. Log in to post a response.
Spam This is an advertisement—it is not useful or relevant. Inappropriate This is offensive or in violation of our Community Etiquette. They can copy the keychain and back it up but if your Mac login password is a good strong one then not even a technician with the highest of privileges can access your keychain. All your data inside that file is safe if your password is not compromised. A corporate technician can use their own account to login to your work issued Mac. If they need to help you with something inside your account then only you should unlock the Mac with your own password and stick around while the tech works on your Mac.
If you are not present logout or lock the screen.
How to manage passwords with Keychain Access
You are responsible for backing your data if you take it to Apple for repair as well. However you have to unlock it and lock it manually. You can add the keychain to the menu item bar to have easier access to it. They require my old pwd. It asks for pwd for local. This was fixed at one point but updates brought it back.. Once or twice a year some of the keychain icons would be greyed out or have a blank icon and were not accessible.
Sometimes a restore would solve the issue but often not. Sometimes a time consuming manual rebuild was needed. Some years ago due to the number of entries I began creating separate keychains to keep software activation keys and website credentials. The intention was to not mess with the default keychain. The problem persisted. Recently I moved all my personal keychain items software activation keys, website credentials, etc to a non Apple solution. Things are much better now. My keychain automatically creates numerous items.
Is this behavior due to my use with FireFox as a browser?
Everything You Need to Know About Keychain in macOS Sierra | Other World Computing Blog
I am using Firefox, going on about 4 years. When I inspect my Keychain there are many entries. I need to either find out what the non Apple entries are, or what could happen if I delete all the non Apple entries. Websites state to inspect the entry, but the information is so general I still do not understand where it came from or its purpose.
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- 2. You Forgot the Password to Your Mac Keychain.
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I did not know what that meant, but always checked No. Why would Entourage want access to my Keychain? I may be wrong, but I think that Entourage was probably asking for Keychain permission in order to save email server passwords in the Keychain.