
Best gtd for mac os x

The subscription includes upgrades too. As we mentioned last year, expect more productivity apps go the subscription route. SetApp is a great way to get some of the best apps for one price. Fortunately, there are several great alternatives. Airmail is an absolutely beautiful email client that integrates with just about every productivity app out there. Postbox is a powerful email client with some unique features like domain fencing, which prevents you from sending email from the wrong account accidentally. MailPlane is great if you like the Gmail web interface but prefer a native app, and MailMate is an incredibly powerful keyboard-centric email client if you like writing in Markdown.

We settled on Zoom, and it has been rock-solid every since. If you need an answer to something right away or need to have a discussion about a certain topic, a tool like Hipchat or Slack will allow you to reach a resolution much faster than an email thread.

  1. How We Choose the Best GTD Apps.
  2. Best of the Rest!
  3. The Top 10 Productivity Apps for the Mac ( Edition)!
  4. Firetask — Project-oriented GTD® Task Management for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
  5. mac mart food truck philly.
  6. The 10 Best GTD® Apps in ;

Atlassian, the maker of Hipchat, is releasing Stride , which we plan to test out this year. Now that Twitter has announced the end of their Mac app, it is even more useful. There are several online backup solutions available, but the AE team likes Backblaze because the Mac client is much more polished and easy to use than some of the other alternatives. Graphic — If you are a designer or someone who works heavily with vector drawing and illustrations, you are probably subscribed to Creative Cloud and using Illustrator and Photoshop. Snagit — There are many apps for capturing and marking up screenshots including Tapes mentioned below , but if you want an app that does it all, Snagit is one of the most powerful.

You can quickly capture images and video with a few keypresses, do all sorts of annotations, and quickly share them to the clipboard or the cloud. If you share it to the cloud, it will automatically put the link in your clipboard. You can even do scrolling and panoramic capture to capture more than what you see on the screen at any one time. This is also great for customer support as it allows us to demonstrate via video how to solve customer problems.

Byword — I tend to do most of my writing in Ulysses see below , but Byword is a beautiful Markdown editor that is great for writing plain text that is not part of a larger project. The Mac app syncs with the iOS version, which is where this app really shines. Here is a quick guide we have written.

OneNote is free and has a huge fanbase, especially among Windows users. Its tight integration with MS Office makes it a compelling choice for people in that ecosystem, though the Mac app is more limited than the Windows version. Anytime I need to plan things out including this article , I start in MindNode.

Managing Knowledge Work in 12222

It also has an extensive built-in stencil function where you can search for extension stencils that other people have uploaded online to share. And if you bought a new Mac recently, you probably got them for free. The real standout here is Keynote, which is both very powerful and easy to use. The animated transitions that are included with Keynote are top notch and allow you to make very professional looking presentations quickly and easily.

It allows you to record your screen easily and edit your screencasts with callouts, transitions, annotations, and much more. It works well for writing blog posts, articles, and even longer-form content. These very words are being typed in Ulysses.

It has one main purpose: Very handy when on long Skype or webinar viewing sessions. I tend to use Chrome more as it is well-integrated with Google web apps and I like the way tabs work, but others on the Asian Efficiency team use Safari. One downside of Chrome is it tends to eat up your laptop battery a lot quicker than Safari. Which browser you use is personal preference. A real time saver.

The best productivity and GTD app suite for Mac, iPhone, and iPad

Mike uses this all the time to collect a file from the Finder location before he drags and drops it into another application like a Keynote presentation. It allows you to resize windows according to pre-determined grid sizes, and has a ton of customization options. This can be problematic for team meetings, but Shush allows him to mute his microphone except when he presses a hotkey to activate it. It has a ton of features, a great user interface, and is the fastest FTP client out there.

If you transfer files often, Transmit is great. Webcam Settings — More and more of our time is spent on camera doing video conferencing, webinars, and recording video. Joining our mailing list means you will receive the Productive Living newsletter and other promotional emails from the David Allen Company. By providing your email address, you consent to the David Allen Company contacting you by email. You can unsubscribe at any time through the link at the bottom of each email, or by contacting us at newsletter davidco. See our Privacy Policy for more information about how we take care of your information.

We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. By clicking Subscribe to list, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. Where is your email?

GTD is tool neutral

Not required, but certainly helps to have your email and lists near each other. Who else needs to see your data? What do you tend to be drawn to—paper or digital? Many very tech-savvy people use paper list managers. Is security a concern? Does your company require your data to be stored in certain places? Do you want cloud access or local? What are you willing to carry around?

What tools are you already familiar with? Would you trust putting almost anything into it? Is it scalable?

The best to-do list apps for iPhone, Android and Mac | WIRED UK

Can you easily learn how to use it? What are you willing to pay for it? If you follow GTD or are thinking of adopting it, you need an app built to work with this unique system. While there are hundreds of to-do apps you could use, we tested more than 30 options to find the 10 best apps for GTD. These apps help you follow GTD and get more done. Getting Things Done contains both overarching theories about personal productivity as well as a step-by-step approach for organizing everything you need to do.

As mentioned, an important principle in GTD is to focus on the right tasks at the right time. Location words, such as "home" and "office" show up often on a GTD task list. Additionally, GTD encourages you to write down any tasks or ideas that pop into your mind quickly so you can get them out of your mind and save them for later without getting distracted from whatever you're doing in the moment. While the GTD method has a lot more to it and you can implement this with pen and paper, those two examples—using location words and writing down ideas quickly—are reasons an app designed for GTD is superior to using paper.

Additionally, editing your tasks is easier and cleaner in an app than on paper, whether you're re-prioritizing items, re-assigning due dates, or changing your language to be more specific about what you need to get done. Some including Allen have argued that when you remember a task that you need to write down, it's faster to do it on paper than take out your phone, open an app, and tap the right buttons.

But that's not necessarily the case when you sit in front of a computer all day long, or if you use speech-to-text dictation on your phone. Being able to send a note from the email app that's already open on your desktop directly into your to-do app can save you time and prevent distractions that can come from looking at other ideas you've jotted down.

Similarly, having a shortcut on your phone that opens a new task note in your GTD app where you can dictate an idea is anything but tedious. It's fast, efficient, and simple. Capabilities such as those are part of what make some GTD apps better than others. A Note on Price: GTD apps are rarely free, and when a free tier of service is available, it's often quite limited. In this list of the best apps for GTD, only two have a free offering: NirvanaHQ and Todo by Appigo.

The apps on this list all meet three basic requirements. First, they have features that are specific to GTD, such as the ability to add context to tasks. Second, they're accessible on more than one platform, because it's important to be able to refer to your GTD list no matter where you are. In a perfect world, we'd favor apps that are available on as many platforms as possible, but among GTD apps, some of the better ones are for macOS and iOS only.

Third, they have to be intuitive to use and well designed, so people will actually use them. That's something we determined through hands-on testing. A little more on the first point: As many followers of GTD know, some apps are specifically designed for the method while others are flexible and can be used for it if you set them up for that purpose. For example, note-taking app Evernote wasn't designed specifically for Allen's method, but you can easily configure the settings and features to use Evernote for GTD.

Nevertheless, we don't include apps of that nature here. If you're looking for a task-management app with more flexibility, see also our recommendations of the 40 best to-do apps. One helpful feature for people who follow GTD is that 2do has built-in fields for adding specific details to your task, such as place for a phone number when your task involves making a call or sending a text.