
Key finder mac office 2011

Its only in your email if you bought it online. If you bought it in Best Buy and are in another city as I am right now apparently you are out of luck! Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

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How can I find the product key of Office after restoring from backup? Ask Question. I had to restore my iMac from a Time Machine backup.

Free Microsoft Office 2011 Mac Product Key

I am trying to locate my key I believe I downloaded this version originally and it should be in my email but I can't find it I tried a program that is supposed to "find the keys for products installed on your computer" Mac Product Key Finder and it found my very old Office key, but not India - English. Indonesia Bahasa - Bahasa.

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Product Key Finder for Mac OS

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  2. Where do I find my Office for Mac 2011 product key?.
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  5. Getting product key for Office 2011 for Mac.

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  • United Kingdom - English. Also, the app support folder didn't seem to have what you're looking for either. The problem has been sidestepped for now, because I went home and got the product key from the package. But it's still something I'd like to know for the future. I don't think it's stored in plaintext anywhere, because I just Spotlighted the first 5 characters of the key, and it doesn't show up anywhere. That plist doesn't look like normal text, either.

    Take a look here: RoadBikeGuy wrote: Good to know. I probably won't run into that, since I only deal with Mac Office for enterprise deployment, rather than on retail installs. I found a working solution that could be useful: After having copied that file, my version started working. All the best, Mattia.

    Office Mac 2011 Product Key

    Ahhh, shit. I just cloned my HDD to a new, larger one over the weekend, and Office is asking for my product key again. I have the contents of my com. It looks like another day with reduced productivity until I get home this evening. So what other products de-activate themselves on a simple HDD clone?

    Free Microsoft Office Mac Product Key

    If you did a simple HD clone nothing should reset. My entire Mac deployment setup uses HD cloning at the core and I've never had the office licensing reset. Fenis-Wolf wrote: Well it's asking for my product key again, so I must have done something to piss it off! I cloned my Maybe it did this because I was running office apps during the cloning process? Hard to say, there were no errors.