
Windows 7 flash drive mac

Hello, I followed these instructions for my macbook 5,1 to make a bootable USB of windows 7. This won't work if you want to create an installer with the bit version of Windows. This didn't work for me, but I followed this guide and it worked. To add some tips onto this: Then launch the copy.

Create a Windows 7 / 8 Bootable USB Drive with Mac – COMPLETE SOLUTION

If your Info. On High Sierra, that stuff has been removed. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment. You signed in with another tab or window.

Create a bootable flash drive for installing Windows

Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Press h to open a hovercard with more details.

Same thing here. Is there a solution to having the system recognize the USB as bootable after completing the above steps?

Format USB Flash Drives to Work With Both Mac and Windows 7

I had a bunch of permissions problems trying to alter the plist, but they were easily fixed by copying Boot Camp Assistant to the desktop, altering the one on the desktop, re-signing it with the Terminal command mentioned above, then running it from the desktop. Thanks for the article and tip! Thank You!!! That tip worked for me 1. Copied the Bootcamp app to the desktop 2. Opened a copy of the Info.

Before you begin

Added my Macbook model identifier 5. Copied over the modified Info. Light click and more info on BootCamp app to get exact location 7. Ran the terminal command with updated location. I was trying to create this on OS X Sierra and ran in to these permission problems as well. Thank you for the tip! Works like a charm now. On El Capitan, even with a correctly edited info. This will prevent any malware that might gain access to root from doing any severe damage to the system.

It will also restrict your abilities as root as well, however. Just copy the content folder from the boot camp on the Desktop. You need to open the folder from finder. Please help. Heads up! After a while of errors, the correct string that worked for me was: Hi, thanks for the gide.

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I am able to create the USB stick. The I plug it in to a PC and it does not boot up. It get stacked with the cursor blincking, usb stick light blinking, ans nothing happens. Should it work? If not. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

AlexBrand AlexBrand 1 4 I am using the dd command to copy the. It's taking so long! Over 40 minutes now. Yeah the sudo dd command works, seems your usb drive is slow. But for me it took around minutes.

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Open a Terminal under Utilities Run diskutil list and determine the device node assigned to your flash media e. Scott