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By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. I had the same problem with eclipse, but now I've added e. A new Dock process will automatically start after the current one is killed with the command:. To answer you question to your 'new' problem, I've decided to write another answer - because it is easier to explain with samples. One way to load the environment variables on startup of your tool IDE of choice is like it can be done with eclipse - I think there must be a similar structure in your tool IDE too.
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How it can be done in eclipse - https: Create an empty text file called "eclipse. Open the Eclipse. MacOS X does not automatically detect that the Eclipse. Therefore you need to force update the LaunchService database in the Terminal by using the lsregister command:. The next time you launch Eclipse. Be aware that his sets the launchtl PATH for all users. This worked well for my use case. Note that you'll be asked to reboot your machine for the effects to take hold.
So I directly edited the app's Info. LaunchServicesKeys Documentation at Apple. On Mountain Lion That's only me, so I don't care. This worked for me with VimR -- it wasn't reading the PATH when launched from the dock, but it worked when launched from the terminal.
Your Answer
I was running on OSX I don't have a good enough handle on this to give you a great explanation of why it works, there are plenty of explanations online about the different config files and what they do: Also, see a similar discussion here: On Mac OS X You can edit this file using a command line tool, such as vim using the following command:. As noted above by Mark, there are issues with ordering eg. That is, applications started from Spotlight or the Dock have the correct environment.
Mark You can try this answer , making use of the Launch Agent. In my case the Launch Agent starts after the Login Items, so I move the target application like Eclipse from Login Item to Launch Agent, so that they will be started after this special application setting environment variables. Shells might overwrite the settings in their login scripts. See For correct functioning in shells though Launched apps might not expose the environment to their children.
See apple. That's quite a long page you are linking to here. Where exactly is the relevant part? Could you include it directly into your answer to make it easier for everybody? The way to survive across a reboot given there uses the environment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
EnvPane - An OS X preference pane for environment variables
Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Post Your Answer Discard By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Apple is eagerly deprecating privilege escalation mechanism left and right, leaving the half-baked SMJobBless and the rudimentary authopen. Say, you have a shell session running in the Terminal application.
The answer to this question lies in Unix' process model. When a process is forked, it inherits a copy of the environment from its parent process. Applications launched via Finder are in fact forked by the per-user instance of launchd , and thus inherit their environment from it. The environment of running applications has already been copied and will not be affected. For applications other than Terminal the only workaround is to restart the application. In Terminal on OS X This means you will have to run the above command in each subsequently opened Terminal tab or window. Ultimately it might be better to just restart Terminal.
Unfortunately, The special treatment differs from version to version of OS X but in a nutshell there are two issues: You will have to perform them manually. The launchd override for PATH can be configured using launchctl config user path or launchctl config system path. See the man launchctl for details.
OS X Yosemite and environment variables | JOCHEN HEBBRECHT
Amusingly, there is no documented way revert to the defaults. My personal opinion is that the hardcoding of PATH by launchd is misguided. PATH was meant to be a mere convenience for interactive shell use. If a security-sensitive system component needs to ensure that a particular binary is executed, it should specify that binary using an absolute PATH.
Another rant: Kudos to Jonathan Levin for his reversing of the new launchd and launchctl. Mac OS X.
I think it stopped working. Seems like it stopped working after a recent OS update, anyone else having this problem? Yosemite Variable evaluation in definitions?
Sorry, this currently not supported. It would be possible by having EnvPane's agent perform substitutions similar to that of a shell but that would require additional coding work. Also note that at the time the agent is run, PATH has a well-known standard value set by launchd so there is not much utility in trying to factor that out.
Is it possible to define variables using evaluations of other variables, i. I'm primarily interested in extending existing definitions, e.