
Google earth controls mac flight simulator

Darn, it sounds pretty cool. Btw, MacBook Pro 2. I had the same problem at first. Make sure you are not in the search text box.

Using the Google Earth Flight Simulator - Google Earth Blog

Click out on the map somewhere, and then try the keyboard shortcut. It worked for me. Google Earth 4. But nothing happens when I press the page-up key. With the pointer showing an arrow or a cross, the same problem - the green speed pointer SW goes up to the top and then - nothing Perhaps I am doing or not doing something essentiel.

Help please Lost your password? Powered by the Parse. More Mac Sites: Macworld MacUser iPhone Central. Fly a flight simulator in Google Earth Sep 07, '07 I just read in a German online magazine that Google Earth contains a "hidden" yet complete flight simulator! Currently, two jets are available F16 and SR22 , and also the list of airports is not that long. Just open Google Earth you'll need the newest version, 4.

A dialog will appear, asking you to pick your airplane, airport, and a few other things. This entry will be missing, however, until you invoke the simulator once via the keyboard. Flying is rather tricky, as the Google team seems to have invested lots of efforts into the UI joysticks are supported, for instance so that the flight instruments are rather "mimosa-like".

A test flight using a normal keyboard and mouse ended shortly after takeoff. Here's a list of flight sim commands in English or German. I've tried this, and it does work, though I'm not sure it's the most accurate "flight" simulation. Joystick support on the Mac works; it saw my Saitek flightstick, even recognizing and using the trottle slider for engine control. In-flight dynamics, however, need some tuning. It is quite fun to zip across the landscape in this manner, though. The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say. Fly a flight simulator in Google Earth Authored by: The two planes that are available are NOT both jets.

One is a Cirrus SR, single-engine turbo-prop 4-seater.

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Still pretty cool, nonetheless. It is a straight piston engine with a prop. PancakeMan on Sep 07, '07 Below that is a number at the top of some lines that says 0. This will change and it is your vertical speed in feet per minute. Sometimes it will go negative, meaning you are going down. Below that is your altitude in feet above sea level.

Right now it should be at In the center of the screen is an arc with some other stuff. This is your main HUD. The arc is your bank angle. The parallel lines are the pitch angle in degrees, so if it says 90 then you're pointed straight up and are stalling. At the bottom left hand corner will be a box. The left side is the throttle. The right side is the elevator, and the bottom is the rudder.

Above this is currently nothing but this is where your flap indicator will be in percent and your landing gear status will be.

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  4. The SR22 has fixed gear so you don't have to worry about that. Method 3. Know that the controls are inverted.

    Looking up and down is inverted, so if you move the mouse lower down the screen then the nose will pitch up, and vice versa. Prepare for takeoff. If your aircraft starts to move to the side press the "," key to move to the left and the ". Take off. Click and then press the Page Up key and the fn key on Windows computers to increase thrust and move the aircraft down the runway.

    Once your plane is moving, move the mouse down. The V1 speed of the F is knots. At knots, the plane should lift off into the air. Turn right. Move the cursor to the right until the ground is directly to your right, then move the cursor to the bottom of the screen.


    This will cause you to turn to your right. Turn left. Move the cursor to the left side of the screen until the ground is directly to your left, then move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. This will cause you to turn to your left. Fly upward. Angle up by moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen. Fly downward. Angle down by moving the cursor to the top of the screen.

    Method 4. Fly towards the airport you would like to land at. Increase the thrust to maximum setting, retract the gear and flaps. You should be cruising at around knots. Line up the runway. When you're ready to land, align the aircraft so that the path you have drawn the runway is completely vertical and in the centre of your screen. Decrease speed completely. Hold down the "Page Down" key to reduce your speed. You should lose thrust immediately. Press F to increase the flap setting.

    Online Flight Simulator with Worldwide Satellite Images

    This slows the aircraft. This will also make it a little hard to steer. Extract landing gear by pressing the "G" key. This only applies for the F When you're a fair bit away from the airport, make sure that you're slow enough to land. For the F, this speed is around knots. If you go faster than this, you will crash. Do the final descent slowly. Once you are about or so feet above the ground make sure you slowly go down.

    This is the part where you are most likely to crash. While landing you may hit the ground and bounce up but just slowly go down again. Make sure you descend very shallowly. Exit the crash. Should you crash, a box appears which gives you the option of exiting or resuming flight. If you resume flight you will start again directly over where you crashed. Just repeat the previous steps.

    Bring the plane to a complete stop. By now you should have landed but you're still moving. Just press both the "," and ". When you are level, horizontally, press c to reset your ailerons. To stay level with the ground, keep your hud at 0 degrees by clicking up and down on the arrow keys. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 8. Hold the Page Up key, making sure you don't have flaps on. If you have flaps on, hold Shift and press F till it's gone. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. Jackson Quesinberry. You can throttle up to take off again, or you can humorously lift the gears to crash.