
Mac os x diff utility

It provides 3-way merge, it can compare images in a smart way, it has a slick and elegant interface. When an application claims to be cross-platform, that rings an alarm bell. More often than not, it means an ugly, non-native interface. Having to cringe when working is not my idea of having fun at work. Installation information can be found in: I use VisualDiffer. It is promising. Changes - http: We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

My favorite free solution for merging the contents of files is KDiff3. KDiff3 can do two-way and three-way merges, has a decent GUI and has some pretty powerful features to assist with the merge. I haven't made my choice for Mac. Meld does work on OS X and Windows, but there are no all-in-one packages for those systems available at the moment. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. What's a good Mac equivalent of WinMerge? Warren Pena Warren Pena 1, 3 15 Read more about locked posts here. Duplicate of: But both are no way close to WinMerge.

FileMerge is nothing close to WinMerge. I've never found a diff tool that I like nearly as much and DiffMerge is so ugly I wanted to claw my eyes out when I tried it. The only time I've seen behavior such as you're talking about is when it's dealing with newline incompatibilities. I've found the following applications: DiffMerge Pretty Diff Open sourced beautifier and language aware code comparison tool for many languages.

Meld Can be installed using Homebrew via command: Araxis Merge Commercial with free trial.

Beyond Compare

See also: Comparison of file comparison tools at Wikipedia for the full list. What file comparison tool can I use under OS X? Portable, free, cross-platform, GUI-based prose-friendly plain-text diff and merge tool? Code compare and merge tool for Mac OSX. I would upvote this one a few times if I could.

How to Use diff to Compare Two Files at Mac Command Line

Never knew that TextWrangler could compare files. Pieter So you've to install XCode then as per error. Check this or Google the issue. Michael H. DiffMerge is not as good as Windiff. It compares only files. You cannot just copy,paste and compare contents. Mark Nadig Mark Nadig 2 5.

Thanks for posting an answer, digger69! Can you please add a little more information about Meld? How does it solve the OP's question? Thank you!

6 must-have Mac utilities

I can't get it to run, and it needs pygtk and uses uncommon xz compression format. You can install it with HomeBrew github. FileMerge is far more capable and visually attractive than Meld which has, for example, no good diff3 view. There is no reason at all to use Meld on Mac OS. The way to install meld currently as of is: It is now bundled as an OSX application and does not require any additional packages.

SourceGear | DiffMerge

Ad copy from the page: It is missing a number of features and it can often hang totally on big files. To the point where I once had to power off the machine via the power switch because I couldn't bring up the Force Quit dialog. That same file, run through GNU diff? Less than 3 seconds to return results.

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When it works, it works well, but it doesn't always. Also, it is really quite naive at recognizing blocks of moved text. Art Taylor Art Taylor 4 Why pay so much when excellent free tools exist? To keep the response up to date, I'll start with the link: FileMerge does excellent 3-way diffs. P4Merge does comparisons on some binary files not a feature I need much, though. Both are free. Kai K. Gary Makin Gary Makin 3. Aardvark Aardvark 3. At the time of writing this, Semantic supports.

Nimesh Neema Pablo Santos Pablo Santos 21 1. There are enough widget libraries out there that look sensible on multiple OSes that it's pretty easy for developers to make nice-looking cross-platform applications. Frankly, I prefer cross-platform applications other things being equal because I don't want to lock myself into one OS. You don't disagree.

I wrote "More often than not". It is my experience that cross-platform apps "more often than not" fail to feel native. I prefer native apps, despite the risk of lock in, because frankly, I don't want to spend many hours cringing every step of the way because of the uncanny valley an app has dug itself in, by trying, but mostly failing, to feel native while staying cross platform. An example of such an otherwise excellent application is YNAB. Then yes, I do disagree. Some cross-platform apps do fail to look native, but more often than not , I believe they do look native.

Because the good ones look native, you don't notice them, so only the bad ones come to your notice. For people working on both Windows and Mac, it's great to know that a single license is valid for both platforms. Try it yourself - for free! Just like Araxis, the DeltaWalker app also lets you compare office files. Also, if you're regularly performing comparisons on a folder basis, DeltaWalker shines with a great performance in this area.

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  6. Its beautiful user interface and great image diffing capabilities are what set it apart. In case you're looking for a free alternative to the standard FileMerge app, you should also have a look at P4Merge and DiffMerge. Both can't compare in terms of features and user interface with their commercial competitors - but make for a valid alternative on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Another aspect to watch out for is integrations: I can already confirm that all of the mentioned tools work seamlessly at least with Tower , our own Git client. If you don't need the power of a dedicated Diff tool application, the integrated diff views in Tower might be absolutely sufficient for you:.

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    In case you don't know Tower: Try it 30 days for free! But a good one can be really helpful in a lot of situations.

    Try one of the above and see for yourself! FileMerge Being part of its developer toolset, Apple's own merge tool comes at no additional costs. Beyond Compare Originally a product for Microsoft Windows, the Beyond Compare team has contributed a fine diff tool to the Mac platform. It's free!