
Mysql2 failed to build gem native extension mac

How terrifying! Instead of a simple, concise error message, we get about two pages of super-technical console output with multiple, confusing messages. The simple rule of thumb to remember in this situation is: For MySQL you might be tempted to download a binary package from http: This makes it less likely that the Rubygems native extensions compile process will find the package, and the compiler might depend on the PATH or other system settings to find the header and library files it needs.

Using gems with native extensions on Windows is truly horrifying!


As usual, there was a problem compiling the native extensions. Reading the github readme page for rsruby , it turns out the option we need is —with-R-dir to indicate where the R language interpreter is installed.

What are native extensions anyway?

The proper command line is:. The first two dashes separate the Rubygems options from the C compiler options passed to the native extensions process. As a last resort you can dive in and just read the Ruby code inside extconf.

  1. How do I install the mysql gem, and how do I set it as the default database for Rails??
  2. What’s the process for building a native extension?.
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  4. mysql2 が原因でbundle installにてエラーを吐く(Mac OS X);
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Usually there will be some clue here leading you in the right direction. Now everytime you run bundler on this machine, it will include the proper options for building the native extensions for rsruby, every time rsruby is installed again. This will most likely happen if you run bundle upgrade and get a newer version of rsruby, for example. Error Screen capture.

What’s the process for building a native extension?

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Error installing mysql2: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension - Sophiawow - 博客园

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    Don’t be terrified of building native extensions!

    To tell Rails to use mysql2, you have to remove sqlite3 from gemfile and add the mysql2 gem in its place. You also have to configure the database. I can't really tell you more, because I always use Postgres and only in Production; in dev and tests I stick with sqlite3, it's easier , so the database is configured for me automatically when deployed on Heroku. I have not done ruby for quite a while, sorry I could not be of more help. Posting to the forum is only allowed for members with active accounts.

    Error installing mysql2: Failed to build gem native extension

    Please sign in or sign up to post. I forgot my password. Jeff Lange 8, Points. Posted November 4, 4: I've looked all over the interwebs for this, and can't find an answer that works. First things first: I'm using a Windows 7 bit machine In the console, when I try to: Building native extensions. This could take a while Error installing mysql: Check the mkmf. You may need configuation options. Geoff Parsons 11, Points. Geoff Parsons Geoff Parsons 11, Points.

    Install MySQL. You've got a couple of options. MySQL offers an installer , you can use Homebrew , or your preferred method. Jeff Lange Jeff Lange 8, Points.