
Update automake mac os x

My development environment thanks to your suggestions has not changed: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Blog about computing, networking, software development and whatever comes up in my mind!

Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Premise To follow this article you need to have some confidence using Mac OS terminal application and some basic Mac command line experience. I use it since the beginning of this project and recommend to install it to all OSS developers who wants to work on OSS software using their Macs, more info on Mac Ports here. More info about Homebrew here.

Building Emacs on macOS Sierra

Can MacPorts and Homebrew coexist on the same system? At this point accept Xcode license by executing: So double click on the file icon that will be located in the directory where you downloaded the file and follow instructions from there. Time to synch up your MacPorts installation, to do so get back at your terminal window and type: Now you have MacPorts installed and updated, but you still need some little hack to make sure it will not interfere with Homebrew later. A possible hack to achieve this is to create the following script to use instead of the standard MacPort syntax to run MacPort installations and everything.

Please note that is is NOT meant to be a comprensive solution to the issues between Homebrew and Macport Also please note I keep tweaking this script if I find more issues, so consider this alpha code quality. If no parameters are provided then show usage: To install gcc on Mac using Macports and our previous script: Homebrew requires only one line of instructions to be installed, so get back at terminal windows and type: At this point all the requirements are in place so we can start installing the libraries we need to make autotools work fine on Mac: First let install autotool, to do this, from terminal window, type: Also on some Makefile you may want to add Macport GCC specific path, to make it easy for Make to find the right compiler, here is an example of how to do that, open your Makefile and edit the line where the variable CC is defined or add this line if no line with CC is defined in the Makefile: Share this on: Or you could build your own m4 if you didn't want to download xcode.

Autotools - Cross Compilation Demonstration

This was the top google result for "autoconf mac" when I realized Xcode on Mavericks didn't have it. Thank you, your instructions work flawlessly on You saved a lot of people a lot of time.

Install Autoconf and Automake on OS X Sierra · GitHub

Make sure to check the FTP server for the latest version. For autoconf you can simply use autoconf-latest. For automake and libtool, copy and paste the url without the filename in your browser and look for the latest version. The dates are included in the directory listings which may make it easier. Thanks for this.

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You should probably update the links: Latest autoconf is http: Post a Comment. It's summer and I've been thinking about blogging more regularly again.

Your Answer

I'm usually too busy to find time to blog, so I'm going to try a shorter format this time: So, here's my first entry in that shorter format. The solution had to do with brew having failed to link the binary into the PATH. Un-linking and re-linking solved it. It is so hard to get autoconf 1. It then worked beautifully.

Debian Systems

Later I happened to upgrade a Mac to High Sierra, it stopped working! Even though autoconf 1. Short answer, I simply trashed the local repo, for goodness sake, and checked out the repo again. It has something to do with the aclocal. I endlessly massaged them but nothing. Someone suggsted just scratching the repo and getting it again: By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

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  • Installing Autoconf, Automake & Libtool on Mac OSX.
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