
Cmake mac os x 10.8

Let me share a blog on it sometime soon. Can we do it just for Mac then?

Compilation on Mac OS X

I'm trying to not aggravate the users experience by installing yet another cmake on their systems. CMake does not ship with Mac. Just like folks update the Xcode, they should update the cmake as well. I am not opposed to the idea but like I said 2.

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  • [CMake] CMAKE 2.8.9, OS X 10.8 and OpenGL.
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Look at the log here: Also note that this is Mac - xcode5 specific issue. Other mac-xcode combination should still work and so is other linux distros. If not then we have to fix the check but I don't think that's the case.

CMake 2.8.8 : Reproducible Crash in Mac OS X 10.8

I think something that using older than desired version result in failing to build specially if using apple and xcode5. Will it only cause build problems on Mac with Xcode5, if so should we only display the message on the Mac? Closing this one now as cjh1 created fix for this as a separate issue. Skip to content.

  1. CMake 2.8.8 : Reproducible Crash in Mac OS X 10.8;
  2. SOFA – Mac OS X.
  3. macos check version - Cannot install CMake for Mac OS X 10.8.
  4. Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 31 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up. New issue. CMake 2. Copy link Quote reply.

    Specifically, I added the line: GNU, 4. This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view. This is on CMake 2.

    ROOT on OS X with CMake and Homebrew - Alex Pearce

    Run clang --version. I can verify that 2. Clang, 5. Remember to add the Homebrew directory to your PATH by adding the directory found with brew --prefix to your. Now that Homebrew is installed, we can use it to install the required dependencies. Each may take some time as Homebrew generally compiles from source.

    CMake: Makefile generator

    You can read the post-install caveats any time by reading the appropriate recipe. The only one to really take notice of is the Python installation , where you might like to use the symlinks provided and add the install-scripts folder to your PATH. Good stuff. I stumbled a lot here, mainly because of X Luckily StackOverflow provided the answer , saying to pass the required directory as a compiler flag. I got the compilation to work with the following.

    Installing ROOT

    We enabled Roofit for nice fits. If there any other ROOT options you want changed, the cmake command is the place to specify them. The -j flag is the jobs flag and allows the compiler to execute multiple jobs simultaneously, rather than running a linear compilation. Both worked fine for me with a Core 2 Duo processor -j 2 and -j 3.

    Assuming that worked without fatal errors and if it did, congratulations!