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You can switch off the sharing of downloads completely in this case the Document Picker and iTunes can't access the downloads at all , let iTunes access the downloads useful if you want to transfer download to a PC or Mac or to allow sharing the downloads via Document Picker with other Apps and the native upload feature of the iOS web engine. Shows icons in the contextual menu and action menu When inspecting hash values fingerprints for Downloads and SSL certificates, it is possible to copy these into the clipboard.

When renaming files in the downloads window, the cursor will now be positioned in front of the file extension. This makes it easier to edit the file name and keeping the file extension untouched. If VoiceOver is enabled, iCab mobile will now play soft ticks while a web page is loading. This makes it easier for blind users to find out when loading a web page has finished especially for slow internet connections The Watch App watchOS 2 and later will now have labels for VoiceOver Bugfix: When creating new bookmarks, the label color was not saved.

This did only work when editing existing bookmarks. Exporting data to dropbox could fail, if creating a backup of an existing file on the Dropbox server did fail Bugfix: This feature uses the "Google Safe Browsing" service and can be enabled in the "Services" settings. This feature works by regularly loading and updating a database from google's server which contains the information about malware and phishing sites.

All the checks for malicious web sites are done on the device itself, so your browsing activity is not exposed to a third party. In the Download Manager it is possible to save multiple pictures at once in the photo album. Use the "Edit" mode to select multiple files. There's a new menu item "Download Rename file " available for the contextual menu of a link, which will prompt the user to enter file name that should be used for the file before it is dowloaded.

This download option ignores the file name that is suggested by the web page and will use the one that is provided by the user. The standard "Download" item is still available and will just use the file name that is suggested by the web page. In the contextual menu for a file of the download manager there's a new item "Information".

This option shows some additional information about a file: The hash values do allow to check if the file is valid, in case the web page provides the correct hash values for comparison Adds a module for "LinkLocker" Fixes an issue with the twin browser where it could happen when selecting an entry from the suggestions from the address field that the page would open in the wrong twin browser In private mode the address field will be have a red border to avoid conflicts with the green background for "https" sites Fixes a crash when long-pressing an item in the search history The Translation modul will now support some new destination languages See the module settings Fixes an issue with detecting the correct text encoding an a few sites Fixes an issue where it could happen that sometimes temporary files from background downloads were not deleted Includes several additional small bug fixes and improvements Version 9.

Fixes a bug with the "ePub" module and "https" web sites. The toolbar icons for the normal search using a search engine and the search on the page can be now long-pressed, in which case the "other" search will be performed. This way you can trigger both searches with just one icon. You can now link the reading list with your Instapaper account The "Twin Browser" mode on the iPad is now able to place the two browsers horizontally and vertically. Long-press on the "Twin Browser" icon to pick the orientation.

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It is possible to transfer the files directly to other Apps and to cloud storages if Apps for these cloud services are installed on the device Links to Google maps can be directly opened in the Google Maps App now. New Module added which can be used to set another virtual screen size.

Support for "Readabilty" and "Kanbox" removed because both services have closed Version 9. Includes a workaround for the new iOS 10 problem where on the iPad the text size could no longer be changed Includes a workaround for the new iOS 10 problem where background downloads could no longer be paused and resumed Fixes smaller layout issues within the user interface under iOS 10 on devices with large displays Several smaller improvements and bugfixes.

Deleting items of the suggestions while entering URLs or search terms could result in a crash Version 9. You can now give me a tip to additinally support the App developement. You'll get a few new cool features as a reward for the tips. New users will always get all these features for free. Now, bookmarks can also have color labels attached.

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This can be useful to mark bookmarks in a special way. The bookmarks icon within the bookmarks window will be tinted with the label color. On an iPad the label color will be shown as underline in the bookmarks toolbar. Smart folders are special folders in which you can not put bookmarks manually like you would do this with normal folders. Instead you define rules based on URL, title, label, date, etc. The smart folders will be automatically updated. One useful example for a smart folder could be one that will always show the newly added bookmarks regardless where they are located , by defining a rule which selects all bookmarks created in the last 2 weeks.

The settings also have a search feature. Now, the bookmarks can be also searched from within the Spotlight search of the device. When holding down the Cmd key on a Bluetooth keyboard, the App will now show the currently available keyboard shortcuts requires iOS 9 or later. In the contextual menu for the tabs toolbar there are two new options available: A Tab can be duplicated and the last closed Tab can be reopened The action to reopen the last closed Tab is also available for multitouch and drawing gestures and can be used as shortcut for bluetooth keyboard Now the iOS ShareSheet can be also called for links from within the contextual menu For the "Open in 'App'" feature iCab does now support the App "ProTube".

When visiting the Youtube page you can open the video in ProTube from within the contextual menu. On the iPhone you can add a "Favorites" icon into the toolbar in addition to the bookmarks icon. New option available for the reload button in the URL field: On the iPhone it could happen that the login screen vanishes when the device was rotated.

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  4. Bugfix when searching within the source code display Locally saved SVG images can be opened offline, now In the download settings there're now a few exception rules for web sites which falsely instruct the browser to download the font files "woff", "otf", "ttf" Bugfix in the "Share in iCab Mobile" extension. Bugfix for iOS 7, where it can happen that a user needs to login twice under certain circumstances if the password protection was enabled.

    When selecting certain dark background colors for the toolbars, the text in the status bar was not always set to white Bugfix: If the quickstarter was opened multiple times in a Tab, the "Pull-Down-to-Reload" gesture did not work anymore Bugfix: Fixes an issue with creating new Tabs via multitouch gesture. In this case the setting what to load in the new Tab empty page, homepage, quick starter was ignored. Wikipedia pages or links can be opened in the Wikilinks App via action menu or contextual menu.

    These filters do allow to block or accept cookies based on the Cookie domain. Just like other filters, the order of these cookie filters is important in case multiple filters match: The new cookie filters also allow to prevent that certain importnant cookies will be deleted if one of the features is used which clear all cookies at once. Which means the new cookie filter also replaces the old cookie white list feature. In addition to the switch in the settings, it is now also possible to enable or disable the Mobilizer via toolbar icon or action menu.

    Adds a workaround for an issue of the Pocket app with the "Share in iCab Mobile" Extension Fixes an issue with the 3D Touch preview in the download manager Fixes a crash when sending files via email from within the download manager Solves an issue under iOS 9. On an iPad Pro it was not possible to set a password for the Kiosk mode.

    Therefore I reverted this feature to the previous status again. So you only need to tap on these links to directly install the provided filter lists. Also for updating the filters, just tap on the links again to update the filters. It can not be easier. The old method of installing the filter via Downoad Manager is still available, in case you get the filters from other sources or you want to edit the filters before installing them. Please note: These filter lists include an extremely large number of filters, which might cause speed and memory issues on these older devices.

    The CSS-based filters are reorganized. The old ID and class-based filters will be automatically converted into the new CSS selector-based filters. The new CSS filters are also organized in groups like the URL-based filters , which makes it easier to enable or disable only certains ets of filters. Improved browser for pictures from the download manager. Added new toolbar icons for scrolling page-wise The brightness control will now also have an effect on popup windows and alertboxes.

    These additional keys will only appear if there's enough space available e. This is all you need to do. This way you can directly see which search engine will be used for the search. Tapping on this icon will also directly show the lost of search engines where you can pick another one for the search. When filling out forms, the keyboard has another button attached which can be used to put the content of the clipboard into the currently selected form field When filling out forms on an iPad under iOS 9 and later, it is now possible to move the buttons that are attached to the keyboard fill form, save form, QR code scanner and paste clipboard to the left or right using a swipe gesture.

    So if the buttons overlap certain elements of the web site, these can be moved to the other side. New Module added to call the "CamelCamelCamel" service, which lists the price history of a product on an Amazon product page Added a workaround for misconfigured web servrs which explicitly ask the browser to download JSON files, that should definitely not be downloaded Bugfix: When using the Twin Browser Mode, the fullscreen buttons have to be used twice for the second browser after the fullscreen mode was enabled in the first Added a workaround for the case where network connections time out for no reason Version 9.

    This makes it possible to scan bar codes and QR codes and directly fill out web forms with the recognized text.


    So the twin browser mode is only available under iOS 8 and newer. This mode can be activated via "Action" menu or via icon from the toolbar. When active it splits the screen in two parts and in each part you get a seperate browser instance "Action" menu and Toolbar icons can be configured in the "User Interface" settings.

    In "Twin Browser" mode you can display two web sites side by side, which is especially useful on the large iPad Pro screen. Using the contextual menu you have the choice to open links in the current or the other browser. Using the Action menu or by long-pressing the toolbar icon, you can swap the browser instances. And from within the listview of the tabs menu, you can also access the tabs of the other browser. The "Twin Browser" mode is available when there's at least as much room left for each browser instance as an iPhone screen.

    As soon the screen space goes below that limit, the second browser instance will be hidden again which will happen only in portrait orientation when the Split-Screen mode of the iOS is activated in addition The hardware keyboard for the new iPad Pro from Apple does not have an ESC key. The "search on current page" is now also available as icon for the toolbar.

    A new "Sharing" extension does allow to add a web site from within other Apps in the bookmarks or reading list of iCab Mobile or open these as Tab. Deleting site-specific font size settings could crash the App Bugfix: In the "Web sites" settings you can also modify the font sizes. In the filter settings there's a new option to enable logging of third-party content. When activated, iCab Mobile will collect the URLs of all resources that are loaded by a web site which are coming from a thrid-party from another domain.

    Within the list of these resources you can tap on an address to create a filter. This new feature will make it much easier to create filters for ads and other unwanted resources. The "i" button within this list will open a preview of the resource. Much better support of the "split screen" mode of iOS 9 on the iPad. The scrollbar no longer collides with fulscreen icons Bugfix: Takes the new security and privacy features of iOS 9 into account Solves an issue when automatically filling out forms which expect to see "keyboard events" If all accounts but the Admin account are switched off, the window to select an account will be skipped when possible.

    Removed the individual icons and menu items for the external password managers 1Password and Dashlane. A general "Password manager" icon and menu item will be used instead, which covers all available external password managers. In addition to the QR-Codes scanner via camera, the QR-Code scanner is now also available for pictures on web sites via contextual menu.


    The Bookmarks icon will now include a "star" if the currently loaded web site is already bookmarked. There's a new search feature within the bookmarks scroll to the very top of the bookmarks window to reveal the search field , which searches for bookmarks within the current bookmarks folder and all its sub-folders Solves an issue when scrolling with a bluetooth keyboard.

    A few web sites which load page elements only when these are scrolled into view did not recognize the scrolling via physical keyboard. Fixes an issue with the built-in "Proxy" settings Added new icons for the toolbars to switch to the next and previous Tabs. Configuring the toolbar icons and the action and contextual menus is more comfortable now. Additional buttons do allow to directly move icons from one section to another. Fixes issues with the "classic" design under iOS 9 Fixes an issue with the "pasteboard" under iOS 9 if iCab is configured to automatically scan the pasteboard for URLs to open them Version 8.

    Only a few firefox sync accounts were affected, but using Firefox Sync with these accounts could cause a crash or the bookmarks were not retrieved correctly. These issues should no longer occur. Version 8. The old Firefox Sync 1. Support for the "Fillr" App added to help filling out forms. You can call "Fillr" from within the "Fill out forms" feature where there's now a new option for "Fillr", in case the Fillr App is installed.

    If you try to open a web site which is blocked by a filter, you get the opportunity to open the page nevertheless without creating an exception filter. But for the next visit, the page will be blocked again, unless an exception filter is created to permanently allow the access. The setting for the text encoding is now also available for the "Action" menu For the guest mode it is now possible to configure the default search engine.

    Via Swipe gesture from the left or right edges of the screen you can go back or forward. Fixes an issue with the contextual menu on the iPhone, if the menu was extremly stripped down. Fixes an issue which only occurs under iOS 8. It is also possible to let iCab read a web site using speech output. The remote control can be useful when using iCab Mobile for a presentation. Each user account can have its own settings for the Apple Watch.

    The remote control via Watch can be allowed or disallowed for each user account. So controlling iCab Mobile from the watch is only possible if a user is currently logged in, who has allowed remote control via watch. Also each user can configure which bookmarks are available from the watch. It is useful for presentations to only have those bookmarks on the watch which are needed, navigating through the whole bookmarks hierarchy is not very comfortable on the small watch display. To define a special set of bookmarks for the watch, open the bookmarks window and while in "edit" mode tap on the folder whose content should be available from the watch.

    Then switch on the option "Apple Watch" for this folder. In the settings for the Kiosk mode there a new feature to store local files in icab Mobile to be used as the content of the Kiosk. This way the Kiosk can work completely offline. To copy the files into iCab Mobile, open the "Kiosk content" settings and go to the "Local files" section. These files will be listed in iCab Mobile in the "local files" view.

    You can select a file as home page for the Kiosk by simply tapping on it in the list. For PDF files iCab Mobile does now directly add an "Open in" button, so you do no longer need to save the file in the downloads and use the "open in" feature for the downloads to open the PDF in other Apps. So it's now easier to search for certain data The default search engine can be now also selected in the search engines settings Added new module for the web service "Smmry" Via contextual menu it is now possible to pass links to ICS files calendar files to the Calendar App Version 8.

    It is now possible to configure if a web page can open an App via custom URL with or without confirmation by the user. It is now possible to manually trigger the syncing of the reading list Pull-down-to-refresh gesture , so you don't have to wait for the automatic sync Under iOS 8.

    Under iOS 8. Navigation within the Bookmarks didn't always work as expected under iOS 8. Fixes a crash under iOS 8. This can be helpful to show important information of web sites directly in the notification center, without the need unlock the device and launch the App. The web page you add to the notification center is loaded offline, so it does not need an internet connection. The scrolling speed can be configured in the User Interface settings.

    Fixes a crash when tapping on the status bar to scroll to the top after a tab with a video was closed. Solves an issue where the App did freeze after launch when the iCloud did not respond. Fixes a layout glitch within the built-in RSS feed reader. Fixes an issue with OAuth authentication requests from web sites.

    SSL 3. In the Network settings you can enable SSL 3. It is now possible to open modules via keyboard shortcuts Bluetooth keyboards It is now possible to open URLs via keyboard shortcuts Bluetooth keyboards Better support for changing the text size in the Accessibility settings of the iOS.

    Several other small bugfixes and improvements Version 8. Because of technical reasons this version of iCab Mobile can not preserve the saved passwords of previous versions. So you need to provide the passwords again.

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    You'll find a detailed explanation about this issue in the FAQ. Einige Verbesserungen sowie Bugfixes. Hier gebe ich viele Tipps bzgl. Kalkulilo Taschenrechner: Turing Ein Simulator einer Turingmaschine. Number Converter Eine einfache App, um Zahlen zwischen unterscheidlicher Zahlensystemen unterschiedlicher Basen zu konvertieren.

    Diverse weitere kleinere Korrekturen und Verbesserungen Version 9. Einige kleinere Verbesserungen und Bugfixes Version 9. Im Privat-Modus konnte beim Start statt einer leeren Seite u. Diverse kleinere Bugfixes und Verbesserungen Version 9. Web-Seiten lassen sich im Dunklen Modus auf unterschiedliche Arten anzeigen: Der Standard-Modus setzt den Hintergrund auf schwarz und nutzt einen hellen Text, man kann aber auch die Seite nur abdunkeln, in Sepia oder Graustufen anzeigen lassen, oder auch invertieren. Die Suche in den Lesezeichen, Einstellungen usw.

    ESC bzw. Cmd-W entfernt die Link-Auswahl wieder. Der Logout direkt aus dem Einstellungsfenster auf Beim gleichzeitigen Speichern vieler Bilder aus den Downloads ins Album wurden nicht immer alle Bilder gespeichert. Ab iOS Vorschaubilder Tabs, Quickstarter auf iPhone X hatten u. Dateien die in das Downloads-Fenster geschoben werden, werden dort gespeichert.

    August Bugfix: Auf einigen Webseiten konnten u. Vorschaubilder im Downloads-Fenster wurden in Unterordnern nicht angezeigt. Im Downloadfenster wurde ggfs. Juli Bei den Downloads wird nun auch das Download-Datum angegeben. Behebt ein Speicherleck in den Konto-Einstellungen Bugfix: Im Download-Fenster konnte man Ordner mit einem Namen anlegen, der schon existierte. Behebt ein Speicherleck in den Konto-Einstellungen Version 9. Handoff kann in den "Dienste"-Einstellungen auch deaktiviert werden.

    Kleine Anpassungen an iOS Es gibt einen neuen "Lesemodus", welcher anstelle von Instapaper-Mobilzer oder Readabilty genutzt werden kann. Auf Link-Listen, sowie Einstiegsseiten von Magazinen und Blogs funktioniert der Lesemodus normalerweise nicht, da dort kein einzelner Artikel identifiziert werden kann. Diese Erweiterung wird auch bei Datei-Uploads genutzt.

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    Diese spezielle iCab-eigene Upload-Funktion muss man nun ggfs. Der Dropbox-Export einer Datei klappte nicht, falls kein Backup einer bereits existierenden Datei angelegt werden konnte Bugfix: Behebt ein Problem mit dem "ePup"-Modul bzgl. Diese Funktion findet sich in den "Werkzeuge"-Einstellungen.

    September Bugfix: Behebt einen Absturz unter iOS 7 Bugfix: Nimmt mich hier nur wunder wer der Administrator ist und was genau Verwaltet wird. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact us via e-mail support kidslox. You can tell us your phone number via e-mail and will call you back. Neuheiten Vorherige Aktualisierungen Vorherige Aktualisierungen 3. Juli Version 3. Siegehero gammer , Informationen Anbieter Kidslox Trading Limited. Kategorie Lifestyle. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Alter Kennzeichnung: Preis Gratis. Website des Entwicklers App-Support Datenschutzrichtlinie.

    Mehr von diesem Entwickler Alle anzeigen. Family Locator app by Kidslox.