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Christian Bildner, Frank Langenau, Fitzpatrick, Dirk Louis, Kevin E.


Kline, Daniel Kline, Brand Hunt, Das At-Zeichen funktioniert nicht und ihr wollt unbedingt eine Mail schreiben oder im Chat oder Forum deutlich machen, mit wem ihr sprecht? Wir verraten euch Das at-Zeichen — das es bereits gab, aber in der Schriftsprache nicht genutzt wurde — nahm Tomlinson, um den Adressaten vom Computer zu unterscheiden. Warum soll das nicht auch bei Physische Textauszeichnung 7m 53s. Logische Textauszeichnung 7m 40s.

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Synonyms and antonyms of At-Zeichen in the German dictionary of synonyms

Darstellung von Listen anpassen 8m 48s. Befehle und Umgebungen zur Textformatierung. Zitat-Umgebung 2m 19s. Theoreme definieren 4m 29s. Text in Schreibmaschinenschrift ausgeben 2m 22s. Textausrichtung logisch auszeichnen 5m 1s. Satzspiegel 10m 41s. Titel erstellen 6m 28s. Gleitobjekte definieren 6m 4s. Tabelle erstellen 9m 38s.

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Meaning of "At-Zeichen" in the German dictionary

Ist vielleicht als gestylter Sound zu verstehen. Comment Is your german better than the german english?? Jean Paul. Comment Manchmal verstehe ich Sprachpuristen nicht: Comment Mark: Comment "Philosophie" von gr. Insofern ist "Pollunder" warscheinlich ein besseres Beispiel, stimmt.

Comment Hein: Comment skye: Issauch egal. Ich finds jedenfalls lustig. I am aware of the Greek root, I was just pointing out that it wasn't invented by a German, but borrowed ready-made from another language. No, it's "filled" with loanwords from English that have different meanings in German than they do in English, which is a completely normal linguistic process. So I guess English is even poorer than German in coming up with its own new words. Arigato has only been used since the Portuguese arrived obrigado a few centuries ago. The Japanese word "arigatoo" old form: I think the idea that "arigatoo" was inspired by Portuguese "obrigado" is a myth.

First of all, the argument is a tenuous one at best. But since Peter initiated this, I feel more than compelled to point out his blunder of a comparison. Especially when one considers the environment and history in which the English language was influenced through the course of history.

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The Anglo-Saxon encounter with the Romans saw an influence of Latin, and then again through the introduction of Christianity. And then in , the Norman Conquest of English which lasted two hundred years! These events in history depict wars and a complete religious shift. The English language was influenced at a time in history when a very small and exclusive portion of the population was literate.

The occupation of West Germany from the Allies namely from the Anglo-American influenced the German language to a degree and the East from Russian , but the comparison should probably cease there. Comment Continued This Anglo-American influence is instrumented not from individuals per se, it is dictated from corporations. And of course the majority of consumers asked, were unable to translate these Slogans or Product names properly in German. One would in addition only need to take a gander at the businesses and stores in the pedestrian areas in German Cities.

How many stores have an Anglo-American moniker, which are German? This is not a case of innocent run of the mill word borrowing, which takes place in every culture. Examine the pop music sold in Germany. It is sung in English. Shamelessly, Germans even sing in English to reach a German audience. The bulk of the audience has no clue what the songs are about. That is perverse! Use English words; Word drop. But please use these words correctly.

I teach English to Germans and the predicament arises because most Germans believe they are using English words properly, when speaking German. Read this book for an accurate overview of the history of the English language: The Languages of the World by Kenneth Katzner. Comment "I. Historically, Enlish is an absolute derivative of the German Language and consists primarily of the results of the blatant misuse of German words in English. I get the impression that you're rather one-sided, sorry In addition, I feel that the word "Handy" is - for once - a cleverly coined word.

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I do agree that many such coined German words which are derived from English, like "gedownloadet", are more dumb than clever, however. Sprache ist ein Spiegel der gesellschaftlichen Bewegungen.

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Dort ist die Lingua France nun mal englisch. Das die deutsche Sprache aber "tot" oder versteinert ist, sehe ich gar nicht so.