
Mac strut eyebrow pencil dupe

Tom Ford Brow Sculptor

Are you using any other Benefit brow products at the moment? I really like their clear brow gel and their brow conditioner. Your makeup here! I always dlep and have a line up my forehead! Chris25 recently posted … Review: I love the colors they have at MAC, but the staying power really disappointed me.. How does this one wear throughout the day? I really hate it when my eyebrows disappear on me being really blond, this happens, believe me.

The Battle of the Eyebrow Pencils: Which brand wins?

I rather have Raoul ;. I am right there with you. I hate when I leave the house with perfect brows in the morning and get home with half my brow gone. How Embarassing! I also have some huge bare spots which just decided not to grow in one day so there is legit no hair there. I use the shade deep dark brunette. Do you get Sleek Makeup in the US? I use the Bobbi Brown brow shaper gel in Slate. So I just need something to color the hairs and hold them in place. I like the Bobbi Brown brow pencil for filling in when I have a sparse patch.

The essential part of a pencil is its tips.

Eyebrow Pencil Dupes! Featuring MAC, Clinique, and Sephora Brands | The Triple Helixian

MAC has the best tips out there, it is small and round. Making it easy to draw and fill in the brows. On the other hand, NYX tips is elipse and broad. I use the sides to draw the shapes, white the centre to fill in the brows. Not the best when it is used to thin and small eyebrows. NYX has a lighter colour than its name or packaging. As you can see below, the dark brown is actually appear more brown than dark. NYX has a hint of red in their pencil. This will work wonderfully on brown and red shades hair.

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  2. Eyebrow Pencil Dupes! Featuring MAC, Clinique, and Sephora Brands.
  3. Published by cheebeauty?

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