Come eseguire file exe con mac
Nella schermata successiva, scegli se vuoi utilizzare il riconoscimento vocale, facendo clic sulle voci Usa il riconoscimento vocale oppure Non usare il riconoscimento vocale e confermando la scelta tramite il pulsante Accetta. Arrivato a questo punto, premi sulla voce Base per indicare la tipologia dei dati da inviare a Microsoft per la diagnostica e conferma nuovamente con il pulsante Accetta.
Premi poi la voce No e di nuovo su Accetta nelle successive schermate per completare la configurazione. Se possiedi un computer con Windows e vuoi avere un altro ambiente di lavoro con il sistema operativo di Microsoft, puoi pensare di utilizzare una virtual machine per emularlo. Per eseguire questa operazione, puoi utilizzare diversi software di virtualizzazione, disponibili sia gratuitamente che a pagamento. Se sei interessato a scaricarlo, ti consiglio di raggiungere il link che ti ho fornito e, dopo aver raggiunto la pagina Web del sito ufficiale, fai clic sulla dicitura Windows hosts , in modo da avviare il download del relativo file.
Dopo aver avviato VirtualBox , fai clic sul pulsante Nuovo che trovi in alto a sinistra e, nella schermata che ti viene mostrata, utilizza gli appositi campi per selezionare il sistema operativo Windows che vuoi installare. Seleziona quindi Microsoft Windows nel menu a tendina in corrispondenza della dicitura Tipo e indica la sua versione nel menu a tendina Versione. Digita, dunque, un nome di tua fantasia, nel campo Nome , per riconoscere, nella schermata principale di VirtualBox , il sistema operativo che andrai a installare e clicca sul pulsante Successivo ,per accedere alla schermata di assegnazione della memoria RAM.
Per iniziare a installare Windows, seleziona la voce col nome da te assegnato e premi sul pulsante Avvia , in alto. Se vuoi installare Windows su macOS , puoi fare affidamento a una comoda funzione di questo sistema operativo, denominata Boot Camp: Support for these characters within Rterm depends on the environment the terminal window and shell, including locale and codepage settings within which it is run as well as the font used by the terminal window.
Those are usually on legacy DOS settings and need to altered. In most cases they actually are, but by Windows. If you have Windows running completely in say French or Chinese these settings are likely to be consistent. However, if you try to run Windows in one language and R in another, you may find the way Windows handles internationalization slightly odd. You can install binary packages either from a repository such as CRAN or from a local. There are menu items on the Packages menu to provide a point-and-click interface to package installation. The packages for each minor 3.
Note that the binary versions on CRAN are unsupported: For packages with code that needs compilation you will need to collect and install several tools: To check the package including running all the examples on its help pages and in its test suite, if any use R CMD check pkgname: Note that setting up Windows to install a source package that needs compilation is rather tricky; please do ensure that you have followed the instructions exactly. If you have a source package that is known to work on a Unix-alike system, you can try the automated Windows binary package builder documented at https: This will only be used if it exists so you may need to create it: If you use install.
This will also happen if update. There can be additional security issues under Windows Vista and later: See Does R run under Windows Vista? In particular, the detection that a standard user has suitable permissions appears to be unreliable under Vista, so we recommend that you do create a personal directory yourself.
Is the package installed for this version of R? Packages need to have prepared for R 2. Windows will normally give an informative message about a certain DLL not being found.
R for Windows FAQ
See https: This is part of the R installation, so it should be there. Note that you do need 8. There is no guarantee that a bit build will work: In the past several package authors have suggested using ActiveTcl https: This could be used by setting for a default install. They may still not work between packages installed in different libraries if the HTTP server has been disabled: You may not be able to update a package which is in use: So use update.
If you put library foo in your. Rprofile you will need to start R with --vanilla to be able to update package foo. It has been reported that some other software has interfered with the installation process by preventing the renaming of temporary files, Google Desktop being a known example. We presume you want to do this for some special purpose: But if you still want them, here is how to do it.
To install just a few packages with static HTML pages use. Change the following line in file MkRules. If the package is not yours, please remember to change the maintainer address so the results go to you and not the author s! However, if a CRAN package is not available in binary form, this usually means that there is a problem with some dependent package or external software often mentioned in the ReadMe file in the binary repository directory.
You can email R-windows r-project. In many cases installing packages from the sources is not at all difficult it is simple if the package contains no compiled code , so please attempt that for yourself before requesting help from the busy volunteers. You are simply impatient, and need to wait until the binary package has been built and propagated to the CRAN mirror you are using. This normally but not always happens within 24 hours.
Sometimes mirrors do get behind especially unofficial ones , so you could try another mirror. Mirror statistics are linked near the top of the CRAN mirror page at https: The latest version of the package might require a later version of R than the one you are using. Your R might be too old. Binary packages for the 3. You can always try installing from the sources. How old is it? The CRAN policy is to archive binary packages two years after the 2. Other repositories may do so sooner.
If you are using an R version that old we advise you to update your R, but you do also have the option of installing packages from their source. Packages without compiled code nor a configure.
Packages with compiled code but no configure. An empty configure. Also, there is a list of packages known to have an architecture-independent configure. Other packages can be installed with configure. Any package can be installed for first one architecture and then the other with option --merge-multiarch , but the package source must be a tarball and as before, running on a bit version of Windows with both versions of R installed. Obviously, only the bit installation can be tested.
There are file menus on the R console, pager and graphics windows. You can source and save from those menus, and copy the graphics to png , jpeg , bmp , postscript , PDF or metafile. There are right-click menus giving shortcuts to menu items, and optionally toolbars with buttons giving shortcuts to frequent operations. When plots have been recorded they can be reviewed by PgUp and PgDn , saved and replaced. Recording can be turned on automatically the Recording item on the list or individual plots can be added Add or the INS key.
The whole plot history can be saved to or retrieved from an R variable in the global environment. The format of recorded plots may change between R versions. Recorded plots should not be used as a permanent storage format for R plots. They contain comments which should suffice for you to edit them to your preferences. For more details see? There is a GUI preferences editor invoked from the Edit menu which can be used to edit the file Rconsole. The graphics system asks Windows for the number of pixels per inch in the X and Y directions, and uses that to size graphics which in R are in units of inches.
Sometimes the answer is a complete invention, and in any case Windows will not know exactly how the horizontal and vertical size have been set on a monitor which allows them to be adjusted. You can specify correct values either in the call to windows or as options: Typically these are of the order of On one of our systems, the screen height was reported as mm, and the width as mm in x mode and mm in x and x modes.
In fact it was a 21" monitor and mm x mm! This is less common with LCD screens but not unknown, particularly if they are not running at their native resolution. With its default argument it brings the active graphics window to the top and gives it focus. This works for Rgui. Hitting TAB a second time then shows a list of possible completions or the first few if there are many: There are two modes: After a function name and parenthesis e. This feature can be turned off: Further, the behaviour can be fine-tuned: This feature is very similar to the completion available in the readline -based command line interface on Unix-alikes: The workspace is saved in the working directory.
From the command line you can change the working directory by the function setwd: All ports of R use the same format for saved workspaces, so they are interchangeable for the same 3. Note though that character data in a workspace will be in a particular encoding that is not recorded in the workspace, so workspaces containing non- ASCII character data may not be interchangeable even on the same OS.
Since R marks character data when it knows it to be in UTF-8 or Latin-1 including its Windows superset, CP , strings in those encodings are likely to be transferred correctly: It is possible to save references to package namespaces when saving the workspace: This is deliberate: This allows you to do useful things like a fancy test runner with ANSI colors output. I've contributed a PR to that package, and I use it all the time, but there are others. Both Sublime's build system and SublimeREPL the answers above are limited in that you can't easily interact with the workspace variables after you run your file.
Using AutoHotKey Windows or AutoKey Linux , you can set this up such that a single shortcut will copy the filename or just the selected code and then paste this in the console to run the file.
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Detailed instructions for Linux or Windows. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.
Una guida all’installazione di R su Windows, Linux e Mac OS X
Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2? Ask Question. To Run: To Stop: Go to: Make sure python is in your PATH Pay attention to the double slash in the path, Sublime won't recognize it otherwise! Single forward slash also works in place of double backslash on Windows: Heinrich Cloete 4 9. Qwerty Qwerty 9, 7 53 Sorry but can you explain what is the meaning of option "-u"?
I cannot find the list option of command line params to pass together with python. JimRaynor it's unbuffered streams stackoverflow. MattDMo Could you elaborate on how to ship data from a script window to SublimeREPL, cause it does work for python, while R does work If using python 3. Daniel Romero Daniel Romero 1, 1 16 Create a new build system: